1. 'It is very important that people understand what is happening here.The intention is to introduce vaccine passports everywhere.But this is a disguise. It’s a world’s first digital common-format,globally-interoperable ID system with an editable health flag (vaccinated Y or N).'
2. 'It makes no one safer. If you’re vaccinated, you’re protected & are not made safer by knowing others immune status.
As in Israel, you will be compelled to present a valid VaxPass in order to access defined facilities or access services. No VaxPass, you’re denied.'
3. 'This system only needs 50%+ of the adult population to start up because of its huge, coercive power on the unvaccinated.
It’s illegal, medical apartheid.
If they succeed, it won’t help you to refuse. They’ll move on, leaving that minority behind.'
4. 'A VaxPass System like this will give to those controlling the database & it’s algorithms TOTALITARIAN TYRANNY over us all.
The ONLY way to stop this biosecurity nightmare is to NOT GET VACCINATED FOR NON-MEDICAL REASONS!!!'
5. 'I fear that, if our adversaries gain this absolute control, they will use it to harm the population. There’s no limit to the evil which will flow from this strategic goal.
DO NOT ALLOW THIS SYSTEM TO START UP, because it’s unstoppable afterwards.'
6. 'One example: your VaxPass pings, instructing you to attend for your 3rd or 4th or 5th booster or variant vaccine. If you don’t, your VaxPass will expire & you’ll become an out-person, unable to access your own life.'
7. 'How much choice do you have?
It’s none. You are controlled. Forever.
PLEASE share this widely, on every platform you use.
Thank you,
Dr Mike Yeadon'
1 Quoting Eric Coppolino, 'But Kennedy answered a different question than the one I asked. I did not present him with an argument, or ask him whether he thought viruses were real. He admits that he uses a kind of mob rule to make up his mind over critical scientific issues ..' ..
2. ..'when he says, “And other people on the list server, and these are all very brilliant people, ridicule them and dismiss them, and have them produce a lot of evidence.”
3. 'Reading Kennedy’s response, Christine Massey said, “RFK Jr. now relies on popular opinion and ridicule to evaluate science? When did he declare incompetence with simple logic?' ...
1) Quote, "The model for the new virology was and is from the bacteriologist John Franklin Enders - the discovery of tiny structures called phages that are only visible using the electron microscope, .." ..
2) "into which highly inbred, i.e. incestuous, bacteria transform when their metabolism breaks down. This transformation is not an act of destruction but a metamorphosis,similar to when bacteria gradually lose their conditions for living & form their permanent forms, the spores."
3) "These are also tiny, much smaller than bacteria. Spores can change back into bacteria when the living conditions are optimised again. Phages, on the other hand, offer their nucleic acid to other organisms, which they thus help to live and do not kill or harm."
Quote, "This Russian proverb, which appears at the beginning of Dr. Harold Hillman’s last ever book, sums up the current state of our scientific establishment. Whether medicine, physics, or archaeology, all facets of scientific research rest on certain dogmas."
"In essence, what this proverb is saying, is that it’s easier to carry on perpetuating falsities than it is to admit you were wrong, drop everything and start again from scratch."
"This is exactly what has happened with modern medicine. They can’t climb off the tiger because there is too much at stake. Too much money and too many reputations."
Aired on Uk's tv Channel 4 a few days ago, someone saved it on youtube, 'Edward VIII: Britain's Traitor King'
1. “As Channel 4’s documentary on the Nazi King should remind us, there are certain royal closets which can no longer contain the voluminous skeletons that certain powerful forces have wished be stuffed forever out of sight.”
2. “Western civilization’s failure to reject Orwellian newspeak and other inversions of truth has resulted in an existential tension which will be resolved one way or the other.”
1/4 "It might be supposed that after enjoying these articles in the heat of composition, Mark would awake to reason, and with it to disgust, when reading through the finished product. Unfortunately the process had been almost the reverse."
2/4 "He had become more and more reconciled to the job the longer he worked at it.
The complete reconciliation came when he fair-copied both articles."
3/4 "When a man has crossed the T’s and dotted the I’s, and likes the look of his work, he does not wish it to be committed to the wastepaper basket. The more often he re-read the articles the better he liked them. And, anyway, the thing was a kind of joke."
1. Quoting from 'That Hideous Strength' by C S Lewis (1945): "Mark gathered that for the Fairy, the police side of the Institute [National Institute of Co-ordinated Experiments] was the really important side."
2. "It existed to relieve the ordinary executive of what might be called all sanitary cases — a category which ranged from vaccination to charges of unnatural vice — from which, as she pointed out, it was only a step to bringing in all cases of blackmail."
3. "As regards crime in general, they had already popularised in the press the idea that the Institute should be allowed to experiment pretty largely in the hope of discovering how far humane, remedial treatment could be substituted .." ..