During the Garden Court webinar on prosecuting Rap on January 20th 2021 we asked our audience three questions. The responses were shocking:
1. 43% of respondents stated that a client had been prosecuted where some of the evidence used included Rap / Drill lyrics.
2. Only 16% of respondents had instructed a defence expert in a case that had involved Rap / Drill lyrics.
3. The age of the youngest defendant to have been prosecuted where some of the evidence included Rap / Drill lyrics that a client had written was:
15-17 years: 57%
18-21 years: 29%
Over 21 years: 14%
These statistics confirm anecdotal evidence that the State is using Rap & Drill lyrics to prosecute children in circumstances where the vast majority of defence teams have not instructed a defence expert on Rap or Drill.
Join us this Wednesday, 12 May at 5pm GMT/12pm EST/9am PST to discuss RAP & DRILL Music and how to combat the State’s use of lyrics & racist stereotyping in prosecuting serious crime....
School exclusions data - Our @Metienne12 comments: “There is nothing in these figures that will surprise anyone with even a passing familiarity with the culture and practice of school discipline...” bit.ly/31fMMoU
“...which, in more & more schools seeks to mimic the prison & criminal justice systems in which Black and other minoritised groups are over-represented.
This is an issue of life & death - the cases of Jaden Moodie and Tashaun Aird provide just two of many illustrations of that.”
“Disproportionate rates of exclusion of Black, Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and/or SEND pupils is so well-established that statutory guidance requires school leaders to take specific account of it in order to reduce them.”
Our newly formed Youth Justice & Child Rights Team are proud to be supporting the #YJLCSummit2021.
Our Hossein Zahir QC & @JoanneCecil will be speaking.
Don't miss out! There's still time to register here: bit.ly/3bAPJGK
Our @JoanneCecil is speaking now on how to challenge discrimination in the criminal courts: "The first aspect is understanding the background from where the child is coming from, that takes a lot of time and resources."
"We often come into contact with children in our professional roles with very limited information about their backgrounds, that has to be the starting point." - Our @JoanneCecil
Join the legal team from VCL v UK in conversation with the Anti-Slavery Commissioner for an important & timely discussion on the prosecution of trafficking victims.
Our panel will look at the impact of the VCL v UK judgment on criminal appeals and practical guidance for practitioners representing victims of modern slavery in the criminal courts. This is a vital event for those working with victims of trafficking and modern slavery.
Our major six part event series launches tonight on '#Drill music, gangs and prosecutions – challenging racist stereotypes in the criminal justice system'. Brought to you by the Garden Court Criminal Defence Team and many other leading experts in the area. bit.ly/2QpcvWn
Live now - Part 1 - we bring together a panel to provide expert & grassroots testimony to foster a better understanding of #DrillMusic, its context & origins.
@mrmontgomery_ author of acclaimed Drill documentary, 'Terms & Conditions'
Dr Eithne Quinn (@EMaryQ) defence expert in legal cases where the prosecution seeks to rely on defendants’ music.
Dr Abenaa Owusu-Bempah (@AbenaaOB), expert on the admissibility and use of rap music as evidence in criminal trials.