The woeful performance of the opposition in the 2021 election, and the Scottish Tories in particular, can be condensed into a single theme: They always fight the SNP on the SNP’s terms... 1/10
They call you a branch office: So you don’t deploy UK resources. You don't mention UK successes. In fact, you criticise the UK party. They win. 2/10
They call Boris bad. They make you ashamed of him. You don’t deploy him. Your base is demoralised. You don’t get on the TV. You don't lead the media. They win. 3/10
They want a referendum, so you only talk about that, instead of 14 years of failure and 200 scandals. They win. 4/10
They’ll criticise you if you make a tactical voting pact. So you don’t make a pact. They win. 5/10
They criticise you if you ‘talk down Scotland’. So you talk about Four Nations and The Union. They win. 6/10
They call it ‘independence’. You know it's actually ‘separation’ and ‘breaking up the UK’, yet you still call it ‘independence’. They win. 7/10
The pattern is clear. The opposition is so scared of SNP criticism, they keep doing the things the SNP want them to do, in the language the SNP want them to use. That’s not leadership, it’s capitulation. 8/10
Nothing will change until the Scottish Tory Party changes the narrative; until they realise that it has the moral, political, legal, cultural and media power to dictate terms to a minority of separatists, not the other way around. Wake up and start winning. 9/10
Alex Salmond's Alba party highlights that the only way to win in May is to vote for different parties on the constituencies and on the lists. Salmond's plan would result in a huge Separatist majority. So what can we do about it...?
On our side, if ordinary people are prepared to vote tactically to get rid of the SNP, why aren't the parties that are supposed to represent them not doing it? @DouglasRoss@AnasSarwar@WillieRennie need to STAND DOWN candidates that cannot win.
A ONE-TIME tactical voting alliance is a win-win for the major parties, and could result in up to 30 seats being taken from the SNP. Yet, the parties have given up. They are content to be the opposition. And, despite their claims, everyone knows they can't win on their own.
How Scottish journalists appease Nationalists: Exhibit A: @alexmassie
1. 'As always' = Let's start by condescending to our readers. Massie knows best. Submit to his wisdom. 2. Uses 'independence' when it's actually 'separation' and 'breaking up the UK'. Stop using Nationalist framing!
3. 'the respectable idea of independence'. Wut? Breaking up the UK is not a 'respectable' idea. It's a DESTRUCTIVE policy pushed by incompetent bigots, who have nothing better to offer than division and hate. Journalists should be ASHAMED to support it.