Many conservative churches follow the lead of society by 10 years or so. It's a subtle form of worldly conformity.
They already have gay pastors and gay conferences, just like the mainline churches of 10-20 years ago.
As society ratchets up the gay pressure, more churches will try to assuage the powers-that-be.
Again, conservative churches are already allowing the celibate gay lobby to talk about transgender...
...such as Sam Allberry. In 2019, he gave a (somewhat helpful) lecture on transgender. But dropped this bombshell:
He also made other points that pave the way for transgendered pastors.
"None of us, not a single one of us, is qualified to determine our own [sexual] identity. And whatever identity we come up for ourselves will not be a good fit."
Christianity Today published an essay the grooms the church for tranny pastors.
Of course, it was written by the founder of Revoice.
Spurious reasoning cannot compare to the power of stories to change churches.
"..evangelicals, led by a few brave congregations, are bound to change their views on gay and transgender people sooner rather than later...the power of narrative, of story..."
Editor of The Gospel Coalition and endorsed by many big-named conservative and Reformed people, Allberry thinks using someone's false pronouns is a way to win their hearts.
"Aurora’s police chief joined peaceful protests. Rioters wreaked havoc in the downtown hours later."
Chicago Times, June 1, 2020
Some context
"In Aurora, the day began with [police superintendent] Ziman inviting protesters to the Police Department to discuss Floyd’s death...[she] has repeatedly spoken out against the officers involved in the case..."
The U.S. birthrate fell again in 2018, to 3,788,235 births — ...It's the lowest number of births in 32 years, according to a new federal report. The numbers also sank the U.S. fertility rate to a record low.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the founder & president of Revoice—the annual coming-out celibate gay event.
This early 21st Century Ph.D. celibate gay man tries to upend 2000 years of collective church wisdom.
He first starts with made-up words.
Initially ppl were confused. Then he offered a partial answer.
Which answer spawned more questions.
These important questions unearth an important fact: that the celibate gay movement has many speakers who want to level the moral ground between hetero and homo.