My lemon 2019
Mac is in the shop & I am using a loaner iPad, my least favorite of all devices.
I just spent 20 minutes digging around for the right combo of USBs, USB-cs, “lightning” thingamabob, and good old 2-pronged plug to get things into the wall.
Mediating among cables and cords and apps that represent competition among tech companies AND planned obsolescence is a huge waste of anyone’s executive brain.
I’ve also been trying to connect accounts from 2 different banks that viciously compete with each other.
Not only are the interfaces incompatible, but both banks have had security breaches & my pws are jacked. I had to change them b4 I could introduce one account to another.
And in working on the iPad I’ve had to download writing app Google Docs because it’s what I usually use. But my editor uses Word so I emailed her the article in the body of the email. When she sent it back in Word I had to download it in Pages, which I’ve never used.
ALL of these elements of software and hardware are in conflict with one another because of the cute dances of death among big corporations, esp tech companies.
Basically w/this illogical & inhumane bs animating companies, the cognitive burden of harmonizing everything falls to normal people as we navigate everything fr/self-checkout (Apple Pay? SNAP? Insert where?) to the lunatic interfaces of cars (Spotify & TikTok on the dashboard?).
In conclusion, there’s a surprise in the market that has crept up on our brains: a huge amount of executive, cognitive and even regularity work in corporate space now falls to our individual brains.
And instead of saying corporations are fucked up & we need greater regulation now, we say—or I do—*I* am fucked up because I can’t keep USB-c and Pages and HSBC and Apple nubs and Google docs and all the password hacks straight.
* regulatory
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To Facebook, democratically elected public servants have authority only insofar as they are “influencers” in its rigged rapacious game.…
At this point the authority of the Grand Theft Auto leaderboard seems more legitimate.
GTA is less hackable & not primarily a data-gouging enterprise.
One the most striking things about @davidmweissman’s story is how much his political transformation improved his mental & physical health, relationships & prospects in life.
It’s American pragmatism at its best: Worldviews take hold when they come with practical rewards.
In pragmatic terms, a sign of a short shelflife for current far-right views is that they’re highly inelegant (see: the gibberish of QAnon), risky & lawless (see: the Big Lie), and potentially deadly (see: anti-mask/vax).
Even if they’re initially exciting, they’re unsustainable
And, of course, it’s an enormous cognitive strain to believe and circulate lies.
Watched Inherit the Wind (1960) last night which led me to try to understand the real Scopes trial (1925) again. Amazing how clearly it set the terms for the modern-day culture wars.
A Tennessee state rep named John Washington Butler created the Butler Act b/c he heard kids were coming home from school saying they didn’t believe in God. He figured they must be being taught atheism somehow—or that their parents were rubes, or that God was dead, or something.
But they weren’t. All of the teachers, more or less, were practicing Christians. Like Darwin, the teachers probably would have said they “believed in God” but really didn’t teach about theism OR atheism in school. Sundays for religion. Weekdays for civics.
This country will flourish only when we all collectively withdraw from the culture-war bloodsports.
It’s absurd listening to recordings of Jerry Falwell Sr from the 60s ranting and raving like a lunatic about pornography, drugs, leftists, Blacks, gays, feminists, intellectuals, communists, universities, secularists, Satan.
But he sounds like Bill Barr. Jordan Peterson. QAnon.
Sounds like Fox News every single minute since it launched 24 years ago.