🧵Many talk about psych pathologisation but I don’t see much talk about individualisation.
Madness is individualised thru pathologising psych labels, or trauma practices that focus only on bodies & nervous systems, or even thru some ways folks talk about neurodivergence.
To me, any time we locate mad experiences primarily in the:
nervous system
or even in individual humans
—we risk obscuring the collective, political nature of our mad experience.
This is a re-post from Insta, inviting critical thinking about the ways psych labels function to pathologise, individualise, and maintain oppression.
Despite the massive rhetoric, psych labels are not objective truth.
🧵 I dream of a public repository of suicide notes.
As someone who lives with suicide, I’m angry about media guidelines on suicide, produced by the psy industry, that discourage reporting the truth of our deaths & even our own words.
It silences our voices and furthers the injustices that killed us.
And I’m angry about how, after we die, the voices of clinicians & families are given more weight in media & coroner’s courts than what we wrote ourselves.
It’s hard to feel two kinds of different pain at once.
So sometimes, if my emotional pain feels unbearable, I create physical pain—like a kind of alchemy. It still hurts but it’s often more bearable.
This kind of SI can help keep me alive.
Shame & punishment
The worst ongoing impact of child abuse for me is shame. It’s insidious. Sometimes my SI is a response to that, a way of trying to feel like a good person.
This is often hidden, very private SI. Sometimes it makes shame worse, sometimes it helps.
Since releasing the Seclusion Report I can’t count how many times I’ve heard of #MentalHealth nurses saying ‘it’s not possible to eliminate seclusion & restraint because of occupational violence’.
I call bullshit on that excuse, and here’s why… 🧵
The cause of seclusion is not because we’re aggressive towards you.
The cause is *your* violent practice—and the larger violent system you work in.
Yep sometimes we’re aggressive towards you. That’s because
So maybe stop that.
What do I mean by threat? You lock us up, force treatments, impose punitive infantilising rules, ignore & judge us, breach our rights. It’s normal to fight back against that.