TEACHING SLAVERY: This kind of practice needs to stop. But how do we get to a place where teachers can change their practice? That comes through a deeper knwlg of the history / legacies & connecting that understanding 2 appropriate pedagogical methods in the classroom. THREAD...
A good place 2 start is by reading some of the research in2 teaching traumatic histories. Kay Traille's research in2 the experiences of black students is eye opening 4 educators in terms of the impact of poor pedagogy when engaging with hist of slavery history.org.uk/secondary/reso…
The @histassoc published a report in 2007 (the year of the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade) on how teachers can be supported to engage with traumatic histories. It is an older piece but there is much in there that still stands history.org.uk/secondary/reso…
More recently Claire Alexander & @debs_wb published a very useful piece in 2017 expanding the conversation out from slavery 2 look more widely at diversity in the curric: 'History lessons: inequality, diversity and the national curriculum' tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…
A model 2 consider 4 transforming teaching slavery is Holocaust education. @UCL_Holocaust have done pioneering work offering ITT, CPD, knwlg enrichment, crit pedagogy & resources. This is the kind of sustained funded intervention is necessary 2make change holocausteducation.org.uk
We worked with amazing teachers who produced innovative new enquiries / scheme of work following a three month intensive residential/online training course which introduced them 2 latest scholarship on slavery PLUS appropriate pedagogical strategies dev by @Justice2History
Some examples of their practice: @Teach_A_B created an enquiry looking at change and cont in Britain's relationship with Jamaica bwtn 1760-1865. This allow students 2 consider resistance, post-emancipation & meaning of 'freedom' history.org.uk/publications/r…
@PamCanning created local history resources on Reading's hist of slavery & its legacies. Local hist a useful tool for connecting students to the slaving past - it closes the gap btwn then & now / there & here.
Teachers wanted 2expand their knwg & teaching of pre-colonial Africa - key 2making sure students don't only encounter black history thru slavery. They were inspired by Toby Green's work & produced new resources on West Africa's complex cultures & societies africankingdoms.co.uk
Site visits offer opportunities 4 students to engage with slavery's legacies in the built environment. Nikki Spalding has done in depth research on using museum visits as a pedagogical tool: dspace.ncl.ac.uk/jspui/bitstrea…
Slavery & country house has received much media attention. These spaces allow students 2 explore relationship bwtn colonial exploitation/metropolitan enrichment. Great 4 local hist & object based learning. @ColonialCountr1 dev teaching resources 4 primary tes.com/resources/sear…
Slavery an incredibly imp topic 2 get right in the classroom BUT it should not the only time students encounter black history as @JJtodd1966 makes clear - a wholesale reappraisal of the hist curric & systems of knwlg is necessary 2 do justice 2 the past history.org.uk/publications/r…
Change is possible & there are people doing great work. Seeing examples of bad practice has 2 b a motivation 4 change. I want 2 amplify those who see the problem & are doing smthg about it - that's how we support teachers 2 transform practice & with it edu experiences of students
Finally I’d add - the presence of slavery teaching in schools isn’t guaranteed. Teachers r scared of getting it wrong esp in light of gov’s statements on crit race theory. Piling on tells inexperienced teachers not 2 engage when they should be getting support 2 do it well
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Following another reductive misrepresentation of work by @corinne_fowler@ColonialCountr1 a thread on botany & slavery. Pic: yellow leaved Hibbertia, native 2 Australia. Named 4 George Hibbert - slave-owner/amateur botanist. His collecting utlised his imperial commercial networks
He sent his gardeners out 2 empire 2 collect plant specimens. As Kenneth Cozens documented: Francis Masson traveled 2 the Cape of Good Hope aboard the HMS Resolution, on Captain James Cook’s Second Voyage of discovery to collect plants on behalf of Hibbert academia.edu/12319084/Georg…
Hibbert used his botanical knowledge to gain membership to @royalsociety where he was involved with imperial / commercial / botanical projects including a proposal 2 introduce the silk worm 2 Jamaica. Science & botany were part of the imperial project catalogues.royalsociety.org/CalmView/Recor…