2. "You are getting more carbon emissions from cars that are standing still" - What is the reference for this, please?
3. "People having to take two, three miles diversion to go across the other side of the street is absolutely absurd." - I assume you are referring to people driving.
Would you suggest they consider walking across the street?
4. "... and again the poorest people suffer the most. If you have two or three children ... you're going to have problems." I did not follow the link you make here. Are you suggesting that "the poorest" have more children?
5. You suggest (at ~14:47) that people who have two or three children to pick up (presumably from school) "from one side of Kings Heath to the other side" will have problems". What is your view on the importance of children being able to walk to school?
6. You suggest that these schemes (Low Traffic Neighbourhoods) "give you more emissions and more nitrates in our areas". - What are the references for these assertions please?
7. You say that Council officials have "pipe-dreams" and refer to Low Traffic Neighbourhoods as "a completely bonkers idea" (you retweeted the quoted tweet).
What is you view of the many #BhamLTNs which have existed for years: should they come out?
8. You say of people traveling with children "it might be a mile, especially in winter ... You try and do that with two or possibly three children."
Are you suggesting we should work on the basis that anyone with children will drive journeys of a mile or less?
9. You say "with LTNS [you've got] huge parking issues where people are parking in front of other people's houses to try and get across the street ...". Are you saying people should only park outside their own houses?
10. You say "Birmingham pollution isn't as high as we've been told." So: (i) Are you suggesting that public officials have lied, and (ii) What is your reference for this?
Finally, you say: "We all want better, cleaner air for our children, and for ourselves and those with health issues."
That is an aim I share.
And, sadly, the impact of air pollution is unequal.
I will watch with interest to see what exactly you *do* to deliver cleaner air.