Doctor-Baron 17cShyteposter, DDS Profile picture
May 23, 2021 88 tweets 26 min read Read on X
In just fifteen pages of "Suicide of the West," Burnham's already proven a major thesis: that the West has lost the will to survive

Published 1964, so written before the Civil Rights Act. Always crazy to read people forecasting these processes so (relatively) early in the game Image
Really looking forward to the extrapolation of the passage that follows: that liberalism is the rationalization of this process of suicide

Probably best captured by "the conservative case for X," e.g. "the conservative case for chopping your son's nuts off" Image
lol. Basically, for liberalism, "the science is settled" on everything, and if you resist "the science" of the consensus, you are, as it turns out, the only group liberalism is justified in wielding force against

Feel familiar? Image
Modern progressivism managed to integrate these two views, but by asserting that Original Sin only applies to "racism," "whiteness," white *people*

Since progressivism requires the elimination of Original Sin to continue unimpeded, its core logic makes its intentions very clear Image
"Professor Sidney Hook has squeezed the entire definition of liberalism into a single unintentionally ironic phrase: 'faith in intelligence.'"

Rationalists BTFO'd
Since society is perfectible through reason, and we're still so far away from being perfect, then everything from the past, that got us to this point, needs to be burned down and replaced with the new. Image
Progressive obsession with education stems from the fact that the only thing holding us back from our Promised Land is ignorance, which can—and must—be cured in every single individual Image
...oddly, though, while progressivism believes that everyone is just the product of their circumstances, and thus blameless for their misdeeds, it is only forgiving to *certain classes* of these victims of circumstance, while being actively hostile to others

(Also lol) Image
The next part is pretty interesting, because it's an analysis of the reasons why liberalism is possessed by the notion of free speech, open dialogue, discourse, etc.

But that's... obviously no longer the case today. Why?
It's not hard to argue that progressivism got all it wanted out of liberalism, many components of liberalism would only be holding it back at this point, and so it is actively discarding them, leaving it free to continue the consolidation of its power process.
Check this out. The same urge that leads modern liberalism to remove power from local sources and centralize it under the federal government... Image
...leads it to also desire to remove power from *national* sources, and centralize it under *global* rule and authority.

(Comically, the professor's argument—that liberalism can only exist under worldwide liberalism—is the exact same argument the Soviets made for communism!) ImageImage
Oh my god. If you're noticing a certain Borg-like "assimilate or die" mindset to Reason-driven liberalism, here's a contemporary of Burnham's summing it up the best I've ever seen: Image
This is one of my favorite parts so far. Liberals look at a thing like Skid Row, and since society has clearly wronged the poor souls that live there, they designate it a "problem," for which there must be a "solution"
But since liberal solutions are ideological, and almost always contrary to nature, the attempt doesn't solve the "problem," but only displaces it—and makes life worse for both the former residents of Skid Row, and all the other residents of the city ImageImage
The illiberal argument Burnham is making here is that some portion of people will always be, to be blunt, noncontributing low-lives

If this is a "problem," it's an intractable one, that can't be educated or engineered away. It can only be mediated
The best mediation was already invented: Skid Row. A localized place where these types could be sequestered from polite society

And *also* provided an environment with standards suited to them, allowing them a better quality of life than the homeless camps that replaced Skid Row
And if you've read working-class literature from before the abolition of Skid Row (like Fante, Bukowski, Steinbeck), you can see this isn't just some abstract argument

Skid Row was grim: but I'd much rather live in Skid Row, than the tents
Burnham, summarizing all of the assumptions baked into liberal ideology, and its resulting social solutions:

"When the fact is tragic, his ideology offers him refuge from fact."
Burnham moves on to journalists. Five people die in a Peruvian strike. No other information is known, but syndicated reporter Ralph McGill "fulfilled his liberal duty to enlighten us" as to the truth: "feudal conditions obtain in Chiclayo"

Burnham, skeptical, digs up the facts: ImageImage
There's a couple pages in between that makes the case even more strongly—Burnham speaks to people who've lived in Peru, insist Chiclayo has relatively strong working conditions for S. America

Report same rumors of communist agitation that are later presented by Martin
Identifying that a story sounds like BS, discovering that the reporter actually knows nothing and is shoehorning the flimsiest facts into his progressive morality play that he reports as national news, then tracking down the real truth:

Burnham is an OG frogposter
Here he sums the thinking up really well, but again, note the big shift between the 1960s and the 2020s: "academic freedom" and "free speech" are now hateful right-wing values

Indicating that progressivism has advanced to a new phase of its conquest Image
Two main things here: again, that education is the means through which we at last liberate ourselves from all human ills, and reach the Promised Land

The kicker: the correct education can only be provided by the institute of government—church and family are its natural enemies Image
The (old) church is obviously the enemy of progressivism, but it's important to absorb how the exact same logic applies to the family

Given the number of children turning their parents in to the feds these days, I'd say its subversion of family is well under way
So hey, liberalism got the thing that's at the very core of its ideology, everything must be perfect now

Huh, turns out mass education doesn't lead to truth, but most often to propaganda + indoctrination, as wielded by illiberal forces? Whoops lol. Hope that doesn't happen here! Image
Any attempt to end all "discrimination" will only result in creating new forms of it

This results in new forms of discrimination the elites who hold this ideology approve of: against men, white people, etc. Since elites control government, government will enforce this as well Image
This part is just like pure hate speech against the Blue Check Class that is the platonic embodiment of this psychological profile

Basically, the NPC commissars Image
The irony here, right, is that liberalism is supposed to be the individual process of consciously reasoning through reality to reach Truth. But in practice it's just another faith, handed down like any other; people just grow up with it.

They don't *like* understanding it. Image
Guys like this always say a lot of prophetic things, but at the halfway point of the book, this one is the most eerily prophetic of them all

He defines the four major values of liberalism, then argues that the *order* in which they are valued is crucial. The Founding Fathers ordered their values thus:


Post-WW2 liberalism orders its values much differently:

Liberty Image
With the modern Global American Empire's purpose shifting to enforcing LGBT rights at dronepoint, the liberal regime in Current Year now orders these values thus:


So a free citizen of the nation no longer shares any values with the ruling order.
You can't naively maximize all these values at once. When you elevate one in the hierarchy of values, you demote another. It's a system of tradeoffs, without escape.

The elevation of social Justice can only come at the sacrifice of individual Freedom. Image
...oh. Which he states, explicitly, a few pages later

"I am only offering evidence for the conclusion that in the case of most liberals today, individual Freedom has a lower priority than social Justice."

Pretty amazing to predict your enemy's exact language 50 years in advance
The extension of this logic is that the more competing identities you try to include in your rubric of Justice (racial, religious, sexual orientation, etc), the more Freedom you must sacrifice—especially of the majority, whatever that is, but also of all minority groups...
...except, of course, for the very most favored minority identities. Those are the ones your identity, and its freedoms, will be offered up on the altar to: the exact people *most foreign* to your own natural interests and desires

Apropos of nothing, Happy George Floyd Day
In the interest of fairness, next comes a fairly lengthy criticism of elevating the value of Peace above national Liberty—with a few hints that a nation/civilization is fully justified in engaging in armed conflict to pursue its interests
This, I have to guess, is why Burnham is sometimes described as the "first neoconservative," and I'll say it's the first time I've really raised my guard against his reasoning

But he doesn't make his case directly enough for me to really dig into it. Still worth noting
Anyway, back to owning the libs! Next, he identifies guilt as a core piece of human nature, and describes Christianity as a complete system to allow humans to reckon with it

Having discarded Christianity, liberalism then finds new ways for people to relieve their guilt Image
So we have both "wokeness as religion" and another process that's a close cousin to virtue signaling: minor symbolic acts which cost the believer nothing to participate in, while still allowing them to fully gain the spiritual benefits of participating in the religion
I was going to highlight the key sections here, but I would have to highlight the whole damn thing

Because it is a perfect and complete description of the BLM riots during the Summer of Floyd. Again, right down to the very language used by 2020's activists and believers Image
The well-off feel guilt, don't know why, engage in progressive politics to relieve it. Identifying both the AWFL and the communist trust funder/child of military contractors

These types aren't new. They've been with us all along. Image
Oh, and note that in Burnham's day, college enrollment was roughly just 25% of what it is today. Now think about the explosion of journalists, pundits, blue checks, AWFLs, leftist podcasters, etc etc. Really makes you think 🤔
So liberalism's urge to intervene isn't actually rational, it's driven by an inborn component of human nature that religion is no longer around to neutralize

So it *has* to act. To "solve" and "uplift." Maybe the main contrast to the conservative urge to "let well enough alone" ImageImage
How on earth does George Floyd, violent criminal, become a national saint?

Because his very lowness proves that he is actually *more moral* than us—because his conditions were *inflicted* on him by us

He was a martyr even before he died. His death by the police is just the QED Image
Through this, we also have the answer to why the media, the embodiment of progressivism second only to academia, literally doesn't care about murders in Chicago or Baltimore, but goes into a frenzy over every fake noose hoax
It feels it has no moral standing to judge—since it, or more accurately society, is to blame for these murders

It then defines "society" as its political enemies who refuse to advance the reforms the prog knows would stop all Chicago murders

You know, like disbanding the police Image
Now that he's spent 200+ pages describing and dissecting the progressive ideology, he can really let loose

The question now is whether there's anyone left in the 21st century right capable of drawing the line Image
"Within the universe of liberalism there is no point at which the spirit can come to rest; nowhere and no moment for the soul to be able to say: in His Will is our peace."

Embodied, of course, by the progressive's latest mantra: "I'm so tired."
By the way, I've skipped over countless examples of liberal hypocrisy when it comes to far leftists, be it the ultra-woke or literal communists, since "Dems say X here, but then say Y *here*!" is so played out at this point, but this is probably his best summary so far Image
This hypocrisy stems from the fact liberalism understands it's of the left: so while it loves "punching right," it hesitates to ever meaningfully resist its own extremists and subverters

Liberalism, then, inevitably surrenders all of its values to left-wing illiberalism Image
This framework in place, we see what most "liberation movements" mean in practice: the redistribution of wealth from those who built it, to those who didn't

Cloaked in and justified by the logic of liberalism Image
Liberalism itself might not agree with hard and "equitable" redistribution—it merely believes in giving everyone the same *opportunity* to pursue freedom, wealth, etc, and will happily subsidize that process, after all it promises equality— Image
We might not really mean the rhetoric—but it's still what we're *saying*, what we're promising. Why wouldn't they take us at our own word?

From liberalism, we have now derived wokeness: anything less than full Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity is the sickest of hypocrisy ImageImage
The result of morally disarming yourself against the basic logic of equality when core liberal principle promises that very equality is inevitable: the full dismantling of liberalism.

(This quote isn't taken from here—Burnham drops it himself.) Image
At the 75% marker, Burnham has pretty much proven the thesis of the work, the thing I was curious how he'd accomplish way, way back in the second tweet of this thread. We're now entering victory lap/QED/"Stop, stop, he's already dead!" territory

So, hopefully the most fun part
He then goes on to identify liberals by status and class: teachers, columnists, preachers, entertainers, bureaucratic tools, every one of them haranguers and scolds, or the bloodless tissue of the managerial body. This is who they are

Victory Lap status: achieved Image
"Point of personal privilege, we're leftists, not liberals!"

No, workers actually hate you, except what you can provide for them economically, and you have become increasingly captured by liberalism, liberal *values*, not what workers actually want

DSA status: eternally owned Image
Burnham, at last, gives liberalism credit for something: reforming the foolish and often brutal criminal punishments left over from the Renaissance

However, even when liberalism correctly identifies a problem, its delusions render it incapable of *solving* the problem ImageImage
Liberals, on some hidden level, get that their "solutions" don't work, that they don't belong in power

This is why, when they attain it, they have to pretend they're still fighting against the "system," which is somehow still holding them back even when they're in charge of it! Image
This is why progressives are, right this moment, play-acting like they're boldly standing against the Establishment when they control—when they *are*—every part of it:

Because that means their utopia should be here. Yet it's still not showing up. Someone *else* must be to blame
Liberalism's inability to confront reality, and thus to provide solutions, is becoming an increasingly big deal Image
This is describing Latin American revolutions, but it can easily be applied to any structure: liberalism guts the old order, but has nothing to put in its place

Communism is more than happy to step in and provide the will + order that liberalism can't Image
To whatever extent that liberalism once served a purpose, it's since become so decrepit and demented, and so frightened and hateful of the truths it can't admit, that it can no longer do anything but destroy: motivated not just by its delusion, but by its resentment ImageImage
Ramping up to the ending, in case you're concerned about spoilers for a political treatise (don't ask me, maybe you'd rather read it for yourself or something), so if so, let this serve as the warning to Go No Further
Through its belief in egalitarianism—not just within its own nations, but globally—liberalism will inevitably force Western nations into a declining standard of living, even into hunger and poverty

Sound unrealistic? Now eat your bugs and live in your pod Image
The logic of liberalism demands this. For the leftist urge is to create human gray goo, or as he puts it, "distinctionless human mass."

He has predicted, here, wokeness, with its demands that you hand over your power and privilege, a process liberalism is powerless to stop Image
There is a way out: to discard the dogma that all people are interchangeable, and to accept that there is something unique, even superior(!), to Western civilization

But that suggestion would now get you triple-canceled by day's end, because it unravels the core goal of the left Image
Leftism is threatening the very survival of the West. And since, again, the very nature of liberalism only allows it to oppose the right, this means it will eventually by subsumed by the left.

It has no way out. Not from within itself ImageImage
He's specifically concerned about being destroyed by communism (this was 1964, remember), but if you pull a fun trick and replace "communists" with "progressives," all of the underlying logic remains the same

If anything it just makes his argument more based! Image
So you just need the will to fight back—but ah hell, turns out the acid bath of liberalism has undermined and dissolved everything that *makes* men willing to fight

Liberalism feels sterile because it is the process of spiritually castrating yourself Image
This also explains why the war in Afghanistan was destined to fail. Imagine trying to enforce women's rights at gunpoint lmao

Progressive capture of the war machine has made them more willing to deploy it, but that ensures the outcome can only be tragic and absurd
When you believe that all people are the same, and can be reshaped at will, you will find yourself at war with nature

When you lose that war, you will not abandon your dream—you will accuse your countrymen of subverting the great dream.

And become tempted to get rid of them. Image
It's not the dream that's impossible. The dream is beautiful! How can you be so hateful, to stand against the dream? This can't be allowed. What's to be done with you?

Now we can the logic of the gulags, the death camps, and of mass migration.
And now he goes full Dark Side. What liberalism is, then, its reason and its function, is to convince the West that extinguishing itself is actually a beautiful and wonderful thing. ImageImage
It is the soft murmuring of a mother to her dying child...

...a psychological break, driven mad by a glimpse of nature as it is, uncompromising and hard, retreating into a full world of warm delusion... Image
The ceaseless whispering that allows the weak to invert all their fears and failures into moral triumph

That gives a dying man the ideology, and the great relief that comes with it, to see every advance of his sickness as another step toward victory—and to welcome his own death. Image
...and that's the end of the book.

Having finished it, I've got various thoughts to add, but if you made it this far, no need to worry about missing out on the ending of the work itself, I know this has been comically long lol
It was one of the first attempts, if the author can be believed, to capture the logic and psychology of modern liberalism. I.e. progressivism, as opposed to classical liberalism

It did this so well that nearly all of it is still 100% accurate, 57 years later.
I tried to provide the gist—maybe a lot more than the gist—so if you read this whole damn thread, you got most of it

But it's still worth reading in itself, if you're interested, both for its thoroughness and for its historic place in American conservative thought
Specifically, you can see how Burnham's reasoning allowed him to be both "the first neoconservative"(!) while at the same time providing huge thought-fuel to paleoconservatism, which is hard to make sense of without reading it firsthand
Like I don't know the full lineage of neoconservatism, but if this was the "founding document," the main error that came afterwards seems to be that you cannot hope to exert Western power *externally* until you have corrected its flaws *internally.* Doing so can only lead to ruin
In other words, as long as the ideology you rule yourself by is bad, any attempt to exert force on others will be bad, because your head will be filled with idiot ideas about how much you can actually accomplish

Burnham definitely rattles his saber here...
...but I don't believe he'd think for a second that you could "establish liberal democracy" in Iraq, or especially Afghanistan. He wouldn't even want that, because it would mean inflicting cultural suicide on *them*
In short, neoconservatism rejected all the "based" parts of the arguments here while employing the parts it found useful to justify using military force to expand progressive ideology (and the elephant in the room)

That's why Obama and the modern left has no real problem with it
Anyway, enough ass-covering for neocons

I'm pretty steeped in this stuff by now, so I'm sympathetic to the large majority of the arguments Burnham's making. But most people, obviously, aren't: that's why he wrote this book, even in his time their ideology had become dominant
There aren't many works that can cut through that, that can shake someone's faith in the liberalism they've been steeped in since birth, that's in every classroom, every broadcast, even, madly, an increasing number, even the majority, of sermons
A great virtue of Suicide of the West is I think it's capable of doing that, if only for some

If liberalism is a dream, this presents its logic so broadly and starkly that even the dreamer starts to be bothered by its noticing of the dream-logic he lives in.

• • •

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More from @17cShyteposter

Jul 10
Within democracies, the voters of the US, UK, and France are now all obliterating their "center-right" in favor of a far right, while the panicked lib-centrist "Adults In The Room" shovel their power to the far left

Lib-centrist democracy is dead. And mass migration killed it
Whatever else happens, 20th century liberal democracy has—depending on your perspective—either killed itself, or been forced to reveal what it was all along

The genie can't be put into the bottle. That form of government, and its norms, is now behind us for good
The question is always, Was it deliberate, or was it accidental

My dissection of the corpse is that it was a combination of biotrash leftists who seduced a genuinely well-meaning liberal class
Read 6 tweets
Nov 13, 2023
These are all minor factors at most, and in many cases don't matter at all. The overwhelming causes of violent crime are 1) your genetic lineage and 2) the state's willingness to let crime exist.

1) horrifies the left, causing them to stampede to increase 2) as hard as they can
The leftist explanation for crime is it is always, exclusively caused by *external* factors

The liberal response to this is to policy-tweak those factors away

The leftist response is to punish you for *causing* the factors that "made" these people criminals to begin with
Since there is no possible policy under scientific liberalism that can undo the genetic factors of crime—its inequality will continue to exist across both class and race—the frustrated anger of this ideology results in a mounting desire to punish normal people for crime
Read 5 tweets
Sep 10, 2023
This isn't some great mystery. Core cities are people-sinks, as they have been since the days of Franklin, if not 2000 years before him

Ideology and unnatural migration has caused these places to be unable to replace themselves, let alone our cities. Both places are now punished
Nevertheless, the outer-productive regions were still able to sort of maintain themselves as industrial zones and city-feeders until the Regime stripped their means of life, industrialization, from them
Now they have neither the ideology to replace themselves nor the economic means to support themselves to provide for the cities that robbed from them (and, to be fair, enriched us all) for centuries

The old system broke down. All that remains, for the system, is mass migration
Read 4 tweets
Aug 24, 2023
We are out of Afghanistan because of Trump, and we are *in* Ukraine because pols like the Clintons + Bidens turned it into their personal colony/paypig

Trump's foreign policy was his greatest achievement for Americans. We need not just one Trump, but fifty Trumps
Americans buy into lies like Iraq and now Ukraine because our eternal political class has convinced them to believe in lies, against our own interests as citizens

It is not a "fringe concern." Our guy literally ran our policies. And they absolutely ruled for the American people
This is apparent from the first day that Trump won election. When our domestic ruling class declared that "Russian interference" was the only reason he won

And went on to impeach him over it. Look, that's fucking weird, no Americans cared about Russia then
Read 7 tweets
Aug 17, 2023
The Regime has a lot of overlap with Moldbug's concept of the Cathedral, but the Cathedral was meant to be more persuasive, more liberal, hidden

The Regime is what happens when liberalism finishes its logic and moves to illiberal leftism, and with that becomes overtly coercive
The Cathedral is at least a century old, but I think it's just now gone through a phase transition, as it exhausted a lot of its liberal premises of equality

While at the same time discovering it has captured enough of the people and the elite to *abandon* equality
Which means it has the power to enforce its next phase, "equity," i.e. equality through use of force

While it shares things with previous forms of illiberal leftism, this is a uniquely American evolution of it, and also one that draws on modern forms of "force"
Read 8 tweets
Jul 23, 2023
Regular reminder that this was already diagnosed in The Elementary Particles 25 years ago. Reason and its infinite promises of liberation from any guiding strictures doesn't lead to better lives

It leads to a form of frozenness, an inability to judge and take action
The book's parallel narrative preemptively demolishes the MedGold-level response to this, "just increase the fuck rate," "just talk to her dude" The 20th century's two totems were pure reason and free sex. Both are shown as dead ends, incapable of giving humans what they need
The two horns of the ideology turn out to be twins in what they promise: liberation from the bounds of our basic being

Which is why both broke when they were put into practice. The outcome of both characters in The Elementary Particles is disgust with themselves.
Read 7 tweets

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