Doctor-Baron 17cShyteposter, DDS Profile picture
The blue check was the modern day Mark of Cain.
fche Profile picture Kirk Wald Profile picture Charles Profile picture Potato Of Reason Profile picture Ratak Monodósico Profile picture 8 subscribed
Jul 10 6 tweets 1 min read
Within democracies, the voters of the US, UK, and France are now all obliterating their "center-right" in favor of a far right, while the panicked lib-centrist "Adults In The Room" shovel their power to the far left

Lib-centrist democracy is dead. And mass migration killed it Whatever else happens, 20th century liberal democracy has—depending on your perspective—either killed itself, or been forced to reveal what it was all along

The genie can't be put into the bottle. That form of government, and its norms, is now behind us for good
Sep 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This isn't some great mystery. Core cities are people-sinks, as they have been since the days of Franklin, if not 2000 years before him

Ideology and unnatural migration has caused these places to be unable to replace themselves, let alone our cities. Both places are now punished
Image Nevertheless, the outer-productive regions were still able to sort of maintain themselves as industrial zones and city-feeders until the Regime stripped their means of life, industrialization, from them
Aug 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
We are out of Afghanistan because of Trump, and we are *in* Ukraine because pols like the Clintons + Bidens turned it into their personal colony/paypig

Trump's foreign policy was his greatest achievement for Americans. We need not just one Trump, but fifty Trumps Americans buy into lies like Iraq and now Ukraine because our eternal political class has convinced them to believe in lies, against our own interests as citizens

It is not a "fringe concern." Our guy literally ran our policies. And they absolutely ruled for the American people
Aug 17, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
The Regime has a lot of overlap with Moldbug's concept of the Cathedral, but the Cathedral was meant to be more persuasive, more liberal, hidden

The Regime is what happens when liberalism finishes its logic and moves to illiberal leftism, and with that becomes overtly coercive The Cathedral is at least a century old, but I think it's just now gone through a phase transition, as it exhausted a lot of its liberal premises of equality

While at the same time discovering it has captured enough of the people and the elite to *abandon* equality
Jul 23, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Regular reminder that this was already diagnosed in The Elementary Particles 25 years ago. Reason and its infinite promises of liberation from any guiding strictures doesn't lead to better lives

It leads to a form of frozenness, an inability to judge and take action The book's parallel narrative preemptively demolishes the MedGold-level response to this, "just increase the fuck rate," "just talk to her dude" The 20th century's two totems were pure reason and free sex. Both are shown as dead ends, incapable of giving humans what they need
Jun 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Unusually insightful article by a Zoomer about Zoomers, that gets at my main idea about the current age: the post-war order is a paralyzing agent, an ideology that strips us of all spirit + will to act

Most visibly as he describes it in youth + children… This to me is the key passage. Combined with being stripped of all meaningful values—turns out "diversity" doesn't provide personal, human meaning—

This draining of spirit leaves people angry, but unaware of what they're angry at. And unable to act against it even if they knew Image
Jun 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Daily reminder that California's had negative internal migration for 25 years

This means Americans have been abandoning it since before the turn of the century. California's population growth is entirely immigrant-based

He's not speaking to America. But to its replacement It feels like it should be bigger news, that American citizens have been abandoning beautiful California for *a quarter of a century*

But of course it doesn't matter, because they hate their own citizens, they *want* them driven out, and replaced by vote banks
May 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
CNN is supposed to remember the lesson of 2016, that counter to Hillary's "Pied Piper" strategy of giving Trump infinite airtime to expose him as a dangerous lunatic, it turned out people loved hearing him humiliate these people

The new answer was to deplatform him, everywhere Democracy is no longer real, if it ever was, by now we all know it's a matter of who is in control of determining *for* the public what the truth is

Any space where people are allowed to speak outside the truth apparatus—like social media—are immediately taken over by the regime
Apr 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I get why Floridians and "return to normalcy" people like DeSantis. But show me anything he believes that will get him Deep Stated if elected

If Trump wasn't enough, I don't want "normalcy." I want Double Trump. I don't want the Ronald Reagan of the 2020s

Trump isn't weird, he's extremely normal. The media/Deep State etc went into freakout mode when he connected with normal people, that's *why* they went insane

If DeSantis can't freak out our ruling class, then he will simply extend our ruling class
Mar 19, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
This is what Houellebecq constantly describes through literature, the extension of thought embodied by Huxley ('30s) into Lennon ('60s), which H's own mother believed in, and left him raised by his grandparents, and when his characters live the same lifestyle, find deadening Within H.'s "lived experience," the utopia of "Imagine nothing to kill or die for" means, in practice, being abandoned by your hedonist parents who hate you while watching your nation commit a paralyzed self-euthanasia because it hates itself

Leaving nothing ImageImage
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the first English translation of Houellebecq's first novel, WHATEVER, here is what he had to say about the impacts of therapy on those who most promote it

Compare to the average (former) blue check journalist and see if you disagree 🤔 Whenever someone promotes "therapy" or any of these other post-war idiocies, rather than a "fact-check" or whatever, they should just come attached with the absolute nastiest thing Houellebecq ever said on the subject

See which is more convincing, some journo, or H.
Mar 4, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Modern leftism is so dumb its biologists don't accept there is ethnic variation between strength, speed, intelligence, or height

Imagine thinking that is pseudoscience when we have Bajau spleens or the huge divergence between Tibetan and Andean evo-response to high altitude life

Modern leftism is so dumb it thinks intelligence is advantageous in all environments when we, right now, are living in an era that is actively selecting for lower intelligence

But maybe this explains their existence
Jan 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Lmao. You are literally the guy who caused the ultra-leftist Brazilian Supreme Court to undo all of Pres. Luna's charges, just so you could get rid of Bolsonaro, the "threat to democracy" who might have actually reformed your hyper-authoritarian court

You get what you deserve I'm sorry that your liberalism is dead, but it's certainly not the right that killed it, that's been made perfectly clear by the ruling powers' response to Trump, and Bolsonaro, etc. They're just reformers

But it's been made perfectly clear the regime will allow no reform.
Dec 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
It's still insane to me that Hoeullebecq was making arguments like this a generation ago and I'm still only hearing them stated—at least this plainly—when I go back and read him

I believe this exhaustion is the fundamental condition of liberalism. Its Rosetta Stone Image He hit this point even harder a few years later in The Elementary Particles, where he dramatized this condition as a paralysis that *leads* to the exhaustion

Infinite choice, total freedom, leads paradoxically to the inability to judge, and thus to act, subverting the will
Dec 11, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
If wokeness is liberalism completing its internal logic and moving on to left-wing authoritarianism, this is seen very clearly here

Explicit + neutral mod policies were rapidly replaced with ones where the mods just banned anyone they didn't like—including our then-US President The true nature of democracy—that it had already become this, and has been for a long time—was supposed to stay hidden

Say whatever you want about Trump, he got this, instinctively, and forced them to reveal this, that the entire thing is fake and gay
Nov 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
What's become totally clear is this system will not allow itself to be democratically reformed. Vote for someone who might, they lie + impeach him

When that doesn't work, they change the process of voting itself. Until they can harvest so many ballots that yours doesn't matter That's the actual story of this election, not any dumb stuff about Trump vs DeSantis

By any historic metric, this should have been a bloodbath. Why was it so weak?

Because in 2020 they "fortified" the rules so that they couldn't ever be challenged again like they were in 2016
Oct 28, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Have to disagree on this one

They'll never leave this place. They're way too oversocialized for that. That's the beauty of this trap, leftists will never remove themselves from "the conversation," that's their core being

Only thing they can do is try to recapture it from within These people are addicted to their audience, their built-in status. They're not the kind to strike out and rebuild that on their own.

There is zero of the frontier in them. They are incapable of leaving.

They can only try to take over what's already been built
Oct 14, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
If this is the best you've got in response to wanton, preventable murders, without being outraged at the current system of man that allows these murders

Then do not act at all surprised when other men discard your values for those who *can* stop wanton murder This guy—agreeing with OP—puts it better than I ever could

When you're reduced to this level of "forgiveness," this is what you get. He is completely right about this. Do you think your "forgiveness" is more ascending?

Or this?

Sep 27, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The absolute most freakish, insane part of regime ideology is that it's some Holocaust 2.0 if Italy wants to remain Italian or Sweden wants to remain Swedish

You *can't* remain you. You *have* to be remade and replaced in the vision of the ideology. Resist, and you're a fascist This is all very revealing. One of the USSR's main propaganda arguments to cover for its failures was that communism could never succeed until all nations became communist, as the remaining capitalist states would always spitefully undermine it, preventing its full function
Sep 25, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The main hatred for the 1950s seems to be that it was the brief interval where normal people continued to exist after WW2 but before the post-war regime ideology redesigned all of their children toward itself, as it was intended to do Too much Bulleit in me to do a Highly Reasoned thread on why this is so

But I heard a banger rock song today from the '60s about the coming revolution... yet lyrics just fully drove home why Houellebecq hates Huxley

How's that working out for you
Sep 23, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It seems that Houellebecq's best two novels were spurred by a literary blood feud against Aldous Huxley for Huxley's promotion of an ideology that led to Houellebecq's father walking away while his mother ran off with her boyfriend to live a hippie lifestyle in Brazil In "The Elementary Particles", there's a well-argued conspiracy theory that "Brave New World" was originally intended as a *utopian* novel

But Huxley quickly rebranded it to be dystopian when its ideas quickly became horrific IRL