I've tried to give you all of the tips and tricks I could think of both for more productive learning in general and stuff specific to the RL field.
The structure of the blog: 1) Intro 2) RL 101 (getting you exposed to the terminology) 3) Cool things about RL (awesome RL apps!) 4) RL is not just roses 5) Getting started with RL 6) Going deeper - reading papers 7) Implementing an RL project from scratch 8) Related subfields
I've also structured the resources in a way that's as linear as possible.
This is the longest blog I wrote so far. Hope you find it useful!
1) This time the project is still not completely ready**. I'm yet to achieve the published results - so I encourage you to contribute!
Many of you have been asking me whether you can work on a project with me and I'll finally start doing it that way - from now onwards. ❤
2) This repo has the ambition to grow and become the go-to resource for learning RL. So collaborators are definitely welcome as I won't always have the time myself.
** main reasons are:
a) I was very busy over the last 2 weeks
b) It currently takes ~5 days to fully train DQN