Hawk #BALL
Klein (Supernatural JACK)
How is the Supernatural show CONNECTed with A skateboard video?
ONE #GIANT univers?
ALL CREATED for 1 #ZERO to show the world it's true meaning? Every wonder why & who this all was created for?
90% of the world is caught up in all the distractions & can't or refuse to get passed A layer that allows them to see the BIGGER PICTURE crytal clearly.
I don't give it all away at once. I reveal certain things at certain times for A reason. I allow YOU to show me your true
Colors. I allow YOU to show me how much YOU care. Some, only choose to drive people away from where they should be because they ENJOi judging books by their covers..
90% of the discussions happening are irrelevant, what’s relevant you ask?
Needing all the peoples attention to be exactly where it is, on irrelevant so two hearts can collide ..
Those who know, ones who everyone looks to for answers
On what’s happening, they all play along talking about irrelevant strategically..
Everything is known before it happens, most of it is scripted because we’ve all been here before many times .. On 1 timeline out of Infinite space of timelines, WW3 did happen, along with the
Timeline collapsing.. Then the children & maybe 100,000 people were taken off one timeline & put on another.
The data Knowing how everything started & how to prevent was collected from many different timelines..
The data was then used strategically in writing the script,
@USArmy @USMC Ceasefire the MOAB, Save The Children ..
Instead, Kick down every single door of those who are plotting to do evil acts upon others just because they got caught, they will do whatever it takes to bring as many down with them as possible & I refuse to keep quiet about it.
Zyuck! https://t.co/DX5FJ7aTLk