Hello and good morning.
I'll be tweet-covering Monday's @floridastate Board of Trustees mtg in which they will select one of three finalists to become the university's next president, succeeding @FSUPresThrasher.
Follow me here and at tallahassee.com starting at 9am
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher The meeting has begun with public comment.
Will Hanley: FSU historian says U is an outlier as to its revenue streams, he wrote an op-ed for @TDOnline, said 35% of FSU budget comes from state, need to diversify, find new money elsewhere.
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher @TDOnline Gary Tyson, FSU computer science professor, was on search committee when Thrasher was picked: He says he spoke with all three finalists, would be comfortable with any one of them.
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher @TDOnline Todd Adams, leader of Faculty Senate, former BOT member: "I just want to say: Wow..." commends the "three great candidates, wonderful resumes, experience they will being to the job."
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher @TDOnline Matthew Lata, president of United Faculty of Florida, the faculty union: Congratulates panel for "rigor" of search process, seconds notion that school needs to diversify its revenue stream.
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher @TDOnline Another speaker (sorry, missed name) fears that someone may to try to "derail" the process today, referring to effort to get @richardcorcoran considered as president.
Nancy Rogers, another Faculty Senate member, says they are very excited about the slate of finalists.
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher @TDOnline @richardcorcoran Robin Goodwin (sp?), English professor, also says she supports the slate of finalists.
BOT chair Ed Burr now outlines today's process as laid out in agenda (see my previous tweet).
"Nothing more important" we will do as trustees than make this selection, he says.
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher @TDOnline @richardcorcoran Burr also says board will address recent accusations of Sunshine Law violations and other improprieties in the selection process.
BOT member Eric Silagy calls it a "real well run process," praises consultant, search panel members.
"We had a lot of really strong choices..."
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher @TDOnline @richardcorcoran Silagy also sat on search committee, called it "open, transparent."
"Results speak for themselves...strong candidates...narrowing the list was not easy."
"...Now it's up to you..."
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher @TDOnline @richardcorcoran Burr now addresses alleged improprities, turns to General Counsel Carolyn Egan, who reads letter she sent to BOG. Other letter also sent, both saying basically no Sunshine Law violations when consultant talked to search members 1-on-1.
@floridastate @FSUPresThrasher @TDOnline @richardcorcoran Trustee June Duda now asking who talked to whom and when, unclear how Alberto Pimental knew who the top 3 candidates were, Burr said Pimental spoke with all search members except Craig Mateer, who has objected to the process. Mateer says he wants to walk thru his concerns.
@TDOnline Egan explaining that she determined no secret vote was taken, no illegal private meetings happened, but rather consultant Pimental got a sense of top candidates by talking with individual search committee members.
@TDOnline Mateer now outlines three points of concern:
1- Control of information and information he feels was transmitted in private, mentions a 9-3 vote for Pimental (unclear what he means)
2- Rules were changed on Saturday, re "3 no more than 4" finalists
@TDOnline And 3- Process was changed on May 15, "every single rule, every single process"
He is now passing around notes to BOT members.
Says BOT shouldn't even meeting today bc today search panel was supposed to go over candidates again.
@TDOnline Mentions again some "secret 9-3 vote for Alberto" Pimental, the consultant.
There were four companies seeking the contract to handle the presidential search for FSU.
Egan says there was no decision when Mateer says there was, let alone a secret one.
@TDOnline Mateer continues to insist there was a 9-3 vote for Pimental that was inappropriate, but also says he doesn't want to get into a Sunshine Law discussion today.
Chair Burr has already said they will address and answer all concerns today.
@TDOnline Mateer now clarifying vote shd have been public, that is, we all should know who voted for whom.
He says he voted for Pimental but doesn't know who else voted for whom.
Burr said there was a public motion, public second and later public vote, however, for Pimental.
@TDOnline Trustee Peter Collins trying to tease out impact of what Mateer is raising.
Mateer insists his points would "undo what we are about to do here."
Egan responds to accusation that rules were changed, says nothing substantive had happened yet in search process, no finalists yet.
@TDOnline Eric Silagy says accusations "simply untrue...this was not a backroom deal...this was open and transparent."
Says openness requirement actually hurts the process bc many candidates won't apply knowing their identity will be public record.
"No small feat" to do what panel did.
@TDOnline Sidenote: Lawmakers tried once again, as they have in previous years, to close the university president search process to the public, but that effort did not become law this year.
@TDOnline Burr is now starting to shut down Mateer, saying they're arguing in "a circle." The two have been talking over each other.
Egan also says she "disagrees" with Mateer's memo that he passed out to trustees.
"I won't beat this to death," Egan says, repeats outside legal guidance.
@TDOnline Egan giving Mateer credit, saying he was a zealous advocate for @richardcorcoran , offering a motion for him no less than 3 times.
She says if she ever applied for a position, she would want Mateer in her corner, mentioning his support for Corcoran as example.
@TDOnline @richardcorcoran Mateer was still trying to defend his position, but now saying, "I'm done."
Burr turns to Trustee Sasser, who chaired the search committee. He called it a "deliberate and thoughtful" process, "open and transparent," thanking his fellow members.
@TDOnline @richardcorcoran We're now on a break till 10:25 am ET, per BOT chair Burr.
@TDOnline @richardcorcoran Mateer now sitting silent, arms crossed at table. Trustee Max Alvarez has come over to sit down next to him and talk. Trustee Duda also coming over to stand behind them.
@TDOnline @richardcorcoran Chair Burr now is talking to them, Mateer stands up, laughing. They walk away, smiling.
@TDOnline @richardcorcoran Correcting my previous tweet: The FSU professor quoted earlier is Robin Goodman, who we featured in this story.

h/t to @photoriphy
@TDOnline The FSU BOT meeting has reconvened, now will talk to each of the finalists, starting with Richard McCullough.
Background here: tallahassee.com/story/news/202…
@TDOnline While McCullough is introducing himself (his wife is here), I'll pause for a recognition:
Former state lawmaker and FSU alumnus and football player Clay Ingram is in audience, now chief legislative affairs officer for FSU. Also was CEO of Volunteer Florida.
@TDOnline Trustee Chicken asks about how McCullough will try to get FSU in Assoc. of American Universities, prestigious research organization. McC. says FSU must focus on beefing up faculty and retaining best people, focus on student success, then "rankings take care of themselves."
@TDOnline Says FSU must get to $500M in research funding.
Trustee Thiel asks about fundraising. McC. talks about capital campaign he worked on at Carnegie-Mellon, raised millions there, also for entrepreneurship, but also for arts & humanities, cosmology, etc.
@TDOnline Mentions $250M gift at Harvard he worked on to land. "I love fundraising...people want to give."
On endowment: "As president, you have to play the long game," endowed chairs, scholarships and so forth.
"You may have to raise more money than a donor originally thinks."
@TDOnline On workforce needs: "Talking to companies, what kind of student are they looking for, what skills are they looking for?"
Would encourage students to start companies; he has created his own: Plextronics Inc, and Liquid X Printed Metals.
Now asked about diversity and inclusion...
@TDOnline McC. says he has worked on those issues for over 20 years. School must provide mentorship to ensure student success. He himself hired those from underrepresented pops as postdocs, Founded "Diverse Leaders of Tomorrow" to get academic jobs. has placed 50 people in academia.
@TDOnline Now discussing NCAA Div. I athletics, says he's a huge sports fan, "I'm all in already," follows March Madness, football and many other sports, would bring leadership, work with the AD, talk w coaches about keeping on student-athlete grades: "I would be very involved."
@TDOnline Notes that student-athletes becomes the leaders of tomorrow, "We want to really encourage that," FSU students have such pride in their university, "You can't buy that."
@TDOnline McCullough says being a student-athlete "means you have two FT jobs...you have to pay attention to make sure everything stays on track...balance is absolutely important."
@TDOnline Asked about foreign influence and funding and how to manage "that threat": He calls it "complicated issue...we do open research...students come from all over...challenge is reporting," making sure faculty reports funding sources. One at Harvard was arrested, he says.
@TDOnline Stresses internal oversight to make sure "people are doing what they're supposed to be doing." Restrictions can hinder good work...nonetheless, contracts are where things can go awry, he says. Need to monitor them.
@TDOnline Trustee Ballard asks about arts & humanities, McCullough says he funded many programs at Harvard, "...impact of humanities (is) how it makes people think about things."
Mentions centers and initiatives at Harvard, including ethics and "digital humanities."
@TDOnline "Something I love..." Both sons are artists, he says.
Painter and sculptor.
Follow up question is on fundraising and strategic planning. He basically says it's about setting up what you want to fund and excelling at it, money follows. Whether science or arts, public policy, etc
@TDOnline McCullough now talking about how universities provide leadership, which requires open discussion and debate:
"We should provide a forum to hear all sides...some universities have gotten away from that."
Stresses there's no place for violence...but "passion" is OK.
@TDOnline Trustee Duda says in the old days, students didn't know what their professors' politics was.
McCullough agrees, says it's about "scholarship" not advocacy.
@TDOnline Question about "student autonomy," McCullough says professors should help students achieve all that they can achieve. That starts by listening to student voices, finding out what they want. Engaging w/students, who are like customers, "They're paying us...we need to deliver."
@TDOnline ...Pausing here to promote the work of my colleague, @photoriphy
Look here:
@TDOnline @photoriphy McCullough says he has hardest job at Harvard, bringing together disparate groups on campus to work together on interdisciplinary research...mentions climate change, AI and machine learning, "not easy stuff...I got a lot of bruises."
@TDOnline @photoriphy McCullough says he would try to attract companies to Tallahassee to work with faculty, students, need a "startup culture," innovation is a driver but getting them to come is a challenge bc they don't want to come to flyover country.
@TDOnline @photoriphy Still, "there is opportunity," he'd advocate for TLH. "That's what we did in Pittsburgh," he says.
Also asked about research background, military affairs and Greek life. Says he has experience balancing all those, mentions how U could be a "best school" for veterans.
@TDOnline @photoriphy McCullough asked about supporting first gen college students, he says he is one. "I have a wonderful life bc of education...I had to work my way thru college...not easy," supports a care-type program to ensure those students' success.
@TDOnline @photoriphy Trustee Duda mentions her concern is especially for undergrads, McCullough says more attention must be paid to them, says even some Harvard grads are having trouble finding jobs, "it's a key issue I will spend time on..."
@TDOnline McCullough closing: Says he liked the open process, liked working w staff, learning about Mag Lab, criminology, business school. Also FSU "in terms of the people"..."I really want to come here, lead and take it to the next level..." Sees AAU membership in 5 years...
@TDOnline We're breaking till noon so trustees can have lunch.
@TDOnline We went late but we are back in the FSU BOT meeting where they are speaking with the three finalists for the presidency. Next is Robert Blouin, executive vice chancellor and provost at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
@TDOnline Blouin is now re-introducing himself. Here is some background on him: tallahassee.com/story/news/202…
@TDOnline Blouin giving props to retired head football coach Coach Bobby Bowden for helping to make FSU "everything it is today."
Now being asked about AAU membership and Top 10 ranking. He first mentions need for a strong endowment--FSU now around $625M, he says, needs to be over $1B.
@TDOnline "This is not going to be easy," will take work on all sides, faculty recruitment, retention, fundraising, "while still holding on to those things you value." Need to keep inspiring students, make sure they reach full potential, to become "truly great university."
@TDOnline Blouin, asked about his experience in growing endowments: "A president can't raise a billion dollars on his own," but there are always a lot of people who want to give, show people how gifts will be used, do that to engage donors, foundations. Be a good steward of investments.
@TDOnline For example, UNC incentivizes schools to build deep relationships w alumni, they have the loyalty to the university and the schools must capitalize on those relationships. Show donors how you will use their money to transform something at the university.
@TDOnline On workforce needs: He mentions a trip to Nike's innovation kitchen, sign that says 'listen to the athlete,' says school shd listen to the people who would hire your students, ask them how you are doing, are students well prepared, etc.
@TDOnline On diversity and inclusion: When Blouin was dean, he created an Office of Diversity bc he wanted the school to look more like the state of NC "and it didn't." They went into high schools, community colleges to show students what opportunities they could have.
@TDOnline On Division I athletics: Blouin says "it's hard to have a great university and have high end competitive athletics, which is what you have." So the student must be at the center, be committed to their pursuit of excellence. He would ensure FSU supports its athletes in ALL sports
@TDOnline On foreign gov't interference: Blouin speaks of "blatant" Chinese influence, "has certainly been the most blatant," need faculty to disclose who they work with but sometimes they make mistakes, relationships shd being value to school. Nobody wants visit from FBI.
@TDOnline On supporting arts & humanities: The arts "are a mindset," "core to what a public university is," "brings all the members of a community together," wants to be known as a strong supporter of them. Recognizes how devastating COVID was to live performances, showings and so on.
@TDOnline Asked what his wife Maureen would say if asked her why her husband wanted to be FSU prez: Recalled his AM jog, ran into "monuments" on campus, incl. one that said "I was born to coach." She would say he has been preparing for an opportunity like this all this life & he's ready.
@TDOnline "On a plaque beneath his statue outside Doak Campbell Stadium, (Bowden) is quoted as saying, "I didn't know there was anything other than football and church on Sunday. I was born to coach."
Source: orlandosentinel.com/sports/os-xpm-…
@TDOnline Asked about competing for more state funding, Blouin says you must first acknowledge that FSU is a public university and "the no. 1 funder is the people of Florida." That said, school needs to diversify its revenue while holding on to what it gets.
@TDOnline Having Legislature close offers unique access to build trust and confidence, he adds.
Asked about thorny issue of namings and monuments on campus, Blouin says "1st amendment is powerful tool...must be open to different opinions."
@TDOnline People must realize that speech may not be silenced just bc one doesn't want to hear it. It's hard to make sure all voices can be heard. Not about statues, "it's about everything else...how do you have conversation about the issues" behind a controversy?
@TDOnline On FSU-Panama City: Always need right infrastructure to make sure a satellite campus is successful. FSU has invested in that infrastructure for years. But need to understand what a satellite campus needs and doesn't need.
@TDOnline On recommendations of anti-racism task force: Have meeting w group, what were findings, recommendations, ask them what "right next steps will insure accountability"?
"You need to do things rather than talk about doing them."
@TDOnline Blouin closing, what will FSU look like in 5 years if picked: First, vision is easy...implementation is hard, he says. Public U sector is tough, grow research w/o compromising all the things you already do, grow endowment to fund ambition. He'll make FSU committed to excellence.
@TDOnline Breaking till 1:45pm ET then finishing with last finalist: Giovanni Piedimonte, vice president for research, Tulane University.
@TDOnline Blouin, who is stepping down from his position at UNC by the end of 2021 to return to teaching full time, was escorted back to a non-public waiting area. I did not get a chance to ask him about that decision.
@TDOnline I also could not ask him about the Nikole Hannah-Jones tenure controversy at UNC.
He was involved in that process early on.
Latest coverage on that here from @newsobserver: newsobserver.com/news/local/edu…
@TDOnline @newsobserver We are reconvening with last of the three finalists, Dr. Giovanni Piedimonte, vice president for research, Tulane University.
This is part of our ongoing coverage, tweets and otherwise, now from the FSU Turnbull Center, of who will be the next president of the university.
@TDOnline @newsobserver As Piedimonte gives his opening statement, I remind you to support our work at @TDOnline by considering a print or online subscription here: cm.tallahassee.com/specialoffer
@TDOnline @newsobserver On AAU membership and Top 10 status: Piedimonte says Top 10 is doable first. First, must fix funding imbalance btwn @NSF and @NIH.
If FSU wants to go to next level, must get more $ from NIH bc "that's where the money is."
NIH money will double or triple in next 5 yrs, he says.
@TDOnline NIH money, however, means more emphasis on bioengineering, medicine, and related fields. But he says it's possible, will take a relook at the university's current priorities.
@TDOnline Piedimonte is open that he gets a lot of money from NIH and has for years. Bio calls him a "physician scientist focused on pulmonary diseases."
He also says he enjoys fundraising, still gets calls from people who want to give him money. Need individual, corporate donors, etc.
@TDOnline Says he became "a scholar" in raising money, adjusts his style depending on what he needs to do.
On workforce needs: working to develop a biz incubator at Tulane, look at that here. Mentions example of self-driving tech, "the world is changing" in ways we never expected.
@TDOnline "We need to prepare our next gens for the next level of technologies...the future will be fundamentally different" and FSU needs to prepare students for that new world.
@TDOnline On diversity and inclusion: Says he relates as an immigrant, has an Latinx family, speaks with an accent, first college grad in his family, "my mother still signs with an X."
@TDOnline "My life is a testament" to diversity, Piedimonte says. Bottom line: Universities have made progress but need to learn how to speak better with diverse populations.
@TDOnline Piedimonte on Division I athletics: Sport is the ultimate learning tool for kids, learn about teamwork, have respect for opponents, all what universities should teach. It's about the constant pursuit of excellence. And FSU has established that excellence in sports.
Piedimonte on preventing improper foreign influence: He says about 30% of his time at Tulane is spent worrying about Chinese influence. They're trying to recruit as many scientists as they can. Goal: Steal intellectual property from US: "I am more extreme in my judgment" of China
He says he has been working with FBI "for months and months."
Many faculty don't know what the danger is, thinking people are just trying to learn what they can when in reality "they're spies...a clear and present danger to the security of the United States."
Piedimonte on supporting arts & humanities amid all other academic priorities: Says it's as important as scientific research.
He believes in convergence, "bringing social relevance" to society's problems. Ex.: having architects in coastal erosion project. Diff't perspectives.
Piedimonte now talking about all the women who influenced his life, including his mother, who made him believe he had a brain and was supposed to use it for the betterment of society.
Piedimonte says the Fla Panhandle could become the next Silicon Valley of the US, "Florida is the future."
"People still want to" come here. "It's one of the best swamps to work in."
(He's been joking about swamps throughout the interview.)
Piedimonte on his leadership style: He believes in the adage, "If you only want to make everybody happy, don't be a leader, just sell ice cream." Says @FSUPresThrasher "has some sort of special sauce that he has been using." The next president should build on his accomplishments.
@FSUPresThrasher Piedimonte returns to the theme of "convergence," which defines him. What will be needed to tackle, for instance, the problem of emerging diseases like Zika and COVID. Need to set the culture and keep raising the bar. FSU has unique opportunity to become "global player."
@FSUPresThrasher Piedimonte in closing: He can bring expertise in Health care and biomed research and the money & people that follows. "Unique advantage...enormous potential" to build up College of Medicine. Will bring local and global perspective bc of his ties to Fla and "momentum."
With the last candidate out of the chair, FSU BOT Chair Burr says "the toughest part of this process is now ahead of us, not behind this."

They take a break for 15 min before coming back to discuss and select the next president of @floridastate
@floridastate We're back in the FSU BOT meeting to discuss and select the next president. Chair Burr cautions the board to "do no harm," reminding the members to be judicious in their comments and be positive. Says background and social media checks were performed on all 3.
@floridastate Going around the table: Search committee chair Sasser supporting McCullough, others calling him "very qualified," Piedimonte called a "change agent" Back to McCullough, called a "strategic fit, skill set we need."
And Mateer says McC. already has the "Florida State swag."
@floridastate Important to note here that whoever is selected today still must be confirmed/ratified by the State University System Board of Governors. That board meets next month.
@floridastate More on McCullough: Trustees note his "warmth," liked the way he connected with people here, "he has a fire in the belly," "the only candidate to look me in the eye and say, 'I want this job,'" "reserved but passionate," "used the word 'family,'" "high emotional intelligence."
@floridastate Trustee Feedback on Blouin:
Gonzalez: "great credentials, (but has a) different personality"
Collins: "oozes competence, a matter of fit after that"
Janvier: liked his work in diversity initiatives
Chicken: "great experience, ACC, public school, similar legislative enviro."
@floridastate Mateer: "solid history in fundraising," similar public university background.
Henderson: "thoughtful person," spoke well on needing balance btwn teaching and research.
Sargeant: showed compassion for student experience thru COVID
Sasser: "has a command presence"
@floridastate Trustees on Piedimonte:
"nontraditional" bc of his medical background
"impressive record in a field we must advance in (med/bio)"
"very strong fundraising"
"very qualified"
"he's a change agent...very strong sense of right and wrong"
@floridastate Motion for McCullough to be the next president, seconded.
@floridastate After discussion, McCullough has been unanimously selected as the next president of FSU.
@floridastate Board of Trustees selects Richard McCullough as next @floridastate president

• • •

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18 May
The House Select Committee on Gaming (Gambling) has begun in the Capitol, where chair Randy Fine says the panel will review all the bills for this year's proposed compact - except the fantasy sports bills which have been TP'd, or temporarily postponed.
Fine, who has a lot of casino experience, also mentioned the old saw about the house always winning but said here the people of the state of Florida need to win, repeats what we heard a lot yesterday, about "need to get it right."
Committee now going over legislation (HB 3A) to create a 5-member statewide gambling commission by Rep. Bob Rommel (@RommelForRep), bill being amended, including to allow former lawmakers to be on the commission within 2 years, making sure diversity plays part in picking members
Read 29 tweets
17 May
House Select Subcommittee on the Gaming Compact, chaired by Rep. @NickDiCeglie, has begun. Panel will hear one bill, HB 1A, which is the compact's implementing bill. Dealing first with amendments to conform bill to today's news.
Story here: tallahassee.com/story/news/loc…
Highlights from amendments here. Note changes in cuts to municipalities ("local government shares") from tribe.
Rep. Marie Woodson, a Hollywood Democrat, is arguing to preserve, even increase City of Hollywood's share. mentioning crime (and cost of policing) she says is caused by Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.
Read 30 tweets
17 May
It has begun.
The Florida House kicks off a special session on gaming with a prayer.
Clerk is now reading the call of the session.
Speaker @ChrisSprowls addressing House members now, saying chamber has retained a legal expert on gambling questions not affiliated with any side.
@ChrisSprowls Sprowls saying he still had questions on gambling deal, now discloses amended compact between @GovRonDeSantis and Seminole Tribe that deletes part of deal on online casino gambling. Also pushes back start of sports betting to Oct. 15. House plans to end on Wednesday.
Read 11 tweets
17 May
My first time walking in downtown Tallahassee in a long time. It looks like “Logan‘s Run” up in here.
This looks nice. New lights too.
What the...? Not in Kansas anymore.
Read 4 tweets
14 May
Last for the day: Randy Hanna, dean and CEO of FSU Panama City.
He is the last interview among the candidates to be the next @floridastate president.
Hanna talks about his four postsecondary degrees from FSU, developed critical thinking skills, lifelong love of learning.
@floridastate Hanna said he's proud to be labeled a "traditional" candidate, meaning he's coming from higher ed, but also mentions his private biz experience, running a law firm.
"I've prepared my entire life for this job...and I'm ready."
@floridastate Hanna said he is focused on student success above all metrics, though he admits there will be questions about rankings, research, AAU, etc.
Part of that is making sure classes are sized properly. He suggests students do better when classes aren't too big.
Read 16 tweets
14 May
Continuing our live (tweet) coverage of interviews of those vying to be next @floridastate president: Mary Ann Rankin, former senior vice president and provost, University of Maryland, College Park, takes the stage at Ruby Diamond.
@floridastate Rankin, speaking of AAU status, mentions leveraging the Mag Lab, medical school. Says use the location to recruit talent, "really important to be in a place nice to live," saying Tallahassee is a "really nice place to live."
@floridastate Rankin says FSU needs to decide which it wants to chase: NSF money, being "top 10," getting into AAU, being ranked by US News & World Report. How much to increase enrollment, how big are class sizes? All things to consider.
Read 14 tweets

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