@dnleslie@EnserMark@greeborunner@PearceMrs@informed_edu I'm going to respond with curated resources for the TDT domains... 1. Culture and Wellbeing 2. Focus 3. Needs Analysis & Evaluation 4. Internal Support & Challenge 5. Use of Expert Knowledge 6. Processes & Structures for CPD 7. Use of Research & Evidence
5 things school leaders should know about complexity @head_teach
1️⃣ The control trap-human error arises from complexity. Our response is to over-complicate. If we look beyond the error, we can learn the intricate worlds of practice & understand how to improve it #BrewEdBrum
2️⃣ Naive Interventions
Iatrogenic effect-something we do whilst trying to be helpful but it’s unhelpful. We solve problems that we’ve created. We value the doing rather than avoiding making complexity worse. Great things happen when leaders aren’t around #BrewEdBrum
3️⃣Cognitive bias of leaders
We have a bias as leaders to our point of view. We see things in school and we create policy that focuses on the solutions rather than the problems. Instead, we need to work with people to diagnose the problem, giving time to analysis #BrewEdBrum