Asian Americans are still perceived as the “model minority.”
But this is a myth — one that flattens diverse experiences and doesn’t align with current statistics.
Here are misconceptions that have arisen from the trope.
MYTH #1: Asian Americans are a monolith
More than 22 million people of Asian descent live in the U.S. While those of East Asian and Southeast Asian descent make up the largest shares — no group makes up a majority.
A huge variety of ethnicities exist within regional groups.
MYTH #2: Asian Americans are high earners
A 2016 Pew study found Asian Americans were the most economically divided racial or ethnic group in the U.S. — with Asian Americans in the top 10th of the income distribution making 10.7 times more than those in the bottom 10th.
MYTH #3: Asian Americans face less discrimination
Hate crimes against Asian Americans have spiked during the pandemic.
One survey found 32% of Asian American adults — a greater share than other racial groups — said they feared someone might threaten or physically attack them.
MYTH #4: Asian Americans are fairly represented
Asian Americans have the lowest degree of representation in political office compared with any other racial or ethnic group — and are even underrepresented in states with high concentrations of Asian American residents.
Read all of the misconceptions that arise from the model minority myth here.
In March, a man attacked a 65-year-old Filipino woman outside of an apartment building in Manhattan. Surveillance footage shows two men inside who saw — and did not help her.
It sparked a discussion about bystander intervention.
The president's unsubstantiated tweets directly contradict Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who said yesterday the massive SolarWinds cyberattack is “very significant” and that Russians are “pretty clearly” behind it.
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on Thursday said the hack "poses a grave risk" to federal, state and local governments as well as private companies and organizations.
Microsoft President Brad Smith: "This is not 'espionage as usual,' even in the digital age. Instead, it represents an act of recklessness that created a serious technological vulnerability for the United States and the world."
So far, the list of U.S. government entities affected by the massive hack includes:
• the Commerce Department
• Department of Homeland Security
• the Pentagon
• the Treasury Department
• the Postal Service
• the National Institutes of Health
President Trump has yet to make any public mention of the hack, and members of his administration have said little beyond acknowledging that it happened and is being investigated.
U.S. national security agencies seem to have been blindsided by news that hackers — suspected to be Russia's foreign intelligence service — have been digging around inside government systems, possibly since the spring.
From YouTube to Facebook, most social media companies encourage users to watch and create livestreams to keep people’s attention.
But as the world saw during election week, these platforms struggle to monitor and curb misinformation in these videos. 🧵
Even when violent threats are streamed, thousands may have seen the videos before action is taken.
When Steve Bannon called for the beheadings of 2 officials, Facebook and YouTube took his video down — after it already got hundreds of thousands of views.
And video removed from one platform may show up on another.
A YouTube livestream or TikTok video may be reposted on Twitter or Instagram, making policy enforcement seem like a game of whack-a-mole.
Here's a list of the times that final polls close in each state, along with the number of electoral votes each has listed in parentheses next to its name: