I’m going to be livetweeting the QAnon Conference here in Dallas (I am not attending, just watching the livestream).

Mute this thread or me if you don’t want to see QAnon stuff in your timeline all throughout today.
Good graphics so far.
Had some trouble getting the livestream up, along with some of the people in the official forums.
Starting out strong on a music video about how they’re winning and the military is in control.
My wifi is not nearly strong enough for this.
And we’re back! The crowd seems semi full. Andre Popa is up talking about his immigration from communist Romania and how his dad was a CIA asset???
Screenshots from the music video.
Screenshot of the crowd.
Popa’s talking about dumpster diving as a child, and how it was better than living in communist Romania. Now he’s talking about how he was suicidal/depressed and how he wanted to put a gun to his head and blow his head off. What a start!
This specific camera angle has this weird set of dashes over his head that won’t go away. No other camera angle has this.
“Who’s in control of your thoughts? And don’t say Satan!” -Popa
He’s talking about thoughts not existing and cortisol and being addicted to negative thoughts. Seems like pretty general self-help stuff right now.
God doesn’t speak English, he speaks energy.
Calling the crowd sexy, nice nice.
Here’s the website of the current speaker Andre Popa. His daughter, Bella Popa, is acting as entertainment at the conference.

Lol, he had to correct himself from saying that people exist from brith to saying they exist from conception.
I’m bad at judging crowd size, but there does seem to be a pretty packed crowd (from current camera angles). Like around 150+ people?
Audience talk section, woman saying she wants people around the world to know God is their creator. Not really a question.
Popa’s talking about the Great Awakening by name, saying it’s about waking up.
Next up: Evan Sayet author of the Woke Supremacy. He’s a comedian, so let’s hope for some good jokes.
And IDK if they had this for Popa because my internet cut out, but each speaker has their own little intro card.
Sayet is claiming that Wokeism is a supremacist movement.
Talking about woke people being offended over Mr. Potato Head, Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and over a drawing of a “Hard working Asian man who happens to be a tad cartoonish” (talking Dr. Suess).
Going back and putting a CW on this thread. Just assume everything that could deserve a CW is gonna be talked about in this thread. Racism, the holocaust, homophobia, transphobia, pedophillia, etc etc.
He’s talking about the history of Democratic Party racism (Trail of Tears, Jim Crow, etc).
Talking about Marxist supremacist movement, about how marxists see those with the proletariat trait are supreme over those with the bourgeois trait.
Outlining a third type of supremacist group (after racial and class supremacy), the Islamic supremacist movement.
Sayet is now talking about the resignation of Alexi McCammond from Teen Vouge as an example of the woke’s “purity test”. (Calls Teen Vogue a propaganda outlet)
He’s talking about how the woke left will have gulags and concentration camps if they are allowed to fully ascend to power, but that’s what they want to do.
Isn’t he supposed to be a comedian because this stand up routine sucks.
He’s comparing gulags to cancel culture now.
He’s talking about the dictatorship of “those who posses the supreme trait” in Marxism, who will do the things necessary to wipe out those without the supreme trait.
I know pointing out QAnon/MAGA hypocrisy is an easy critique, but he’s speaking about this to a group of people who literally want to put their political enemies in Guantanamo.
“I am in Zukerbergs gulag!” -Evan Sayet
Hey, he’s conceding that the woke left isn’t all monsters. Only 5-10% are.
“Men can have babies, Donald Trump is an anti-Semite. Self evidently untrue!” - Evan Sayet
He’s talking about Born in the USA (the song), and specifically the lines about the Vietnam war. Sayet seems to be gearing up to argue that the Vietnam was not racially motivated.
Oh he’s doing a “both sides were Asian, so it can’t be racially motivated” thing.
He’s arguing that all supremacist groups (ISIS, Marxists, the Confederacy) agree that the USA is their biggest enemy.
Sayet’s done, Popa’s come back out to get the crowd to get up, do stretches, grab their own ass, and grab their neighbors ass (jokingly obviously).
Asking the crowd texts “Badass” to 55444.
Signs you up for Popa’s mailing list BTW.
Bad decision on my part, but heres what you get when you text it.
He’s claiming a million people are watching the livestream, I do not believe him at all.
For context, I had to pay $17.76 to watch this stream and it’s crashed on me twice (though that might be my fault).
Crowd is asking Popa to do a Tiktok dance.
“He is known as the wizard of Twitter.” Popa, about Jason Sullivan, read from a script.
Sullivan’s website. For context, he was (and maybe still is) Roger Stone’s social media advisor and was questioned by the Mueller investigation.

Sullivan is speaking now. He’s telling the crowd (and livestream audience) that they are the plan.
He’s coming out of the gate the most QPilled of the 3 speakers. Talking about 5d chess and being the plan.
Sullivan says, Because there are 80 million QAnon supporters, there are 80 million opportunities for God’s plan to go perfectly.
Sullivan’s claiming they are a new type of patriot who is willing to “stand in the gap” for America.
Also they’ve fixed the dash thing on the camera!
He’s mostly just talking about a personal story where he went to Outback Steakhouse with a guy that would become his mentor.
No offense to Sullivan, but he’s the worst speaker so far. Just talking about needing intelligence on the enemy, really likes using the term “flatfooted”.
He’s getting into Tesla stuff. Claiming that Tesla predicted social media/the internet/iPhones.
Sullivan bringing up wearing masks and getting vaccinated, crowd is telling “No!”.
Claiming it’s an experimental drugs, and that people should have the right to choose. Saying he isn’t anti-vaxx, just anti-unsafe vaxxes. Saying it’s crazy that people call him a conspiracy theorist for this belief.
Technical issues, the mic is going in and out.
Sullivan’s talking about his experience working on the Trump campaign and what his role was.
Sullivan is talking about a “godawful woman” (Hilary) and then made a noose gesture around his neck in reference to her.
Crowd applauded this BTW.
Sullivan is saying that they “must be over the target”.
He’s talking about some voting machine disinfo from back in 2016, claiming credit for making it go viral.
Saying that voting machine manufacturers say that the machines aren’t connected to the internet. Person in the audience saying “Liar, Liar!”
“They’re lucky we’re peaceful!” - Audience
Sullivan is calling out John Sullivan, a Capitol Hill rioter. Saying he was BLM and Antifa and was paid by the media.
Sullivan is asking the audience to help disseminate real time info, and is going to give the audience steps to do so tomorrow.
He’s talking about human trafficking and how it’s real. Claims 400,000 children went missing last year in the US, and that it’s growing.
Gonna “pull them up by the nape of their neck and toss them into that lake of fire”, said by Sullivan about traffickers.
Crowd is giving it up for Ben and Tina Garrison.
Tangential, but the site claims they’re gonna release a full itinerary but they’ve yet to do so.
Popa’s back out, he seems to be the MC. Up next is Bernie Suarez. He gets an intro, but Sullivan didn’t. I guess it’s only some people?
Here’s his streaming service I assume. He wrote “The Art Of Overcoming the New World Order”
He became a doctor, and then stopped being a doctor for reasons that he says that he will not disclose. Still credited as a Doctor on his book.
He keeps talking about how he’s a nobody and doesn’t deserve to be there with everyone else. Buddy, it’s a QAnon Conference. Nobody deserves to be there.
Talking about how none of the sheep know that they’re in WW3, but that they know that. It’s a war without bullets, it’s a war of infiltration.
He seems to be the only guy to actually have notes that he’s reading from.
I haven’t mentioned this, but some of the manned cameras are pretty shaky and it’s a bit distracting.
Talking about how the Critical Race Theory/Communist/Marxist/Globalist agenda started with the 1954 Johnson Amendment. (This prohibits non-profits from endorsing or opposing political candidates, Trump passed a executive order easing it a few years back.)
Suarez is claiming the amendment silenced churches.
Saying that we are going from darkness to light, and that the audience *is* the light. That the posts on social media those in the audience makes is the light.
First Q mention from the conference (unless I missed it when my wifi cut out). Suarez claims he was one of the first Q YouTube channels.
Will Sommer being called out, Suarez claims that @willsommer tried to contact him for an interview, but he refused and told Sommer to link his website in the article.
.1% of the drops contain refs to pedophilia or satanism, Suarez says.
Suarez is using his medical background to spread the idea that the Covid death count is inflated.
Dude keeps bringing up his medical background, like he didn’t start the speech saying he’s no longer a doctor.
Talking up Hydroxychloroquine.
He’s talking about his/the audience’s children being taken away by the Obamas. He says we’re dealing with a generation of young Americans who have never been loved, who lack empathy, who are filled with hatred, and who were brainwashed.
Wild that he traces Marxism in the US only back to the 50s. You can go back further if you try harder, man.
Also if you don’t want to be a CHUMP like me, you can watch the livestream on YouTube here. It’s unofficial (I think), but looks pretty good.

Oh I hate this intro for Louie Gohmert.
It was interspersed with reaction gif stuff. Awful.
He actually gets a podium for some reason.
He’s talking about the various ministries in 1984 and about Orwell’s cancer experiences.
He’s also talking about the Civil Rights Movement in a positive light.
Pants too big.
He’s talking about his Covid experience and going on HCQ.
No offense, but Gohmert talking about ordering meatloaf with mushroom gravy at Mar-A-Lago and wanting to order ketchup with it is the worst thing I’ve heard so far.
This story has taken a solid 3 minutes I swear to god.
Also Trump eats his mashed potatoes with ketchup on them.
God, Gohmert’s going into some really gross anti-immigrant stuff about how immigrants are raping our young girls.
He’s saying the most compassionate thing we can do to Mexico is secure the border and to stop the cartel from getting money.
“Thank god for Hispanics!” - Louie Gohmert
He’s talking specifically about their Christian family values that he likes.
He’s promoting Hydroxychloroquine, something I couldn’t hear well, and Zinc for Covid treatment.
He’s very sad that Franklin Roosevelt was a racist, but he’s a democrat so.
He gives speeches like my grandma, Jesus Christ.
Gohmert is talking about going out to a Russian communal farm and talking to them and them saying that they don’t work because they’ll get paid either way.
John Sullivan being brought up again.
He’s claiming that Biden is wanting to crawl in bed with Iran.
Gohmert is bashing John Durham, weird choice for a QPilled crowd.
Talking about the removal of gendered language. Says that because of it you can’t talk about Big Brother from 1984, have to say Big Sibling.
Lunch Time! I should have eaten before this TBH. It’s gonna be a one hour posting break, I think I’ll make a new thread when it resumes.
Wait, actually the Oreo Express (right wing YouTube channel) is talking to people, gonna watch that.
Oh fuck me, they’re showing Pilling videos in between the speeches. I missed some of them because I was getting food. :(
Here’s the Will Sommer bit taken from an unofficial stream of the conference.
The intermission screen has run out of music to play and is now just playing soft static.
ah fuck it I’ll just have a giant thread
And we’re back to our regularly scheduled QAnon conference.
Up now is Henry Davis who’s come out singing in a dashiki.
He’s mostly just telling funny stories about his time in Dallas, which is a pretty nice break from the usual talking points.
He’s claiming that every winner of The Apprentice was black, which isn’t true. He’s also generally talking about how Donald Trump is good for black people.
He’s claiming that Danney Williams is Bill Clinton’s biological son, this isn’t true.
He’s now pretending to struggle walking up steps like Joe Biden.
Doing some transphobia/“Michelle Obama is actually a man” stuff now. Claiming there aren’t any pictures of her pregnant and that she walks like a man.
We’ve got a T-Slur! Awesome. Also maybe implying that Joan Rivers was killed because she thought Michelle was transgender?
(That “Awesome” is sarcastic BTW, this is fucking miserable. Just awful.)
He’s talking about how when George Papadopoilos drinks he forgets where he is.
He’s gonna do some singing!
He’s going out into the crowd to get his wife to come up on stage.
He toured with R. Kelly holy shit
My recommendation for any future bits he may have is to not have region based humor if you’re not in that region. Dallasites don’t know about North St. Louis.
He’s singing the national anthem now. I’m having to turn down my headphone volume because it is very loud and very grating.
It’s Juanita Broaddrick time.
She’s recounting the story of her sexual assault. I don’t have anything to add or comment on, and probably won’t for the rest of her speech.
She did start the speech by reading a tweet that says the difference between a conspiracy theory and a fact is 12-24 months.
They’re playing “This Girl Is On Fire”. IDK if Alicia Keys approved.
Honey, I’m a lesbian who can barely tell what fits me, but I can tell that this looks so lame.
Pulled out some chairs and Doug Billings is now interviewing her.
Billings is mostly asking her questions about where the Kraken is and why Trump didn’t act to prevent this.
“Demented old pervert who can’t even tie his shoes” - Powell about Biden
She’s recommending the documentary “Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections”.
She’s talking about international shipping and China’s role in creating container ships.
For an unstructured interview (which I don’t entirely believe), she’s hitting all the bases. Sharpiegate, algorithm, Kraken as a supercomputer/military program. The greatest hits.
Yes! The “too many votes for Trump that it ended up breaking the algorithm” theory! That one’s my favorite.
Sometimes I wonder how long she can keep using the “we have so much evidence that will be revealed soon” line, but deep down I know that line will work forever.
Mike Lindell shoutout! He and Powell are friends/talk often.
Oh nice Q&A session.
First question is an ass-kissing question, asking if she’d be willing to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Most of the question askers aren’t Texans, which is wild. I’d expect that they’d be locals.
Yes! First JFK reference.
He’s asking if the Zionist Marxists killed JFK.
^That’s a little bit of an oversimplification, but he did bring up “The Iron Curtain Over America” by John Beaty and specifically fought up Zionist marxists in reference to JFK’s trip to Dallas.
Powell is saying that she doesn’t want to give people false hope and that she doesn’t know of any big plan. I can’t imagine this playing well to a QAnon crowd.
There’s a lady in the audience who’s claiming that she saw a bunch of Mexican citizens voting the the US when she lived in Brownsville.
I think she’s talking about the Box 13 scandal? But she’s not explaining it well.
Lol, they’re having to yell at the audience because none of them are asking questions.
Tammy!!!! Yay!
She’s a small scale Q influencer who was at the capitol riots. Nice to see she came down to Dallas.

They are now playing Crawling by Linkin Park.
They don’t know their mics are on and that the livestream audience can hear them.
The official livestream hasn’t turned back on the visuals yet. I can hear the audio, but I can’t see anything.
Speaking RN is Brad Getz. He runs Logical Faction and creates QAnon videos.
Who do I talk to about the stream not having any visuals. I paid money for this bullshit (like an idiot), I need visuals.
My bitchy tweet worked. Getz is reading Q drops, like #4462, to try to prove that QAnon is peaceful.
Oh he’s going against the JFK Jr thing! He’s bringing up the Q denying JFK Jr drop and saying that the mainstream media is miscategorizing them.
Lol, I forgot the “MLK was a conservative” Q drop. Getz is claiming this proves QAnon isn’t a racist movement.
Wait he’s claiming that black/brown shooters never get any media attention, but that white shooters get covered by the media. Isn’t it literally the opposite? Disproportionate coverage for black/brown shooters.
Getz is bringing up 4th Generation Warfare, a concept created by “Cultural Marxism” promoter and anti-Semite William Lind.
He’s making a lot of claims about photos coming out of the Syrian war not being real.
Fluoride in water talk, couched in talk about Edmund Bernays’ career.
Also, here’s a follow recommendation. @QOrigins is also following the conference, and they can give a lot more and better context on each of the speakers and topics, especially when it comes to the drops. Their stuff is great, follow them for more Q stuff.
I’m just shitposting mostly, they’re actually explaining stuff and giving context and generally being very smart.
Getz is basically just reading Edmund Bernays’s Wikipedia page at this point.
He’s claiming that a large central bank is a core tenant of communism, and that’s what Woodrow Wilson did when creating the Federal Reserve.
Why is there so much Woodrow Wilson hate? Like yeah he sucked occasionally, especially on race stuff, but it’s generally accepted that he was pretty good policy wise. A lot of these critiques that he’s making could be made a lot earlier in history too.
He’s bringing up globalism and Trump being one of the first non-globalist candidate.
Ahhh, the Wilson scare is because of the NWO stuff. Forgot he was one of the first people that was formally applied to.
It’s surprising that it took this long to get to the explicit NWO stuff. Though now that it’s there, he’s going all in on the “NWO is gonna depopulate the world” stuff.
Flynn time!
I think this is all the cards.
We’re Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister is playing over footage of riots, Biden, and Trump stuff.
Why does he have a baseball bat???
Sydney Powell has one too!! They got it from some guy in Fall River!
He’s explaining the Civil War and the history of Memorial Day.
He’s saying that people don’t sign up for the military to be a mechanic or a cook or a truck driver, they are signing a life sentence and are agreeing to give their life to people they’ll never meet for reasons they’ll never understand. But it’s okay because they love the USA.
Oh, he’s calling out all the “fake news” people in the audience who bought tickets and are attending.
He’s talking about his experiences meeting gold star families and about “The Last True Measure of Devotion”. This is kind of reminding me of Umberto Eco’s ideas about the cult of death.
Now he’s leaning into “we’re here because of the children” and that they aren’t conspiracy theorists. “The truth will come out”
He’s claiming that Trump won both the popular vote and the electoral college, but that they were outmaneuvered by “legions of lawyers” that were deployed all over the country by the Democrats.
He’s pulled out a little constitution booklet to wave around.
He’s claiming that you can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance in elements school anymore, which is entirely untrue.
He’s claiming that the US is the only North Star, the only shining beacon, and the only city upon a hill. None other exists.
Flynn’s speech is following his regular Christian fundamentalist talking point list. How the Bill of rights acts as an extension/implementation of the 10 commandments and such.
He’s bringing up Formosa. That’s a deep cut.
Flynn’s talking about how he was banned from Twitter and that now “We are fighting for an information beachhead.”
Flynn’s speeches are always such an interesting mix of half-remembered biblical stories and military jargon. It’s fascinating to really listen to, though it can drag on at points.
He’s asking for the audience to get involved in local politics like school boards.
Flynn’s talking about how the Chinese/China is “infecting” america.
He’s bashing the teachers unions that are running the schools. He seems to really be emphasizing being involved in school board politics.
“Children have built in immunity”, immediately followed by “I’m not a doctor”. Yeah, I could tell that from the first sentence.
He really seems to be pushing grassroots organization.
He and his wife believe that someone’s destiny is chosen before they’re ever born.
Flynn is claiming that Trump looked over his records and said he was one of the cleanest people in politics. Tangential, remember when him and his son tried to kidnap that Turkish cleric?

This was such a great story.

He’s now talking about digital battlefields and digital beachheads again.
He’s got an idea called Buddy Breathe? It’s got something to do with breathing the fresh air of liberty.
And he’s done!
Popa is asking for what the audience learned from Flynn’s speech like it was an elementary school assembly on stranger danger.
Technically difficulties running this video! Now Popa’s showing off the baseball bat again.
Now it’s Doug Billings! Conservative talk show host of The Right Side. He was here earlier interviewing Powell.
Opening up by saying that the Democratic Party of JFK doesn’t exist anymore, and instead it’s the Commu-Socialist party.
He’s arguing that the lack of traditional family values (traditional family values being that gay people cannot get married and that trans people do not exist) is what is ruining society. Once we bring back these values, our cities and towns will get better.
Extending this argument a bit you get the idea that if we were to overturn Obergefell then our city infrastructure would improve.
He’s arguing that we’re currently in a nightmare, but we will soon see a return to god and his divine providence. A great rebirth.
The constitution, Bill of rights, and Declaration of Independence are under attack by the forces of Satan according to him.
He’s also arguing that most people believe that marriage is 1 man and 1 woman, which I don’t think is true anymore. I think most people support gay marriage.
Billings is saying that doctors are diagnosing people with Covid and putting them on ventilators to get additional funding.
And that’s a wrap! I’ll be back here tomorrow.
Day 2 let’s gooo!
Devin Gibson lost their credit card, please come up to the stage to get it.
We’re starting off with a music performance of christian songs. The website’s itinerary has yet to be updated, despite the claim that the speaker agenda would be announced, but going off of it Pastor Sean Golliday should be speaking.
I wish they had introduced the musicians at all before they started performing. They’re doing a good job and I don’t see them listed on the website as performers or speakers.
Sean Golliday is speaking now. They’ve also added a watermark to the livestream, I assume to spite specifically me and ruin my screenshots.
This is a QAnon themed sermon. Golliday is talking about a spiritual Great Awakening that will shake every citizen of the nation and turn them to the Christian god.
He’s talking about Numbers 13. He’s interpreting the story of men being sent to explore Canaan as a military strategy, directly being compared to reconnaissance in the army.
God didn’t call you to be a vaccine distributor, he called you to be the one who will give the answer to this nation, Golliday says.
He says, this is not communist Russia, we are churches that have been backed by god himself. “Take that mask off an preach the gospel!”
Calling CNN “Communist News Network”, nice nice. Classic.
Advocating that the audience stop watching the news on TV (specifically in reference in Covid news). Because once you turn it off, a clarity comes over you.
You’re either on the Lord’s side or the Luciferian side, Golliday.
He’s leaning into there being an anti-Christ system that’s controlling the nation, and that if you speak out against it you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist.
“Peace is a weapon” - Golliday, talking about how god will use peace as a way to combat Satan.
He’s talking about geldings (castrated horses) now to explain the idea of “you produce what you are”. Don’t geldings produce nothing? Isn’t that their whole point?
Two people come up behind him on stage holding the Pine Tree Flag (a pine tree with the phrase AN APPEAL TO HEAVEN above).
Context: It’s a flag from the American Revolution.

He’s taking about how God wants to promote people, but that an individual’s reaction during “the test” (meaning proving you are faithful during this time by speaking up for him) will determine if God raises you up or not.
“You may have family right now who have bought the lie, but the spirit of god will wake them up.” - Golliday
He says the crowd isn’t just flyby Christians who go to church on Sunday, but become devils on Saturday. They’re always loyal Christians.
“I want to go all the way with god.” I’m dumb for snickering at this.
“I’m not living for Facebook’s likes, I’m living for heaven’s likes.”
What is evangelizing but a form of real life posting?
He’s telling the audience that if they’re not built for this, they need to leave. Only people who are willing to go all the way for god should stay.
He’s listing off deities/religious figures (Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad) and saying that they cannot save you, only Jesus can save you.
I think he’s gone over time. The itinerary says his speech should have ended at 10:30, it’s 10:41. The same musicians are standing behind him awkwardly, obviously waiting for their turn.
*same musicians from before
He’s bringing people up to the stage who have said that they would like to turn themselves over to god. Some of them look like children/teens.
They’re all now reciting a prayer.
Here’s some shots from the prayer recitation. The people at the front were pulled up to dedicate themselves to God for the first time.
The musicians have been standing behind him for the past ~15 minutes. Very obviously waiting for him to be over so that they can perform. A little bit ago I think I heard one of them tuning his guitar.
The current MC “Evangelist Cynthia” has a super cool shirt. Nice pattern and is super long at the back.
They are now literally asking for tithings/donations for Sean Golliday. It won’t go to Patriot Voice, just Golliday.
Day 2 of the QAnon Conference seems to be the “literally never introducing who is speaking/performing” themed day.
There’s a lady speaking, who I do not know because she has yet to be introduced formally, but she’s reading a section of Isaiah 40 from her phone.
Oops, started doing thread stuff on a reply. Sorry!

Davis continues to be one of the most entertaining and charismatic speakers at the conference.
Thank god Popa is back as MC. Hopefully we’ll get names of speakers/performers now.
Popa asks if the audience knows the speaker lineup, the audience yells back “No!”. Did they just not give anyone an updated itinerary???
Devin Gibson has yet to claim the credit card, plus there’s a prescription sunglasses set and a pink hard drive stick that need to be claimed. If that’s you, look for Mary.
Starting out the actual portion of the conference with the national anthem.
That was Bella Popa, Andre’s daughter.
Now the video is not playing sound.
Instead of video sounds, Bella Popa just started singing again.
Up next is Bevelyn Beatty. She’s most famous for defacing BLM murals by painting over them.
Her intro song was “Everything We Need” by Kanye West and Ty Dolla $ign. I really doubt they were approved to use this.
One of the first things she does on stage is admit to money laundering in her past. Awesome.
Oh nice some casual homophobia when talking about the first church she joined and it’s gay pastor. “Gay people like to twirl, that’s some entertainment, so I guess I’ll go there.”
Dropping the N-word, twice so far.
She’s spreading the idea that women on welfare are intentionally having more children to get more benefits, and how that pushes Jesus out of the family.
Some anti-abortion stuff, and now we get the full scale homophobia talking about how gay people need to be saved and that conservative gays should be ostracized because of their sexuality despite their political opinions.
Now she’s calling Mike Pence a Judas.
“We bent faster than the gay men in jail.” WOW
“Don’t think that because you’re white ‘I can’t say what you say’” Is she telling the audience they can say the n-word?????
Ah nah, she seems to be talking more in general about white people being able to say things that could be interpreted as racist without fear of being called racist.
She likes Trump coming into office because it’s opened people up to the truth of the Illuminati and Luciferians existing.
She’s saying RuPaul being in an Old Navy commercial is a sign of the Luciferians influencing society/children.
It’s always entertaining when they’re talking about how the storm is coming and is going to change everything, they can feel it, and the thing that they said needs changing is like women waking around in revealing clothing.
“She went there! She talked about RuPaul! She talked about booty hanging out!” - Andre Popa about Bevelyn Beatty’s speech
Now it’s Edmee Chavannes time. She’s famous as an anti-abortion protestor.
She’s called out America as being corrupted by “witchcraft”, “perversion”, and “child sacrifice”.
She’s talking about how it’s strange that the poorest in America are more likely to be obese because that isn’t what it’s like in the rest of the world.
She’s complaining that we’ve gone from missing children on milk cartons to LGBTQ pride on cereal boxes, and that we’ve gone from fighting over slavery to fighting over pronouns (I must have missed the pronoun war).
She’s asking for America to come back to it’s first love, Jesus her husband.
She wants to see men and women to wait for marriage before they have sex.
Omg, they misspelled her name on the website.
They’re now all standing up, looking each other in the eyes, and chanting stuff such as “I’m a Patriot! I’m a fighter!”
Screenshotted too early, but the next line for Andy Meehan says “Thwarted by RINOs”. Intro screen bragging about how he got owned, awesome.
Here’s the organization he founded.

His speech so far seems to mostly be complaining about how he got owned by the Republican establishment in his election.
Wait that was it???? Just complaining about how he lost and how it happened? That’s it?
He’s playing the harmonica now to fill time.
Now it’s George Papadopolous! Coming out to Eye of the Tiger by Survivor.
Starting out by asking the audience who’s on Twitter, and complaining about Biden & Harris’s tweets.
Complaining about how Biden & Harris did not talk about veterans, the ultimate sacrifice, hot dogs, or cold beer for Memorial Day.
Calling Scooter Libby a “good guy”.
He keeps talking about how upset he is that ISIS is cutting people’s heads off, and that’s what in part spurred him to join politics and to work on the Trump campaign.
Papadopoulos is recounting stories about Ben Carson from when he was working on the Carson campaign, and how Ben Carson at one point was leading against Trump. Not sure how the MAGA/Trump/QAnon is taking this.
Now he’s getting into a “global conspiracy to take down the America First movement”.
He’s talking about Obamagate stuff, about how there was an organized conspiracy among the US, UK, Australia, and other countries to ruin Trump’s campaign.
There’s only two parties now, patriots and traitors according to Papadopoulos.
He’s pulled his wife up on stage to thank her for standing by him during his time in jail.
His wife is now saying a few words about marrying Papadopoulos and “fighting into the storm” with him.
She’s talking about how if she had the courage to walk into fashion week with her collection while all the liberals look at her and judge her, the audience can fight on too.
God guided Papadopoulos and put him where he is right now, speaking to a QAnon Conference.
Oh he brought up the Durham investigation and the audience is *very* chatty about it.
He’s going to be taking audience questions after the speech. If it’s anything like previous Q&A sessions here, it will be audience speeches.
He says that he never brought up Russia in the 40 minutes that he’s been talking, but I don’t think that’s true. I could be misremembering, but I’m like 90% sure he talked about Russiagate during his speech.
Brought up Barr and Durham not going to Italy to get pizza or see the colosseum. Unsure if he’s intentionally trying to evoke pizzagate.
It really says a lot about me and my hobbies that I, an 18 year old girl, am following Papadopoulos’s speech and can recognize Kevin Clinesmith and Stefan Halper by name.
He’s saying that most FBI agents are Patriots, it’s just the higher ups that are bad.
He’s saying Durham is going up against a behemoth, but that he’s going to get to the bottom of it. Basically pandering.
Devin Gibson *still* has not claimed their credit card!
There putting their hand on their hearts and taking “The Oath” (popular thing to do in the QAnon community where they take the Oath of Office despite not entering any office.)
Lunch break! Last time they played pilling videos, I’ll stick around.
Yep! They’re playing a Pains Angel video, I don’t know this one. He’s going over what he’s learned in 2020. I’ll see if I can find it.
Oh, they’re playing some pilled music I’ve seen before but I can’t remember the artist!! It’s a woman singing soft rock-ish music, I think the name’s WWG1WGA.
Another Pain’s Angels video. I found the first video that was played! Here it is.

They seem to only have 4 videos to play (3 Pain’s Angels video, and that QAnon song), and then it’s soft static for the rest of the lunch break.
Lunch is over, they had chicken fried chicken apparently.
Up next is Jason Frank! He’s wearing a Save Our Children shirt.
He’s talking very openly about Q and the plan.
And now he’s talking about going to Drag Queen Story Hours and sitting outside to tell parents of children that are attending that the drag queens are pedophiles.
Also, I think Popa introduced him as RedPill78??? I’m going to go back and try to clip this, but I think Popa fucked up who he was.
He’s near tears talking about the Paradise, California fires and his family’s experience with it.
He’s talking about direct energy weapons starting the fires.
He’s now talking about Comet Ping Pong.
Frank is describing his visit to Comet Ping Pong, and how the manager asked him for his Facebook.
He’s claiming that the Comet Ping Pong people own dance studios and charter schools and various other places that children goes.
Now he’s talking about “following the wives”, and Liz Crokin telling him not to look into it because he’ll get killed. Frank says “Let ‘em”, the audience is applauding.
He’s saying that the Comet Ping Pong people dress up their son in a pizza outfit and pass him around.
He’s bringing up Tesla and how Tesla said the secret to the universe was energy and vibrations.
He’s now talking about how his grandpa was a truth searcher and how he has a bunch of books from the 1800s. QAnon family legacy.
He says he misses his accounts and his followers.
He has a Q vest and is going to start making buttons/patches for every platform he gets banned from.
Frank says his hero and the reason why he fights through this is General Flynn.
He’s got a tattoo of WWG1WGA and a huge American flag Q on his arm! I didn’t notice that! He sent a picture of it to General Flynn.
Popa’s rectifying the fact that he introduced Frank as RedPill78, Frank’s RedPill77.
Video’s not playing, Popa’s doing the running man dance (I think) in it’s place.
No title card, it’s a project Veritas guy in a cap that says “Epstein Coverup” and holding a stuffed miniature alpaca.
I think this is James O’Keefe, but he isn’t on the speakers list. His alpaca’s name is “Retracto” and he is issued to journalists who lie.
Correction: Not James O’Keefe, I cannot tell people apart. No idea his name then, I did not catch it and none of the listed speakers work for Project Veritas.
It’s Christian Hartsock. He’s mostly telling stories about his undercover operations at Project Veritas. Learning about the people that train people to incite violence at Trump rallies and such.
It’s a very long story about working undercover with Robert Creamer. He’s not talking about the bit of that we all care about, the Donald Duck costumes.
He just threw the hat and the alpaca into the crowd!
This conference is so great. It’s like listening to your grandparents tell stories about beefs that happened in their hometown in the 50s, and acting like it has any relevance nowadays. A lot of recounting things that happened on Twitter, or stuff that happened in 2016.
Jordan Sather time!!!!
For my followers who don’t follow me for Q stuff, he’s a QAnon influencer. He’s got a Twitch stream, and used to be big on Twitter. He’s into alien disclosure (aliens/alien tech is being hidden but will be revealed), vaccines causing autism, and drinking bleach.
He’s gonna be talking about big pharma, UFOs, and Q.
He’s going to be talking about chlorine dioxide/bleach. Specifically bringing up the Trump disinfectant line for last year.
I wonder if he’s going to do any debunking, he’s pretty into that now. Probably not, but I think it would be funny to see the crowd reaction.
Oh Jesus Christ, he’s starting at his birth. Get to the alien/Q/bleach stuff Jordan! That’s what the crowd is here for! They don’t want to hear about the expectations your parents placed on you!!
He’s talking about his pilling process. Working at a health store, looking up the Rothschilds, reading the Podesta emails. The usual.
I would be such a good QAnon speech coach. So many of the speakers need to cut out fluff.
Okay, bleach stuff now. He’s talking about how the news attacked him for his tweets about drinking bleach to cure the coronavirus.
He’s talking about how the dose makes the poison. Which is true, but that dose for bleach to become bad for you is very very low.
UFOs now. He’s saying that the mainstream media is currently distracting the populace with the UFO stuff, so they don’t pay attention to the Wuhan lab and Q stuff.
He’s saying there’s good evidence to show that defense contractors have zero point energy technology and such. Pointing at Tesla and Townsend Brown as influences.
I feel like he’s hiding his power level, though he might be gearing up to talk about more.
Yep! He’s saying that technologies are being kept secret, because we’ve been using cars and electricity for 100 years and technology grows exponentially so we should be past that by now.
He’s talking about Q now. He says people focus too much on who Q is, and not what Q does.
Oh! He’s talking about how there’s a problem with the Q movement being infiltrated by the deep state because they’re afraid of the population waking up.
He’s saying that the dumb stuff is planted.
The Kate Awakening time!
She’s a pretty big QTuber.
She’s talking about how IET was supposed to be up with her, but backed out. IIRC, didn’t he back out to petsit?
She’s talking about how some people have been “awake” since birth, but some have to be awoken later in life.
She’s talking about how when she was a little girl her dad would try to pill her about the federal reserve.
She’s talking about how she’s be okay if Q was a “Diabolical pimple-faced 17 year old” because of what the Q movement did in waking people up.
She’s using the “Iron sharpens iron, man sharpens man” metaphor to talk about QAnon researchers making each other “better”.
Lol, she’s comparing the QAnon Twitter purge to the Titanic. Talking about people wanting to deactivate their accounts before being deleted, but deciding to stay to get deleted when seeing Flynn get taken down.
She’s talking about all the great former criminals who “touched the darkness, but still chose the light.” She says not everyone can be as “squeaky clean” as General Flynn.
Live the type of life where God is like “Oh my me! That was awesome! Giant high five!” -Kate Buckley
She says the the crowd got scared when Biden was inaugurated, but forgot that they are actually winning and may have actually already won.
I feel like Popa’s taunting the audience. He’s asking if they know what’s next, and the audience is like “no!”. You guys have yet to give us an actual itinerary!
Audience is guessing that RedPill78 is next.
“We need redpill.” -Popa, who doesn’t know his mic is still on I assume.
The mics are still hot, but I can’t really make out what they’re saying. They seem to be arguing about who’s coming up, I think they’re talking to RedPill who’s confused as to whether or not he’s actually going on.
Yep! It’s RedPill78! They brought out 3 chairs before, obviously preparing for someone else, but he’s up here now!
For my non-Q followers, he’s a pretty big Q influencer known for his signature vaporwave aesthetic.
He’s going to be talking about how the Q movement saved his life later. RN he’s talking about how his mom reading him “On The Trail Of The Assassins” by Jim Garrison.
Oh god, he’s talking about how he was burdened with an “intense, incredible knowledge” since a young age.
Yes! He has his vape pen up on stage!
He has the best outfit of the people who have spoken so far, in my opinion.
It’s always interesting to hear about people who have used QAnon as a part of their rehab process. Both Frank and Paine have talked about it today.
He’s specifically talking about how he’s thankful for people who go to sleep listening to him. Very sad to announce that I am technically a part of that group.
He’s encouraging people to get involved locally, that seems to be a theme among the speakers.
He’s saying that parents have had him talk to their kids on the phone, presumably to pill them.
“Cooper is 10 years old and he’s a Patriot!” - Andre Popa, talking to a child in the audience. I feel so bad for this kid. It’s almost miserable watching this from home, and I’m doing this for fun.
They’re playing a cool video. Pretty good editing on this one.
It’s going real fast, but I’m trying to take screenshots. Some super obvious Sovereign Citizen stuff.
Now it’s Billings, Flynn, and Sullivan.
Some screenshots in order. Second one is talking about the Sov Cit ideas about birth certificates not being valid and being a corporate trust.
Some more screenshots, these are out of order.
More out of order screenshots.
Billings, Flynn, and Sullivan are holding a discussion. They’re mostly talking about digital solider stuff. Sullivan is explaining that social media companies and analysts game people and have access to all their info.
Flynn is talking about kicking people out of the conference. Looks like a few media people were just evicted.
Another big crowd of people just left/got kicked out.
“We have the most intellectually mature audience in the world right now!” - Billings
Flynn is claiming that he met the creator of Pepe “the frog face” and that he loves him. He seems to be confusing Matt Furie, the actual creator, with some guy he met at the conference.
Sullivan is bragging about the launch of magainfo.tv.
Flynn is talking about how the digital soldiers need to be more informed to win the information war.
Billings it getting Sullivan and Flynn to talk about their biases. Sullivan says he’s biased in valuing self-preservation.
God gave us a choice, and we choose to win. - Sullivan
Oh hell yes Q&A, he’s having to clarify that they need questions not speeches.
Flynn’s giving a story about an American soldier saving a child, using that as an example of what Americans should be like.
Sullivan is saying that they are going to be giving out info in real time along with a little bit of instruction, if you put your phone number into magainfo.tv.
“Oh it should have been a question, I’m sorry” - Audience member who forgot the rules
Flynn says this isn’t going to happen by the 4th of July, and that they need discipline.
Flynn is complaining that hometown newspapers don’t show high school basketball anymore, and then goes on to complain about the local newspaper here that tried to shut them down. (I think he’s talking about the Dallas Observer)
He’s telling the audience to not send any money to the RNC.
Audience member is asking why what happened in Myanmar can’t/hasn’t happened here. Flynn replies that it should happen here.
Audience member asking about what to do when QAnon gets in the way of family/friendships, should they give up or keep trying to pill them? Flynn says that you need to keep trying to pill them, and if it isn’t working you need to get better info to pill them.
They’re talking about ejecting Will Sommer, they say that they refunded his ticket and told him not to come.
They’ve given Michael Flynn a bust.
*Flynn and Powell, and they are busts of themselves in tricone hats.
Gene Ho, Trump’s 2016 campaign photographer is up now. He had a title card, but I was too late on the draw to get a screenshot.
He’s mostly just giving Trump stories, now he’s talking about IRS auditing.
Putting the video in the thread too.
Now he’s talking why he’s running to be mayor of Myrtle Beach.
Up now is a guy from Cowboys For Trump. His title card didn’t actually have a name (not that I saw), and Popa only introduced him as “Cowboys for Trump”.
I believe this is Cousy Griffin, based on some quick googling, he participated in the capitol siege and is county commissioner for Otero County NM. He is not on the speakers list.
Yep! It’s him, he just said his name.
He’s talking about his experiences talking to Trump.
He’s asking the people who went to the capitol (or went to their state capitol) on January 6th to stand up so they can honor them.
Allen West time!
West says that he doesn’t want hear about people being depressed, he wants people to stand up and fight and be hopeful.
He’s talking about Saving Private Ryan. I haven’t seen it and I want to, but I guess I’m gonna be spoiled on it’s ending by a QAnon conference.
West is saying the best way to celebrate Memorial Day and to respect the memory of the deceased is to stand up against the progressive socialists trying to take over America.
Looks like West has a mini-constitution on him just like Flynn.
He’s talking about being involved in local politics, specifically talking about the recent Southlake election.
He’s saying that the stimulus bills are “economic enslavement”.
He says every day should be Memorial Day.
What’s it with people saying “The Democrat Party” as opposed to “The Democratic Party”? Have I been saying it wrong?
He’s saying that he’s okay with people coming to Texas if they want to keep it a beacon of freedom and liberty and actually respect Texas, but if they want to make it California they should leave.
They’re taking “The Oath” again. (QAnon thing where they take the Oath of Office despite not entering any office.)
Day 2 over! I’ll be trying to see if I can get any livestreams of the party, but I doubt I will. I’ve got enough eyes on me and this thread to actually make a poll for if I should keep using this giant thread or make a new one tomorrow.

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