your brain isnt actually the “seat” of your consciousness / spirit. its your heart. what u think of ur brain doing, ur heart does. breaking news from basically every religion ever for thousands and thousands of years
this isnt just like a metaphor or arbitrary designation br0
(i have more typically seen this written as shin, this is where “mushin / mu-shin” comes from for anyone who has operated on the eastern front)
interestingly in some tibetan buddhist documents i have seen some advanced guys talk about that the heart is where the spirit is tied to the body. like there is literally a knot there tethering the two. that is interesting and would also jive with the general assessment here.
i mean these guys literally opened up dead bodies all the time and handled all the organs and stuff and they came to the same conclusion. obviously they knew the brain was there. they probably scooped out a ton of them. worth considering how cohesive this whole picture is imo.
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one of my favorite word maneuvers that people are programmed to deploy is this one: saying something should or shouldnt happen (whether u agree or not) is an opinion. obviously thats what it is. but people use this flip of asserting that something is not what it is, strategically
i think this is an intuitive response coupled with mimicking what they see other people doing. it serves a perfect function so, in a sense its like an evolutionary behavior that is advantageous and thus is spontaneously adopted, presumably often without realizing it.
it allows the person to stay put in terms of ideology or conversation while clearly contradicting themselves. if you notice it people use it all the time. i suppose the other obvious example would be free speech, “this isnt free speech, its XYZ”. strategic semantic faux ontology.
not getting the same rush by playing devils advocate for philosophical and theological issues. need a new hit. asking the 16 year old female cashier how she really uh, knows my change is 26 cents. come on. whats the basis for you knowing that. just tell me. u can keep the quarter
whose authority allows you to ban me from kroger. whats the chain of command. do you guys have a canonized set of documents detailing who has this authority and on what basis. can i look through it and ask you about it. are there kroger ecumenical councils. ill never come back.
when kroger was established was there a founding charter or was it more like a revelation. is it a monarchy. when u say the manager has the authority to refuse service for any reason are you appealing to an oral tradition. just let me find one conflict in the documents. i need it
oh, i have to use "page numbers" when making a book. why. why is that. so u can just cut the book up however u want. jump in and out. so tweed clad scholars sucking off the teat of the creator class, like vultures, can descend upon and tear apart this document like a carcass. no
the book is an in toto document. it is one cohesive whole. there are no "page numbers". u can take it as a whole or u can take nothing. i will meet these "academic standards" halfway when im dead buried in the earth + worms consume me. then u can have ur "page numbers", sycophant
oh it makes it easier for people to TALK ABOUT particular SECTIONS. yes please. please, chattering class, dissect "the books", please cut them up for me. i am a baby. blend them. chew them and feed them back into my mouth like a mother bird. otherwise i will die. i will starve.
most museums totally open spaces. the ancient vases, paintings, etc., are all right there. its like someones living room. ultimately, you have to conclude that really, deep down, no one wants to harm or damage the artifacts. they very easily could. wonder if that will ever change
theres a handful of times someone has damaged or smashed something but its very rare. its kind of comforting, even in cities with sections you would never go to, high crime, whatever, its still the case that mostly, people can leave very nice old things out in an open building.
true, but the fact that its typically targeted at a particular work for a particular reason highlights the other end of what im saying. ultimately, apparently, the lust for meaningless destruction for destructions sake, is not that great, even in bad places. apparently, i guess.
[my friend, at a party in my apartment]: hey man i saw there was a park nearby on the way here. i was thinking me and gf could
me: hAaha
you dont want to go there.
the other funny thing about places that are sketchy to go in at night like that is people intuitively recognize it if youre out at like 2/3 am with them but if you mention it explicitly or bring it up outside of that context people get mad. that was my experience at least.
mfw family members who got in my face years ago about it “just being a clump of cells” now want to see a video i recorded of my unborn childs heartbeat
my my my, how the tables. looks like they have turned, does it not
good thing im not the kind of person to hold grudges for multiple years
ironically that is also primarily due to the religion they dislike
really just letting a lot of opportunities to be a dick pass me by here, such is life.