A weaponized Industrial Disease made a Murderous Juggernaut
(And why the MAGA don’t see it)
by Arthur Malraux
A contagious disease has knowingly been unleashed upon America.
It is thinly disguised but the evidence is there, and there is more coming. It’s called Mobbing Syndrome.
Now, I’m not saying the last 4 years of near-daily assaults on decency, truth, reason, and precedent resembles Mobbing Syndrome.
I’m saying it is EXACTLY that.
I first saw Mobbing Syndrome 3 years ago at my work.
I’d never heard of it.
Mobbing is found in animal behaviour; crows often do it. When a crow detects a threat to their nest, be it a snake or owl, they rally other crows for help.
Oddly, other species too, join the fray to eliminate the threat.
They form a unanimous malevolent will, to either drive it away or to kill it.
Dr. Heinz Leymann first used Mobbing to describe an insidious and contagious industrial disease in 1990.
It is common within extremely hierarchical, competitive professions (Nursing, Policing, and Higher Education). It’s not only toxic colleagues that drive this eliminative will, but frequently employees from Human Resources, Union Reps, and the Management too, join in.
They swoon unanimously in an impassioned collective campaign to drive the ‘Other’ out.
They have been conditioned to see these others as ‘threats to their interests.’
From Latin, E for ex or ‘out of’ and Limen for ‘threshold’ –
a Mobbing is the covert manifestation of this Eliminative Lust, often begun by a person in power.
Using a sophisticated campaign of negative communication (lying, smearing, gossip, gaslighting, humiliation, shaming) they push relentlessly until the target is eliminated
from their workplace; from their community; from their sanity; or from their very life, when they die by suicide or heart failure (common).
Then, they find a new Target and begin again, usually within a few weeks.
Whereas “bullying” invokes images of schoolyards, Mobbing conjures the concept of graveyards.
Roughly 12% of people that are Mobbed die by suicide.
Though Mobbing is largely verbal and written evidence can be scant, it has been said that Mobbers are too naïve to cover traces
of their own misdeeds.
I could predict what the Mobbers would do next.
They became transparent to me; unable to hide their intentions – or their glee.
This “undisguised glee” (as Sociologist Ken Westhues termed it) was inexplicable to many and to me..
.. at first.
Terms like Confederates and Culprits are used to describe Mobbers, but, though they share some common traits, surely it was unlikely they all had a common character defect.
MAGA family members, work colleagues, and others, all bear the hallmarks of some similar disruptions
in their personas. I worked with a guy I did not recognize after he had ‘turned.’
It was though he was there under the surface, but he stubbornly couldn’t be reasoned with. He had an odd ‘look.’
He dismissed my compelling diagnosis of Mobbing Syndrome and gallingly told me
“People are getting sick over this!” (my primary concern).
He twice used a phrase that I believe was being used to discredit me secretly. It was a bizarre kind of parroting. Unnatural.
In Mobbing studies, sociologists appear to solely study the psychotic spectrum disorders
incurred by Targets and Bystanders.
It occurred to me that a “desperate urge to crush and eliminate the target” that “spreads through the work unit, infecting one person after another like a contagious disease” must necessarily mean a detectable parallel disorder is at play.
With symptoms like these, a psychological trauma must be affecting the tormentors.
Around this time, I saw stark similarities in the inexplicable deluge of provable lies and outrageous smears emanating from Trump Republicans. Odd, that they would make wild, disjointed
accusations, and floating bizarre Russian conspiracy theories based on mistruths.
Watch the First Impeachment Hearing and see them gleefully couch their naked ‘treachery’ within complex nonsensical questions. They were sowing doubts. Feeding wild conspiratorial delusions.
It’s an intentional bewildering. Russia has experimented with this before.
It’s inarguable that the GOP worked in concert with foreign despots to foster this Magamorphosis, using Bot Farms and targeted posts across social media, violent anti-social ‘Alt-Reich’ messaging
and false flag events, Trump’s own Hitleresque re-election rallies, and the incessant topsy-turvy narratives trumpeted out by Fox, OANN, Newsmax, Epoch Times, Daily Stormer, etc., etc., etc.
They really did flood the zone with shit, as Bannon had said.
This isn’t “changing a voter’s mind with good policies.” This is the intentional alteration of a voter’s psyche, persistently using lies to paint a 180 ° false psychological view of reality.
Changing someone’s mind positively with logic or using persuasive rhetoric can be noble;
however, changing people’s psyche with malevolent intent, by weaponizing a deadly psychosocial disorder? This is a hostile act, aided by their foreign allies: our foreign adversaries.
I would call this a clear act of war, immoral, illegal and… it’s gonna leave a mark!
Among the MAGA Community, identical recurring symptoms are surfacing.
Symptoms of Anosognosia, loss of insight (and loss of self-assessment).
Some form of functional damage to their frontal and temporal cortical regions will be present.
It may show up in an MRI scan as lesions in the frontal or parietal lobes.
With Anosognosia, there are measurable changes in glucose metabolization in the brain that echo the subject’s level of insight.
These will be among the many fingerprints at this national crime scene.
Anosognosia damages areas of the brain that control self-reflection, often called a Loss of Insight.
Other significant losses seem to jump out. A loss of abstract thinking, a loss of empathy (now a strange derision of it), and loss of moral judgement.
They are no longer able to objectively discern right from wrong. We stood agog, while the MAGA gushed about the most ridiculous fallacies.
That Trump was somehow honest, strong, hardworking, or that his Administration was “good for the country?”
It was puzzling.
Not now.
Reveling at being ‘Proudly Deplorable’ comes to mind, as millions ‘turned’ and became the worst versions of themselves, like some joyous legion of foul Internet Trolls...
They even celebrated its contagiousness, as they tried (and at-times succeeded) at ‘Red Pilling Normies.’
A while back, Conservatives began to crow “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder!” and floated the term ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome,’ to
describe a widespread and rational disgust for ‘their’ President.
This may have been to defend against this very moment that someone recognized their campaign as a scaled-up, sophisticated case of Administrative Mobbing Syndrome. This is deliberate and Republicans knew
that everyone would be “going through some things.”
This was done (and is still being done) with the active participation and approval of what had once been the ‘Grand Old Party.’ Enough.
Set up a Commission, but open the lens wider and examine the origins of this orchestrated attack.
6/1 was but a bellowing and deadly crescendo in this dark opera. It’s not over...
Four bluish eggs all in the moss!
Soft-lined home on the cherry-bough!
Life is trouble, and love is loss—
There's only one robin now.
O robin up in the cherry-tree,
Singing your soul away,
Great is the grief befallen me,
And how can you be so gay?
Long ago when you cried in the nest,
The last of the sickly brood,
Scarcely a pinfeather warming your breast
Who was it brought you food?
Who said, "Music, come fill his throat,
Or ever the May be fled"?
Who was it loved the low sweet note
And the bosom's sea-shell red?
Who said, "Cherries, grow ripe and big,
Black and ripe for this bird of mine"?
How little bright-bosom bends the twig,
Sipping the black-heart's wine!
Stories of the Holocaust fill most of us with shock and horror. To think of fellow human beings in such a degraded state evokes deep emotions of sadness, anger, and shame for the human race for what we have wrought.
It is painful to contemplate the suffering these people endured. What is even more difficult to comprehend - is that this was done to them by other human beings, and worse - that it was done willfully.
This was no accident, no anomally..
it was the end result of a systematic eliminative process. A process which was necessary to create the conditions where such a thing was even possible.
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
John Milton, Paradise Lost
We all agree that Trump’s GOP and MAGA faithful are swooning in some ‘mass hysteria’.
It is growing in velocity, to our collective peril. We’ve seen it before: Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda. We know it travels quickly. We know it feeds on lies and laughs at suffering.
We know it leads to genocide, if unchecked. I know it intimately, but I know it as Mobbing Syndrome.
I was a Bystander and Target in a Workplace Mobbing. I was rapidly injured by it, just by being near it; by being unable to stop it.
In only 8 weeks, I had hypertensive crises and rollicking PTSD. It nearly killed me. Mobbing Syndrome is an incubator for suicide. Worse.