"(Fascism) never dreamed of liberating all men, but only of liberating a few by subjugating the rest." A. Camus #Resist
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Jun 28, 2022 • 91 tweets • 15 min read
In the lowest deep a lower deep
by Arthur Malraux
“To do ought good never will be our task,
But ever to do ill our sole delight,”
Paradise Lost, John Milton
We all agree, Trump’s GOP and the MAGA faithful are deeply enthralled in a ‘mysterious’ and lethal mass hysteria.
It’s growing in its intensity, to our immediate jeopardy.
We’ve seen this before: Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda.
It leads to a genocide if we fail to stop it. It spreads quickly, feeds on lies, and laughs at suffering.
I know it intimately, but I know it as Mobbing Syndrome.
Oct 13, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Four bluish eggs all in the moss!
Soft-lined home on the cherry-bough!
Life is trouble, and love is loss—
There's only one robin now.
O robin up in the cherry-tree,
Singing your soul away,
Great is the grief befallen me,
And how can you be so gay?
Long ago when you cried in the nest,
The last of the sickly brood,
Scarcely a pinfeather warming your breast
Who was it brought you food?
Who said, "Music, come fill his throat,
Or ever the May be fled"?
Who was it loved the low sweet note
And the bosom's sea-shell red?
Oct 6, 2021 • 89 tweets • 15 min read
In the lowest deep a lower deep
by Arthur Malraux
“To do ought good never will be our task, But ever to do ill our sole delight,” Paradise Lost, John Milton
We all agree, Trump’s GOP and the MAGA faithful are deeply enthralled in a ‘mysterious’ and lethal mass hysteria.
It’s growing in its intensity, to our immediate jeopardy.
We’ve seen this before: Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda.
It leads to a genocide if we fail to stop it.
It spreads quickly, feeds on lies, and laughs at suffering. I know it intimately, but I know it as Mobbing Syndrome.
Jul 10, 2021 • 94 tweets • 15 min read
In the lowest deep a lower deep
by Arthur Malraux
“To do ought good never will be our task,
But ever to do ill our sole delight,”
Paradise Lost, John Milton
We all agree, Trump’s GOP and the MAGA faithful are deeply enthralled in a ‘mysterious’ and lethal mass hysteria.
It’s growing in its intensity, to our immediate jeopardy.
We’ve seen this before: Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda.
It leads to a genocide if we fail to stop it. It spreads quickly, feeds on lies, and laughs at suffering.
I know it intimately, but I know it as Mobbing Syndrome.
Jun 13, 2021 • 53 tweets • 9 min read
Mobbing: A Familiar Pattern
by Anton Hout
Stories of the Holocaust fill most of us with shock and horror. To think of fellow human beings in such a degraded state evokes deep emotions of sadness, anger, and shame for the human race for what we have wrought.
It is painful to contemplate the suffering these people endured. What is even more difficult to comprehend - is that this was done to them by other human beings, and worse - that it was done willfully.
This was no accident, no anomally..
Jun 10, 2021 • 42 tweets • 8 min read
Awake, arise or be forever fallen.
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
John Milton, Paradise Lost
We all agree that Trump’s GOP and MAGA faithful are swooning in some ‘mass hysteria’.
It is growing in velocity, to our collective peril. We’ve seen it before: Germany, Cambodia, Rwanda. We know it travels quickly. We know it feeds on lies and laughs at suffering.
We know it leads to genocide, if unchecked. I know it intimately, but I know it as Mobbing Syndrome.
Jun 9, 2021 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Here is a thread containing 10 Clues the Eliminative Lust of Mobbing is Present.
I invite you to comment with evidence from the past 4 years you feel applies.
(Report any abuse).
(Administrative Mobbing at the University of Toronto, Westhues, 2004)1. The target is a popular
A high-achieving person and solid performer. Popularity of the television show Survivor illustrates this – when a possible winner would be voted off the island because their skills and prowess made them ‘a threat’.
May 31, 2021 • 31 tweets • 6 min read
Whence this Evil Glee?
A weaponized Industrial Disease made a Murderous Juggernaut
(And why the MAGA don’t see it)
by Arthur Malraux
A contagious disease has knowingly been unleashed upon America.
It is thinly disguised but the evidence is there, and there is more coming. It’s called Mobbing Syndrome.
Now, I’m not saying the last 4 years of near-daily assaults on decency, truth, reason, and precedent resembles Mobbing Syndrome.
I’ve seen this, and had it happen to me. This sudden narcolepsy will be indicative of the change in those brain centers.
This is the physical manifestation of the underutilization of glucose in those lobes. That’s not all.
This has implications relating to problems with vision. They don’t believe what they see. You can show them stark, irrefutable evidence but they cannot process it at all.
Blindly following is right.
Let me tell you a story..
I worked with a MAGA.
If he hadn’t been..
May 29, 2021 • 31 tweets • 6 min read
Whence this Evil Glee?
A weaponized Industrial Disease made a Murderous Juggernaut
(And why the MAGA don’t see it)
by Arthur Malraux
A contagious disease has knowingly been unleashed upon America. Indeed, it was loosed upon the world.
It is thinly disguised but the evidence is there, and there is more coming. It’s called Mobbing Syndrome.
Now, I’m not saying the last 4 years of near-daily assaults on decency, truth, reason, and precedent resembles Mobbing Syndrome.
Neither Baldwin nor I believe nor say, that genocides are a Whites Only condition; however, like water fountains in Selma, Whites have taken a long cool drink from these waters, historically.
Aztecs wanted Empire, and built schools to spread their..
@Jcadvamlier@MaryLTrump culture as they dominated others in their path.
Europeans considered Indigenous Americans to be primitives; they didn’t recognize that they had a thriving culture because they did not value it. They thought they’d found these peoples in a state that resembled the biblical Eden.