Traversing this path together..insights shared are blessings multiplied for all. I went to bed last night asking for guidance from my team Higher Realms🙏🏼a conundrum of the heart that had my head spinning trying to understand. I awoke this morning early to converse in the quiet..
With my chief support &comedy buddy AAMichael, aka Big Mike😂
I don’t innerstand ,Michael..I ask for your divine messages this day to lead me forward, show the way for my greatest good becuz something shifted and I am feeling lost, yet found, on a path I didn’t see coming..
I drew 2 cards from my AAMichael Oracle card deck that I hadn’t open in sev years. Time for the “big guns”😉😇 Sense of Humor(how perfect from Mike🤣) &This is Your Life’s Purpose. Affirming what I know so well in this earthdance..divinely guided& inspired to walk in the Light🌟
I had asked AAGabriel for msgs today along w/HS and from my fav Oracle of 7Energies these 2 came fwd. the 2nd~ Into Me I See..
very interesting confirmation as I chose that yesterday🙄 and the 1st..Endless Possibilities is a tasty morsel of wisdom for All of us😇
Stand w open arms, knowing that you are stepping into beauty, into experiences that are potent and transformative. You are walking past the line you&others drew long ago, leaping over what was and toward what will Be. You are more than you were. Now...what is it You want? LoVe💖
This vid speaks to a topic long held in my high♥️
Observing this inverted matrix destruction of respect&support, empowering strong masculine energy in society-escalating destruction of balance&harmony btwn male&female in relationship it’s devastating our core family foundation..
This is only part of a well-crafted &manufactured undermining, destabilization of healthy loVing partners-families-society creating physically-mentally ill men&women soon incapable of pro-creation as @elonmusk regularly posts. DIVINE loVe=our@answer🌟💜🌟
Death..a transfer station2another journey,
another dance in our Soul Evolution.
True Love~Transforming~Catalyzing2AHigher Plane,
A great gift from God 2know another soul as deep as our self. Here~It takes courage. Where we come from, it is as breathing💜
Not many here read threads..if you are here then nkow Spirit meant this msg for U thru me. True LoVe tests our Faith over&over. Step out of fear, Now.
they😇say, Receive God’s LoVe✨ then Be~GIVE~the loVeUSeek
In full measure✨💜
Spirit guides us where we’re most meant to go, to be
And with Faith we follow, tho we don’t know the why, in trust we flow. This day..she was led again to this beautiful couple, to a marriage founded in God’s loVe and Faith💜🌟😇