THE KOCH-RED STATE PLANTATION – ALEC, AFP, NRA Affiliated PAC’s, Oil, Coal, Utility, Pharma, Insurance, Tobacco, Ag, Food and War Profiteer Corp’s, CEO’s and Billionaire’s Deep State greenenvscithr.wordpress.com/2013/12/29/pol…
@gregolear -In the weeks after Sinema and Manchin cast their votes to block a $15 minimum wage, another group lobbying against minimum wage and labor legislation, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, #KochNetwork rewarded them with campaign contributions. newsweek.com/why-joe-manchi…
ICYMI 02/02/15 Controversial, Capitalist Koch Brothers Pledge Millions To Catholic University Business School -pledging nearly $900 million to help elect candidates who support their libertarian strain of economic conservatism, - huffpost.com/entry/koch-bro…
2/but the industrialists are also nearly doubling their investment in the business school of Catholic University of America, which is overseen by the U.S. bishops.
3/That’s despite the fact that many Catholics — including Pope Francis — say the kind of unregulated capitalism that the Kochs promote runs counter to church teaching.
VC Associate @/Koch Disruptive Technologies in Tel Aviv, Israel
Capturing tomorrow’s opportunities means embracing disruption & transformation today. -invests in principled entrepreneurs across range of industries johngannonblog.com/vc-associate-k…
@StevenBeynon The VA Is Privatizing Veterans’ Health Care While Launching a Campaign to Deny It
VA Secretary Robert Wilkie and his advisors from the Koch brothers-funded Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) prospect.org/health/va-priv…
@StevenBeynon The Jesse Helms Center Foundation (JHC) is a right wing 501(c)(3) non-profit, an associate member of the State Policy Network (SPN) The Jesse Helms Center's Board of Directors, as of October 11, 2016
👉 Robert Wilkie/ Koch #KochNetwork sourcewatch.org/index.php/Jess…
@StevenBeynon Wilkie Charges Forward With VA Privatization That Would Reduce Access To Care/Trump’s VA pushed for an accelerated privatization process at the urging of a Koch Brothers-backed group while cutting major veterans organizations out of rulemaking process. democrats.org/news/wilkie-ch…