ALERT: Poor journalism from @Telegraph
Cites Korean Development Institute report, wrong pub date, no title/link, doesn't clarify it's just a paper written by one man, economist Kwon Tae-jin from GS&J, and further mistranslates/misinterprets data (p76)…
@Telegraph completely butchered the Korean and simply made things up. Compare the full passage above, but actual article has Kwon saying WFP Global Report on Food Crises says NK is in "crisis" and countries in crisis GENERALLY see people spending most their assets on food.
@Telegraph says somehow NK was found to have only produced 4mil tons of grain "last year", but this economist in the KDI report said that was for 2018, and was just over not "under" 4mil, so Telegraph can't even read graphs
So once more let's look at this headline and subheadline and notice that it's complete bullshit.
Turns out it's largely a botched attempt at copying an already very bad Yonhap article, and also Telegraph's 4 million tons number was miscopied but otherwise referred to Kwon's personal math derived estimate of 2020, which shouldn't be reportable…
When Yonhap reports that article in a KDI monthly & refers to the single economist's findings as according to a "state-run think tank," is it deliberate obfuscation, elevating the info to make sound more official? Whatever it is it's unhelpful when laundered in mainstream media
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Revisiting North Korean university participation in the Oct. 10 military parade (didn't march in the Jan. 14 parade).
Couple points on Kim Jong Il-named schools and Kim Jong Un-named school
First, some confusion about one KJI uni (1/7)
Did they just rename the Kim Jong Il Politics-Military Uni 김정일정치군사대학 to Kim Jong Il Mil-Pol Uni 김정일군정대학?
@The_Daily_NK reported it's a new school hastily set up sharing campus with Kim Il Sung Military Uni in Pyongyang's Mangyongdae (2/7)…
There's ongoing construction at KISMU recently but can't see this reported new front gate for KJI uni which DNK said built Jun-Jul '20
With the name so similar, would have assumed it was the KJI Politics-Military Uni up in Pyongyang's Kumsong area (3/7)…