DYK @DennysDiner is based in South Carolina? Maybe SC Governor @henrymcmaster and his wife grabbed a Grand Slam (or a Moons over My Hammy) after getting their #COVID19 vaccinations! #republicansvax
Elon Musk is clearly a visionary leader in technology and innovation. He recently endorsed Grok, an AI chatbot designed to provide “up-to-date” information on all subjects. So I asked Grok: Are Covid vaccines safe? Stay tuned for the answer in this🧵 👇🏽
According to Grok (which again Elon says has the most up to date information) the “vast majority of scientific evidence” says covid vaccines are “safe AND effective…” Grok points out the initial trials had “tens of thousands of volunteers…”
Grok acknowledges rare side effects, but points out how post authorization surveillance and VAERS are continually monitoring for safety concerns, and concludes the risk of vaccine sides effects is lower than “the risk from covid itself…”
By this time next week, @elonmusk could be in change of coordinating US tech and innovation strategy for the next 4 years. So I asked Grok- Musk’s new AI chat engine- a simple question: Do vaccines cause autism?
Here’s what Grok had to say (notice the word “conclusively”)👇🏽
Grok goes on to point out the source of this “myth” (Grok’s words, not mine)- a discredited study by Andrew Wakefield. It highlights “serious ethical violations, incorrect data interpretation,” and notes Wakefield’s license was revoked. 😮
Grok then explains “extensive” studies have been done to confirm that there is no link between autism and vaccines. It also points out the lack of “biological plausibility” (In a world of polluted air & water, food additives, etc, many more plausible causes of autism exist).
This summer, Americans have seen the biggest summer #COVID19 wave recorded in at least the last two years. This recent rise in COVID cases is a reminder about the importance of staying up to date with COVID vaccinations. Let’s get into it! #WhyIVax
I recently spoke with several local news stations about all of this – COVID-19 continues to pose a greater burden than flu in the US, with significantly lower vaccination rates, despite its more severe outcomes. msn.com/en-us/video/he…
While the majority of Americans received the original COVID-19 vaccination series, data shows vaccine protection against COVID-19 wanes over time. COVID-19 remains responsible for a significant burden of illness throughout the year, even in the summer months.
It will be fascinating to see if
A) Anyone actually ultimate looks at covid infections at the #Olympics (many teams tested)
B) Anyone correlates that to performances (lots of anecdotal reports of “didn’t feel great” or mystery virus)
C) Anyone looks at Paxlovid use by athletes
Would also be interesting to learn how many knowingly competed (and exposed others) and if they took any specific actions to protect themselves or others when they knew they were positive. This could’ve been (and still can be) a great learning opportunity on “living with Covid.”
I’m hearing most large delegations did in fact have testing, tested their own athletes with symptoms, and treated positives -because they KNOW Covid impacts performance. But there was no disclosure of results or attempt to alert/ protect other delegations/ people. @iocmedia
Spoke at @AspenInstitute #aspenideas yesterday. Was asked about Tony Fauci, lab leaks, and GOF research. My response:
Tony Fauci is a friend, mentor, and 50+ year public servant, who retired as an Admiral. I’ve personally not known him to be anything but honest + patriotic. 1/
On lab leaks, we’re asking the wrong questions IMO. We’ll likely never know true Covid origins as China has withheld /destroyed information. So practically this is not a question we can answer.
We SHOULD be focusing on China and WHO accountability vs lab leaks and Fauci. 2/
Regarding funding GOF research:
A) There’s legitimate debate over “GOF” definition. Again, I’ve never known Fauci to be dishonest. He doesn’t believe NIH funded research was GOF, and almost no scientist believes said research contributed to COVID.
American Indian, Alaska Native, & Black youth face SIGNIFICANTLY higher mortality rates vs their White counterparts- and the gap is widening!
This demands urgent attention, and highlights the danger of abandoning all DEI programs and data collection. 🧵 jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/…
Injury, especially from firearms, is primary cause of pediatric death. Shockingly, Black youth saw a 39.2% surge in firearm deaths between 2019 and 2020, with a further 23.0% ⬆️ in 2021. Reasons range from increased gun access to pandemic social upheaval to policing. 😞
Alarming ⬆️ in suicide rates underscores severity of our mental health crisis. Cyberbullying + easier access to firearms & opioids contribute. Rapid ⬆️ in Black + Hispanic youth, linked to poverty, early puberty, adverse childhood experiences, insufficient mental health services.