1) Timeline from myself & @HansMahncke of Fauci Emails & Call:
Jan 31, 2020 - Fauci receives email at 8:43 p.m. from Greg Folkers at NIH. Email contains no text — only single, lengthy article that had been published in the magazine Science that evening. theepochtimes.com/fauci-team-scr…
2) The article was one of the earliest stories that described how scientists were working on “viral genomes” in order to “understand the origin of 2019-nCoV.”
The article also noted a Nov. 9, 2015, article in the journal Nature about gain-of-function experiments at Wuhan Lab.
3) Fauci forwarded the Science article to John Mascola of NIH at 9:47 p.m.
Two minutes later, Fauci also forwarded the article to Jeremy Farrar, the head of Wellcome Trust, a British nonprofit, and Kristian Andersen, a professor at Scripps Research.
4) Fauci also emailed the article to Robert Kadlec at HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), at 9:49 p.m.
At 10:32 p.m. that evening, Fauci received an email response from Andersen, who acknowledged receiving the article & made observation.
5) According to Andersen, “The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome (<0.1%) so one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered.”
6) Earlier in the day, Andersen had sent a tweet rebutting Sen. Tom Cotton’s theory that the virus could have stemmed from the Wuhan lab, saying:
“The analyses are completely flawed and wrong. They can safely be ignored.”
7) Feb 1, 2020 at 7:29 a.m. — Fauci sent Hugh Auchincloss, NIAID’s principal deputy director, the 2015 Nature article that detailed the gain-of-function experiments and the funding by NIH.
8) Fauci included a strongly worded message, saying: “It is essential that we speak this AM. Keep your cell phone on.”
Fauci directed Auchincloss to “read this paper as well as the e-mail that I will forward to you now.”
“You will have tasks today that must be done.”
9) The 2015 Nature article (Gain-of-Function) was referenced indirectly in the recently published article by Cohen.
Thirty-five seconds later, Fauci followed up by sending Auchincloss the newly published Science article that had been forwarded to him the evening before.
10) At 8:19 a.m., Fauci sent the Nature article to Lawrence Tabak at NIH, in an email marked as “IMPORTANT.”
Fauci simply told Tabak, “Here it is.”
11) About two hours later, at 10:34 a.m., Farrar sent out a group email, announcing a 2 p.m. conference call.
His email noted that “information and discussion is shared in total confidence and not to be shared until agreement on next steps.”
12) Included in the email was a brief agenda that included the items “Introduction, focus and desired outcomes” and “Summary and next steps.”
Including Farrar, there were a total of 13 people listed on the teleconference agenda.
13) Shortly after Farrar’s email on the conference call, Auchincloss responded to Fauci at 11:47 a.m. under an email thread with the subject line of “Continued.”
This email chain differed from the one that Fauci had initiated when he sent the two articles earlier that morning.
14) Fauci responded to Auchincloss’s email simply at 12:51 p.m: “OK. Stay tuned.”
At 1:13 p.m., Farrar sent email relating to pending 2 p.m. call: “Kristen and Eddie have shared this and will talk through it on the call. Thank you. Hope it will help frame the discussions.”
15) At 1:43 p.m., Marion Koopmans, who oversees a Dutch lab that was previously involved with gain-of-function experiments, sent an email to Farrar and CC’d Fauci and other members of the call.
The body of Koopmans’s email is fully redacted.
16) Also at 1:43pm, Fauci responded to Andersen’s email, which had previously noted that “one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered.”
Fauci simply wrote: “Thanks, Kristian. Talk soon on the call.“
17) The teleconference ostensibly began at 2:00 p.m.
At 2:56 p.m., during teleconference, Farrar sent an email to four of the 13 individuals believed to be on the call, including Fauci, asking: “Can I suggest we shut down the call and then redial in? Just for 5-10 mins?”
18) At 3:03 p.m., Fauci responded directly to Farrar’s request with a simple “yes.”
At 3:07 p.m., Farrar appears to have rejoined the call, sending an email that read somewhat confusingly, “I have rejoined so a line is open if any help to rejoin.”
19) The next email is sent at 3:50 p.m. email, by Collins, who appears to reference WHO head Tedros:
“Hi Jeremy, I can make myself available at any time 24/7 for the call with Tedros. Just let me know. Thanks for your leadership on this critical and sensitive issue. Francis.“
20) Farrar email 3:59: There is clearly much to understand understand in this. This call was very helpful to hear some of our current understanding and the many gaps in our knowledge.
Redacted. Then: I hope that is a reasonable approach, please send any thoughts or suggestions.
21) Feb 2, 2020 - At 3:30 a.m., Ron Fouchier sent an email to unknown recipients, thanking Farrar for the “useful teleconference” and included a section titled “Ron’s notes.”
The section of notes spans more than two full pages and is completely redacted.
22) Farrar email at 4:48 a.m. to Andrew Raumbaut and others on teleconference.
Farrar: “this is a very complex issue.” Followed by long redaction.
Farrar close: “I suggest we don’t get into a further scientific discussion here, but wait for that group to be established.”
23) NIH head Collins then sent an email to Farrar at 5:27 a.m., stating that he was available “for a call to Tedros.”
“Let me know if I can help get through his thicket of protectors,” he wrote.
The email was copied to Fauci and Tabak.
24) Feb 2, 2020 at 7:13 a.m., Collins sent an email to Farrar and CC’d Fauci and Tabak, noting, “Really appreciate us thinking through the options …”
“Tedros and Bernhard have apparently gone into conclave … they need to decide today in my view. If they do prevaricate, I would appreciate a call with you later tonight or tomorrow to think how we might take forward.”
26) Farrar added a link to @zerohedge article on the possibility that the coronavirus came out of a lab.
The day after Farrar’s message, ZeroHedge was banned from Twitter.
27) Although it isn’t known what WHO Director Tedros was told, or asked, on Feb. 3, 2020, he issued his “Report of the Director General,” which included a call to “combat the spread of rumours & misinformation.”
"It is becoming evident that in many cases children have not been adequately safeguarded from potential exploitation including human trafficking. In fact, many bishops—and in some cases the very bishops who are protesting the freezing of funds—have had a very poor record of safeguarding children in recent times"
It gets worse:
"There is good reason to suspect that some of the American bishops have contributed to, rather than safeguarded against, the exploitation of these children who have been brought into our country illegally"
🧵Under FEMA's Emergency Food & Shelter Program is a section called Humanitarian EFSP for Organizations Assisting Migrants
Included is a table which lists yearly funding of humanitarian relief for illegals at the border. The numbers are huge: $715 million fema.gov/grants/emergen…
Unlike the other grants that we found, there are no links to final recipients or a breakdown of how the amounts are spent. We do get a link to FEMA’s actual Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) - but it takes us to a password locked site.
A site that shows what must be the recipients of this portion of FEMA’s funding: United Way; The Jewish Federation, Catholic Charities USA; Salvation Army; The National Council of the Churches of Christ, and; The American Red Cross. efsp.unitedway.org/efsp/website/i…
The above referenced amounts are separate from grants provided under FEMA’s “Shelter and Services Program”.
The amounts designated for illegals under FEMA's S&S Program (just between the years 2024 and 2023) are again huge: $650 million and $364 million respectively.
Drop down on FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program page to “Annual Funding” in order to see the amounts we’re referencing. fema.gov/grants/shelter…
1) Mark Zuckerberg made some huge admissions in his recent letter to the House Judiciary GOP.
Zuckerberg admitted that the Biden-Harris Administration "pressured" Facebook to censor stories on the origin of Covid. He admitted that the FBI pressured Facebook to censor the Hunter Laptop story. And he admitted that Facebook did what the government asked - censor Americans.
Zuckerberg also, sort of, addressed his personal contributions during the 2020 election. He appeared to be contrite for his actions, but is that in any way correct? Or is he simply worried because he got caught? A closer look at Facebook's actions over the years may answer that question.
2) The efforts of Zuckerberg and Facebook on behalf of Democrats and the DNC goes back to at least 2012 when Facebook shared their user data with the Obama campaign.
Obama’s Election Team was given full access to Facebook’s data in 2012. Access that was not - and would not have been granted to Conservatives.
As a result, any time people used Facebook’s log-in button to sign on to the campaign’s website, the Obama data scientists were able to access their profile as well as their friends’ information. That allowed them to chart the closeness of people’s relationships and make estimates about which people would be most likely to influence other people in their network to vote.
“We ingested the entire U.S. social graph,” Carol Davidsen said in an interview. “We would ask permission to basically scrape your profile, and also scrape your friends, basically anything that was available to scrape. We scraped it all.”
Davidson also highlighted the favoritism Facebook gave to Obama’s campaign, noting that Facebook “came to office in the days following election recruiting & were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.”
Which raises an important question. If Facebook gave the Obama Campaign access to valuable data worth millions of dollars to bolster Obama’s chances of winning the election, why wasn’t it counted as in-kind political contributions by the Obama Campaign?
3) We’ve all heard how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg infamously privatized elements of the 2020 presidential election when he sent nearly half-a-billion dollars to local election boards in key states to turn out likely Democratic voters.
To put that into perspective, Zuckerberg alone spent almost as much money funding government election offices as the entire federal government spent on the 2020 election.
Zuckerberg’s payments were supposedly made to fill so-called funding gaps from the federal government but the reality is that the Zuckerbucks – as they have come to be known – were distributed on a highly partisan basis with the aim of electing Biden and other Democrats.
Zuckerberg claimed in his recent letter that his efforts were non-partisan, but this is simply not true.
Zuckerberg essentially mounted a private takeover of government election offices. And it affected all of the key states that helped Biden “win” the election. In Wisconsin, the Zuckerbucks payments were later found to have violated bribery laws. A study also found that without those payments, Trump would have prevailed in Wisconsin.
Facebook later confirmed that it also provided the Biden White House with censorship assistance routinely on a variety of crucial issues.
On July 23, 2023, Eisen published a far longer 264 page report, titled "Trump on Trial: A Model Prosecution Memo for Federal Election Interference Crimes Second Edition" justsecurity.org/wp-content/upl…
Eisen: This model prosecution memorandum (or “pros memo”) assesses federal charges Special Counsel Jack Smith may bring against former President Donald Trump for alleged criminal interference in the 2020 election.
Solomon went to WH on evening of Jan 19, 2021 where he reviewed docs.
Plan was to fully disseminate to public on morning of the 20th.
But Solomon received a call late that night from someone w/in WH asking for their return for "additional redactions."
Here's what happened next
"On his initiative and without the President’s knowledge or consent, one of the President’s subordinates decided that redactions consistent with the standards of the Privacy Act should be applied to the binder before it was publicly released, the Office of Legal Counsel’s opinion notwithstanding."