CellScript sublicenced mRNA patents to Moderna BioNtech in 2017 but obfuscated clear links of entries in the database to Covid patents because it redacted the data entry.
This thread is a collection - LNP, coating, antigen, production and political decisions.
The potential of LNP as highly modified self-replicators
Prior to 'emergence' of SARS CoV1
"Magnetofection provides [ ] a novel tool to overcome fundamental limitations to gene therapy in vivo."
Amin acids used to create magnetic poles ->transport the medicines to their desired points in a second step.
Wolf Ludwig
„Eine 95%-Wirksamkeit bedeutet eigentlich recht wenig“
Ein kleiner (noch immer unvollständiger Einblick) in die verschiedenen Bedingungen und Forschriften für Testprotokolle und Bedeutung von Prozentangaben.
EU joining in into Gene therapy 2017 (after early MODERNA mistakes have been learnt from?).
Crigler-Najjar syndrome (money winner boutique drug)
Gene silencing? N1GEL? Which LNP? Which entry mechanism
They orchestrate a bizarre
Münchhausen by proxy for us.
They finance story writers that dream up scenarios in which technological means can wreak most intricate havoc.
We are just the biological shovelware.
In parallel they weave a tapestry of the
which they myopically reduce to a 'find a cell entry'
not caring
choosing a receptor that is so widely spread throughout our organism
so well garded as one of the enigma machines