Context: I looked through the docket. It doesn't seem like anyone argued for or against this claim. It went from being a Facebook meme (or misremembered Fox News segment) to a federal decision with no intermediate steps.
The CDC determined that 3 deaths are "plausibly" linked to the J&J vaccine out of millions of doses administered. Even the recent San Jose VTA shooting is more than that.…
Perhaps the judge is referring VAERS numbers (we can't tell because he gave no citation). Those aren't deaths "from" the vaccine; they're simply reported deaths. With half of the country now vaccinated, a lot of people will coincidentally die.
Context: The tweet cuts off a the first page of results showing that nearly all of the massive overdose injection stays at the injection site or goes to the liver where it's metabolized.
Context: Bunch of folks are misunderstanding this comment to mean that vaccines are ~1% effective, but the absolute risk reduction is misleading too. The background rate of COVID was 0.9% in the Pfizer control group, and 0.06% for vaccinated. Huge drop.
Absolute risk reduction just isn't a measure of efficacy; it depends on the study protocols. Fewer people get infected over shorter studies. And authors of the paper admit that relative risk reductions have held up in Israel close to 95%.
Here Naomi Wolf suggests criminal prosecution might be necessary for a teacher’s union that invested millions into a company she says harvests DNA from children without HIPAA protections.
TLDR: They don’t. That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.
A partial list of issues: 1. CalSTERs has invested literally 0.004% of its portfolio into the company Wolf hates. 2. CalSTERS is legally obligated to protect its members’ retirement savings, and so can’t really make decisions based on Wolf’s unique theories.
Context: Alex Berenson casually suggests the Ohio governor is guilty of war crimes because lottery tickers are "coercive." But by this logic, lotteries themselves are—they offer life-changing amounts of money for only $1, which even less commitment than getting the vaccine!
In fact, they're even more coercive because people can by endless tickets, and some in fact do ruin themselves this way. A chance for a single lottery ticket only constitutes "coercion" if you don't understand what a lottery is.
Context: I'd like to walk through this, because this plot is sort of a Rosetta Stone of debunking bad takes.
First, Covid skeptics almost uniformly denied that cases were meaningless—up until they could snapshot a plot and blame the vaccines. They'd always claim that there are lots of "false positive" and that unnecessary testing created a "casedemic."