1/ Appointments are still being cancelled due to the cyber attack & parents of children with Down syndrome associated arthritis are very concerned. The public waiting list for Paediatric Rheumatology is 4 years long! It was 3 pre-Covid. There are only 2 Paediatric Rheumatologists
2/ We should have at the very minimum 6 for our population. A third Paediatric Rheumatologist has very recently been appointed but is not due to start until some time in 2022 due to personal commitments. So our waiting lists won’t ease. This cyber attack is increasing the lists!
3/ @HSELive need to give the resources to @CHIatCrumlin to ensure children are seen in a timely manner. 6-8 weeks is acceptable. How are we okay with 4 years? Have you heard of early intervention? It’s a shambles of a system. Many children time out while waiting on the list.
4/ Then there’s the little matter of the waiting list for MRI under GA. That list has stretched to 5+ years. That’s no joke. Kids are waiting in pain, our cohort of kids are particularly affected as many are non-verbal or unable to articulate where they have pain. #CareCantWait
It’s Arthritis Awareness week. Did you know that 1 in 50 children with Down syndrome have Arthritis? There is currently a 4 yr public waiting list for Paediatric Rheumatology. It was 3 before the pandemic so a long time in crisis. We only have 2 Paed Rheumatologists in Ireland.1/
We are a support/ advocacy group set up 2 yrs ago but only now on Twitter. We have 220 members. We are all parents of children/ adults with Down syndrome associated Arthritis or suspected DA. Many are languishing on the waiting list. Many of our kids are non verbal. 2/
Most are not able to articulate where/if they have pain & many kids are asymptomatic. Our kids need prompt referrals from GPs & Paediatricians. This is not happening. Often parent’s concerns are dismissed because their child has an intellectual disability. 3/