Andrew Weissmann told @maddow trump promised half of Ukraine to Putin and it barely blipped the news cycle
add these ⬆️ details with Andrew Weissmann's saying discussions of giving 50% of Ukraine to Putin occurred "before and after" the election
we can therefore back-date traitors' Ukraine exploitation to (at least) RNC's platform change in 2016
here's where Aaron Harris really brings it home (and if you don't sub to @gregolear's PREVAIL please rectify that immediately):
and so.
RNC's 2016 platform change—in addition to relentless "how dare you" lies afterward—proves Casino Mobster was just 1 of many folk furthering criminal operation to "thank" Sweet Daddy Vlad
"corrupted populists" = perfect descriptor for any failed authoritarian regime
you'll recall sudden emergency happened around the same time as Ukraine mishegas
weird how TFG Pence & Putin operated on same emergency frequency AND NOBODY BOTHERED TO ASK THEM ABOUT IT
.@maddow's "what must Ukraine think of us?" sits on my heart today
clarification: @clearing_fog IS Aaron Harris and we're all smarter/more informed as a result
@MuellerSheWrote an American-political party* (*actually full-blown mafia now but y'all know that) is still, today, thanking Sweet Daddy Vlad for all the nice ratf**king help
@clearing_fog's post for @gregolear's PREVAIL is very relevant again
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear "Moscows" Mitch & Marsha take great pride in their handiwork #RussiaIsATerroristState
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear Prighozin was Putin's wingman until he wasn't, and Drumpf is famous for shoving loyal conspirators in front of speeding trains
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear @jzikah @TeresaCCarter2 @DavidManOnFire @MelissaJPeltier @amys_here @SaysDana @UROCKlive1 .@kazweida gives me an idea: Ukraine's offensive while Russia is in chaos is a template for democrats to run attack ads on feckless Qpubs for being subservient to tfg & Putin
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear @jzikah @TeresaCCarter2 @DavidManOnFire @MelissaJPeltier @amys_here @SaysDana @UROCKlive1 @kazweida and it all comes full-circle: at behest of tfg, Billy Barr's DOJ in 2020 dropped ALL charges brought by Mueller on... Yevgeny Prigozhin's Concord Management
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear @jzikah @TeresaCCarter2 @DavidManOnFire @MelissaJPeltier @amys_here @SaysDana @UROCKlive1 @kazweida @sara4SF @jimstewartson next time you see Billy Barr rehabbed on CBS News remember those nice favors for Russian mob
@jzikah @DavidManOnFire @dwntwnT @Johnnyrock3710 @25Ribbits @MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear @TeresaCCarter2 @MelissaJPeltier @amys_here @SaysDana @UROCKlive1 @kazweida @sara4SF @jimstewartson @PerfectOurUnion oh and juvenile media can't figure out how to report on Qpubs' inflicting trauma honestly (shocking, I know)
fascinating part about Biden being old is that trump raped kids
🎩 @kim
media outlets all working for #TheRapist so we ride at dawn—
🎩 @maddenifico
@maddenifico yes indeed, media will continue sucking until November and beyond
as your liberal helper I wrote a post highlighting moments when Beltway journos failed to call for drumpf's ouster #Unfit…
"Judge Cannon" is a spectacular misnomer because she's just another #RobedOperative like Clarence Thomas and Alito. but GOT DANG if Jack Smith didn't tear her a new one
@glennkirschner2 Smith's hair is on fire bc Cannon, via #RobedOperative rulings, is promising to taint the jury with false instructions
a cornerstone for any trial, jury instructions are supposed to ensure defendants get due process—not a f**king get-out-of-jail-free card…
@cbudoffbrown @AmoneyResists @johnknefel .@RonnaMcDaniel wasn't just furthering an election-subversion scheme—she was ALSO at least material witness to physical threats against election workers in Michigan