Andrew Weissmann told @maddow trump promised half of Ukraine to Putin and it barely blipped the news cycle
add these ⬆️ details with Andrew Weissmann's saying discussions of giving 50% of Ukraine to Putin occurred "before and after" the election
we can therefore back-date traitors' Ukraine exploitation to (at least) RNC's platform change in 2016
here's where Aaron Harris really brings it home (and if you don't sub to @gregolear's PREVAIL please rectify that immediately):
and so.
RNC's 2016 platform change—in addition to relentless "how dare you" lies afterward—proves Casino Mobster was just 1 of many folk furthering criminal operation to "thank" Sweet Daddy Vlad
"corrupted populists" = perfect descriptor for any failed authoritarian regime
you'll recall sudden emergency happened around the same time as Ukraine mishegas
weird how TFG Pence & Putin operated on same emergency frequency AND NOBODY BOTHERED TO ASK THEM ABOUT IT
.@maddow's "what must Ukraine think of us?" sits on my heart today
clarification: @clearing_fog IS Aaron Harris and we're all smarter/more informed as a result
@MuellerSheWrote an American-political party* (*actually full-blown mafia now but y'all know that) is still, today, thanking Sweet Daddy Vlad for all the nice ratf**king help
@clearing_fog's post for @gregolear's PREVAIL is very relevant again
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear "Moscows" Mitch & Marsha take great pride in their handiwork #RussiaIsATerroristState
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear Prighozin was Putin's wingman until he wasn't, and Drumpf is famous for shoving loyal conspirators in front of speeding trains
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear @jzikah @TeresaCCarter2 @DavidManOnFire @MelissaJPeltier @amys_here @SaysDana @UROCKlive1 .@kazweida gives me an idea: Ukraine's offensive while Russia is in chaos is a template for democrats to run attack ads on feckless Qpubs for being subservient to tfg & Putin
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear @jzikah @TeresaCCarter2 @DavidManOnFire @MelissaJPeltier @amys_here @SaysDana @UROCKlive1 @kazweida and it all comes full-circle: at behest of tfg, Billy Barr's DOJ in 2020 dropped ALL charges brought by Mueller on... Yevgeny Prigozhin's Concord Management
@MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear @jzikah @TeresaCCarter2 @DavidManOnFire @MelissaJPeltier @amys_here @SaysDana @UROCKlive1 @kazweida @sara4SF @jimstewartson next time you see Billy Barr rehabbed on CBS News remember those nice favors for Russian mob
@jzikah @DavidManOnFire @dwntwnT @Johnnyrock3710 @25Ribbits @MuellerSheWrote @clearing_fog @gregolear @TeresaCCarter2 @MelissaJPeltier @amys_here @SaysDana @UROCKlive1 @kazweida @sara4SF @jimstewartson @PerfectOurUnion oh and juvenile media can't figure out how to report on Qpubs' inflicting trauma honestly (shocking, I know)
fascinating part about Biden being old is that trump raped kids
🎩 @kim
media outlets all working for #TheRapist so we ride at dawn—
🎩 @maddenifico
@maddenifico yes indeed, media will continue sucking until November and beyond
as your liberal helper I wrote a post highlighting moments when Beltway journos failed to call for drumpf's ouster #Unfit…
"Judge Cannon" is a spectacular misnomer because she's just another #RobedOperative like Clarence Thomas and Alito. but GOT DANG if Jack Smith didn't tear her a new one
@glennkirschner2 Smith's hair is on fire bc Cannon, via #RobedOperative rulings, is promising to taint the jury with false instructions
a cornerstone for any trial, jury instructions are supposed to ensure defendants get due process—not a f**king get-out-of-jail-free card…
"David Weiss has been investigating Hunter Biden for going on six years. in all that time, Weiss hadn't obtained a warrant to search iCloud content he first started getting until December 4, 2023—81 days after he indicted" @emptywheel 🔥…
@emptywheel reading Marcy's superb scoop (in combination with reneging on diversion) it's hard not to wonder which shouty RW f*cksticks are in Weiss' ear
@emptywheel interesting to wonder what AG Garland will do with the revelation that Weiss tried to clean up assertions in discovery by hastily looking for evidence, which ended up being flawed anyways