@Jonathan_Rowson coined the term "Jordan Petersonitis" to label both the obsessive fascination with him that @fullydavid, myself, and many others had with him 4 years ago while others were repulsed by him out of hand. Now with some distance it's good to do some assessment.
In January 2018 @nytdavidbrooks reported a friend calling him the most influential public intellectual right then. nytimes.com/2018/01/25/opi… A quote attributed a bit ironically to "The New York Times" on the cover of his new book.
@Jonathan_Rowson I think correctly complains about the lack of academic curiosity about the phenomenon. The response to @jordanbpeterson 's videos alone warranted serious inquiry as did his ideas but many simply dismissed it as a malicious inflammation.
In medical terms it would be like demanding an amputation for a swollen limb instead of pursuing an accurate diagnosis of the cause of the swelling. While @jordanbpeterson critiqued that cultural moment broadly he reserved his sharpest criticism for the state of academia.
.@fullydavid wrote an article in May of 2017 asking "Could this man save Western Civilization?" medium.com/perspectiva-in… putting his chips on both sides of Petersonitis launching his @WisdomRebel channel.
Rowson and Fuller had their lists of critiques and appreciations of Peterson in their @WisdomRebel video but here I'll share some of my take-aways from their conversation.
Part of why the academy simply dismissed the inflammation is the old division among us of people who work with physical tools and those whose tools are primarily words and abstractions. In our culture these are increasingly the overclass and the underclass.
While the overclass loves to posture themselves as skeptical they don't act that way when it comes to their supremacy. Because they use words they alone have answers and answers come in words.
This manifests itself in a love for guidelines. At the end of the conversation Rowson uses the illustration of the desire for a one-handed economist because academia drones an about "on the other hand..." avoiding the definitive pose.
One of the critiques of @jordanbpeterson in the conversation was that he, especially as the media pressure against him increased, became too dogmatic. He increasingly slipped into culture warrior mode as his "book tour" droned on and health issues mounted.
Gone was that character on display in his Maps of Meaning Youtube lectures who was able to exhibit the concrete definitive AND the nuanced academic that many of us found so captivating. Few of his cultural critics knew THIS @jordanbpeterson
Those who have stuck with him are often those for whom nuanced guidelines seem weak and insufficient to address the chaos in their personal lives. He offers RULES for life, concrete advice in a world too filled with chaos and pain.
I see these two worlds because while I'm a trained member of the overclass in an ecclesiastical tradition and a guild that values words and ideas, I have spent my life working in communities in chaos.
I've often seen my own inability to help many who live more in our underworld. I think of one man who I eventually brought to faith who had a history of violence in the gang world.
While he always trusted me and considered me "his pastor" he attended the kinds of gritty churches where pastors who had themselves done time dish out bright lines and clear rules for living.
While the overclass loves to deconstruct these rules, highlighting their theoretical insufficiencies and limitations they too often fail to recognize their utility for people struggling with chaos.
ANY functional lighthouse is more useful in a storm than a thousand better lighthouses debated in the academy.
@jordanbpeterson knows this as a clinical psychologist. While he is an academic what really makes his heart sing is saving individuals from their own personal catastrophes.
Peterson's understanding of what I call "grime lines" are deep in his character and were on full display in his telling of his daughter's suffering in 12 Rules for Life.
Heroic heroes are at the center of @jordanbpeterson 's salvific vision which he takes from Christianity. What's often missing is what he hasn't taken from Christianity which is seeing heroes not as individuals but as members of the body of The Archetypal Hero.
I think some of the best critique that @fullydavid and @Jonathan_Rowson offer in this conversation focus on the limitations of individualism and Peterson's stuckness in it.
These issues were some of the most powerful points of engagement between @PageauJonathan and @jordanbpeterson in their conversation.
I'm planning another commentary video on @andrewklavan 's too brief talk with @jordanbpeterson where I think Klavan nicely reveals both the closeness and the limits of JBP's ironically theoretical stance on religious faith.
Peterson can see the need for rules, hard lines and grime lines when it comes to confronting the sufferings of Being in this world but shrinks back from these when it comes to communal application.
All human heroes including Biblical heroes fail but are redeemed as mere members of The Archetypal Hero by being "in Christ". In the body each hero is relieved of not having to shoulder the full weight of being as it is shared by the body that transcends time and space.
Theoretical participation always pales compared to actual participation. The optimistic engagement with Being must find communal manifestation in a body larger than simply his fans.
The head of the body of "fans" is the knight and the knight is always susceptible to the mooks that make up that body. noemamag.com/the-internet-o…
The body of Christ does not work that way. There is freedom from mooks and members while there is also accountability and community which all heroes need.
You don't need to tell a pastor just how imperfect participation in Christ's body IS in this world. I've got more stories than you have time to listen to. Yet there can be no other way, theoretically and practically.
Inflammations are strange combinations of the body healing itself and harming itself. I hope Jordan Petersonitis continues because I think while painful it has been profitable. Maybe we'll do better now in JBP Wave #2.
I'm getting so old. I remember in the 1970s the "cutting edge" of "gender equality" was assertion that one's clothing, haircut, and various other lifestyle expressions and choices didn't define you.
Boys could have their hair long, girls could wear pants. Boys could talk about feelings, girls could play sports, that was OK.
There has now been a strange inversion where there's an expressive essentialism. It used to be that the dress didn't make the woman, now it does. I noticed representation in children's animated stories in my news feed.
Thanks to a friend we finally replaced the stolen mailbox with a mail slot here at the church.
Couldn't find what I wanted for a sign so I went to Amazon to figure out how to mark the outside of the slot to help the postal people get delivery right.
This brought me to a world of signage at Amazon I was quite unfamiliar with. Identity through propositional confessional profession appears alive and well and flourishing in the capitalist marketplace.
The realization become increasingly stark of a man who correctly warns of ideology filling in the void left by the removal of religious communities himself does not participate in religious communities. I agree with his thesis. Do his actions exhibit agreement? 2/4
Must he heed his own warning? Did the pressure of the assault upon him by power media corporations yield an ideologization of his manner before the collapse in June 2019? 3/4
I live in all those California tensions @TheRestHistory was talking about. Glorious weather this morning. The wooded hills that ring the valley have not yet started to burn for the summer. There is a drought but we have water for today...
Heading into the office I need to run the familiar gauntlet of homelessness. The pandemic adds the strange iconography of medical masks as part of the normal shopping carts, feces and beer cans...
Because I'm a pastor, and have Jesus' story of Lazarus and the rich man haunting me I can't push it aside as nuisance or social problem. There are people living in and bringing the filth.
How does the conscious realization of our assumptive embrace of a Christian ethic alongside skepticism about the underlying metaphysical and historical truth claims impact the ability to embrace the ethic moving forward? This seems the moment many are in.
.@jordanbpeterson called it "living as if God exists" but that sort of LARPING might begin to feel a bit nerdy "less than" like dressing up to go to a movie. This is what happens when you can't get a real date because you're living in your mother's basement.
Is all that remains a sort of aesthetic resistance then to Nietzsche? Will we quietly resort to a Nazi naturalism without the swastikas when nobody is looking or caring? I think this is part of the fear.
Watch the politicized, media frenzy around any tough issue. The assumption is that political pressure plus money will produce "a solution". It might be poverty, racism, anything that can be categorized as "oppression"
The narrative itself demands "a solution" be found so once someone stakes political capital on it the narrative drives the stagecraft. War on drugs, war on poverty, war on racism... Wars, what are they good for? Absolutely nothing.
Now at the anniversary of George Floyd we see the same thing. We're just setting up more rage down the line. It's like trying to use a fire hose to battle erosion. "Look how clean the hillside looks". You've just seeded the next round of rage.