Cash Creators has made $100k profit every month for the past 5 months.
As I'm deliberately taking less clients and closing it to outsiders in January,
I've reflected on what were the main mental models that made it possible.
11 of them:
1) Likes Ain’t Cash
My most useful reminder. I played the "getting likes" game for 3 years and it made me some money. This year I decided to focus solely on the "getting cash" game. My audience grew just 5%. But my income grew by 5 times (500%). I used to do show business. Now I just do business.
2) Offer Shell
Offer Suites monetize stuff. Which adds complexity because you have to create a lot of it. Offer Shells monetize access. Which reduces complexity because you can focus on creating one really good thing, then sell access to you to implement it. It sells with half the words, takes less than 2 hours a day to deliver and gets you clients that pay you triple.