JK Molina Profile picture
Likes Ain't Cash. 4,000+ Customers. 250+ Clients Served. How I'm Building A $100k/Month Client Business In Less Than 4 Hours A Day: https://t.co/XCJI103S8Z
67 subscribers
Dec 11 13 tweets 4 min read
Cash Creators has made $100k profit every month for the past 5 months.

As I'm deliberately taking less clients and closing it to outsiders in January,

I've reflected on what were the main mental models that made it possible.

11 of them: Image 1) Likes Ain’t Cash

My most useful reminder. I played the "getting likes" game for 3 years and it made me some money. This year I decided to focus solely on the "getting cash" game. My audience grew just 5%. But my income grew by 5 times (500%). I used to do show business. Now I just do business.
Apr 24 34 tweets 2 min read
❤️ Content Creators


💵 Cash Creators

Thread: ❤️: Offer Suite (Different Offers).

💵: Offer Shell (One Offer. Different levels of access). Image
Jun 17, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
10 hand drawings that will change how you think about making money online:

1) Nothing happens until everything happens. Image 2) The money you make a year from now is a result of the content you post today. Image
May 26, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm launching a podcast.

Here's the select few people it's for and why I think it will be a huge business: There's lots of content on how to grow an audience. But growing an audience often solves one problem but creates another:

You get the audience. But you struggle to monetize it because nobody taught you how.

I know because I was stuck there for 2 years:
May 17, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
How We Improved Our Twitter Leadflow

(With zero extra work): Image A few years ago I met a guy making $30,000 a month.

His follower count?


I couldn't believe it. So I asked him how he did it.

What he said changed the way I approach lead generation through Twitter.

And that's what I'll share with you today.

May 11, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
I've charged $25,000 for writing, $24,000 for coaching and got ~3,000 users to pay us $29-49/month each.

A thread on how I craft offers: Image The common audience path is

Grow Audience -> Launch Offer

In theory, it makes sense.

In practice, it can backfire because the offer you launch may not be the offer your audience wants.

And so you end up with lots of likes, but not much cash.

Here's how you solve it:
May 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
How To Position Yourself As An Authority On Twitter

Took me weeks to compress the lessons of building a 200,000-follower audience in 3 years.

But it's done.

No email required. None of that like + comment stuff either.

Link is below this tweet. Enjoy 👇🏽 Covering:

- What to do if your engagement is low

- Standing out in a saturated market

- Being the best in the world (by doing less)

- Why most accounts (especially big accounts) struggle to get traction on Twitter

Here's the link:

Apr 26, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
How To Position Yourself As An Authority

(Twitter Edition) One of my main lessons after 3 years on Twitter:

People don't log on social media to buy medicine, but to numb pain.

They know they could buy it, but they don't.


Because the pain of inaction (scrolling) is smaller than the pain of action (buying).

That's the bad news.
Mar 27, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
How @JohnConstas Tripled His Income In 60 Days.

[A Case Study On Monetizing Health Offers On Twitter] @JohnConstas Client: @JohnConstas

Niche: Gut Health / Sleep

Main Challenges:

1) Poor leadflow

2) Lots of interest - but very few bites

3) Lack of clarity around his offer

Here's how we solved each (and tripled his income in 60 days):
Mar 14, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
How Your Followers Make Buying Decisions

(1/7) Every single one of your followers has a pain meter: Image (2/7)

This pain meter grows up over time.

Sometimes your posts grow it.

Sometimes your competitors' posts grow it.

But it's always growing... Image
Mar 8, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I tried to come up with 50 questions to ask yourself to write better tweets fast.

I failed. And only managed to come up with 49 questions to ask yourself to write better tweets fast: 1) Why will your prospects' alternatives not solve their problem?

2) What would [the top guy in your industry] do?

3) What trick has worked for you that people wouldn't think would work?

4) What evidence can you provide that you're good at what you do?
Mar 7, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
Free Twitter monetization course: These are all free.

But if you get something valuable from this I'd appreciate a retweet to help another entrepreneur out 🥷🏽

Let's get into it:
Mar 6, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
2 options:

You could join a growth program / get RTs and get a bunch of unqualified followers that will never (and could never) give you money

Or you can simply learn monetization and get clients within weeks

What's holding you back is 10% skill and 90% false beliefs Why are you on twitter looking for clients but not inside tweetsandclients.com?
Mar 2, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Here's 7 bonuses to improve your offers:

1. Money-back guarantee
2. Love it or leave it
3. Performance-based
4. Cash Unlock
5. Deadline or Bonus
6. Free + Commitment
7. No guarantee

And I tested them all so you don't have to.

Here are the pros and cons of each: 1) Money Back Guarantee

If you don't reach [outcome], you get your money back.
Mar 1, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
My businesses make 7 figures from Twitter.

We exited our company for 7 figures, which was built on Twitter.

And we did it by NOT doing what we were told to do,

But by following 10 unconventional pieces of Twitter monetization advice.

Here are all 10: 1) Don't scroll Twitter

What you read programs you, so you might as well read from the best.

Find 10 accounts that:

- Post at the level you want to post
- Play the game like you want to play it
- Have what you want to have

Put them on a list.

That's your new feed.
Feb 28, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
I'm going to prove to you that you don't need a better offer in 5 tweets: You've made the executive decision to get shredded before summer and are looking for a 6-pack-abs program.

You log on to Twitter and find 2 coaches.

You click on Coach A's profile. He's fat.

You click on Coach B's profile. He has a 6 pack.

Who would you hire?
Feb 27, 2023 16 tweets 7 min read
In 30 days we took @MrPassive_ from $12,000 to $30,000 a month

This happened WHILE he worked a 9-5.

If you're a coach looking for more clients,

Without sacrificing your time,

This case study is for you: @MrPassive_ Mike Before:

- Had the skill but didn't know how to package it into an offer
- Struggled to make prospects see the value of his offer
- Inconsistent income

Mike After:

- $30k/mo coaching business
- More time to spend with his family
- Quit his job

3 Main Challenges:
Feb 22, 2023 18 tweets 9 min read
Meet @IAmAaronWill

Aaron grew a massive following - but couldn't grow his income.

Frustrated, he tried our Twitter client acquisition method

And went from $5k/month to $30k/month in just 3 months

(That's $1,000 a day)

Here's what we did.

THREAD Image @IAmAaronWill Aaron's account had crazy potential - and everyone knew it.

But only after we fixed his

- Niche Paralysis
- Offer
- Consistent Leadflow

Could he finally go from $5k/mo to $30k/mo in 90 days (that's $1,000 a day)

Here's how we fixed them (and what you can learn from each):
Feb 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Of course you could figure it out by yourself within 1 year.

Or you can hire a coach, get it done in 1 week and just skip to the part where you get results.

Most not humble enough to do something like this. Month 1: "I know what to do I just gotta do it"

Month 6: "I know what to do I just gotta do it"

Month 12: "I know what to do I just gotta do it"
Feb 20, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
How To Go Viral & Make Money With The Same Tweet

(The Art of The Auto DM) An Auto DM is that tweet that goes "retweet this and I'll send [resource] to you".

They're one of the easiest ways to get engagement.

But here's how you can also use it to make money

(7 Steps):
Feb 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
On Buying Retweets: You know your account could make you more money with the right help. Join tweetsandclients.com and we'll help you through the entire thing. ImageImage