I was searching a phrase read during services: "I lay my doubts upon the land like the mists of early morning." Short answer, it was from here: Amen: Seeking Presence with Prayer, Poetry, and Mindfulness Practice books.google.com/books?id=v8vYD… But, oh, the things Google brought up first
@schnitzr This is absolutely appalling. Research shows responsible transparent non-stigmatized conversations around sexual health information and behaviors are essential to sexual public health. Joe Gow should be being heralded as a hero for breaking the barrier to discussion. #healthysex
@schnitzr Sexual Health in America: Improving Patient Care and Public Health jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/… "3rd, cuz STIs...R highly stigmatized conditions, use of a broader, sex-positive, health-focused framework...2 reduce stigma, fear, & discrimination assoc w/ these conditions." #healthysex