Nick Carmody JD, MS Psych Profile picture
Jun 13, 2021 46 tweets 9 min read Read on X
An addiction model may actually explain tribalism, confirmation bias, and even conspiracy theories/Qanon. Let’s unpack….

Several years ago I started observing the parallels between addiction and political tribalism as marriages/friendships/families imploded over politics….1/
Specifically, I started noticing the parallels between the effect that addiction has on relationships when those relationships (interventions) threaten the continuation of the addictive behavior/activity.

…when confronted with a threat to the addiction, the addict will often cut the loved one out of their life, rather than cut out the addictive behavior.

This has occurred countless times over the last 5 years as people have cut family/friends out of their lives over politics. 3/
For example, I had a daughter tell me that her 80 something year-old mom told her that if Trump and the daughter were both drowning, she (the mother) would save Trump first, and the daughter, second, if at all.

This is one of many stories people have DM’d me looking for help. 4/
Initially, it appeared to be an “addiction” to the outrage, anger, or fear.

But then I came across research explaining dopamine, which is related to the reward center of the brain, in terms of “subjective utility”. This got me thinking about confirmation bias: 5/
That the “addiction” wasn’t to the outrage/anger/fear.

Instead, the addiction was created by repeatedly receiving a dopamine reward every time their subjective beliefs (bias) were confirmed by Rush/Hannity/Tucker.

The anger/fear was the by-product of the addictive process. 6/
But, as I explained on the Lincoln Project podcast, this addictive process may have a second, compounding factor to it because….. 7/
….research has shown neuroanatomical regions associated with physically painful experiences exhibit increased activity when people experience social exclusion or separation (as explained in this thread about Qanon).
As mentioned above, dopamine is related to the “reward system” of the brain, and is involved in the pleasurable experiences related to sex, gambling, etc.

Dopamine is associated with the high experienced with cocaine use/addiction.

Similar to social exclusion/separation…..pain/discomfort avoidance is also a factor in certain addictions:

The “DTs” (delirium tremens) experienced by alcoholics who suddenly quit drinking....and opioid/heroin withdrawal.

"Relapse" provides relief from withdrawal symptoms. 16/
With this as a backdrop, it’s conceivable to conceptualize political tribalism (& perhaps even cultism), through an addiction model where there's a cocaine-like hit on the front end that pulls them in...

....and an opioid-like withdrawal that prevents them from pushing away. 17/
But there’s another important factor at play in this process that not only appears to contribute to tribalism, confirmation bias, but also conspiracy theory susceptibility, radicalization, and Qanon.

That factor: “anticipation”.

Or, as Robert Sapolsky explains in this short video:

The power of “maybe”.

Watch this, and then keep reading:

Now consider how anticipation affects the role dopamine plays in confirmation bias.

In this context, the dopamine hit isn’t experienced by having a correct opinion/belief (their bias being confirmed), the dopamine hit is experienced from the “anticipation” of being “right”. 20/
But all of this really gets interesting when viewed through the lens of dopamine optimization being tied to the 50/50 anticipation-to-reward ratio, because it would seem to have implications for radicalization and extremism:

Since dopamine production/release isn't maximized by correctly anticipating the outcome 100% of the time… order to experience optimal dopamine production,...

….people would need to constantly seek out new “sources” and new information that would consistently introduce "unanticipated"/unknown details, in order for them to have a heightened dopamine experience......because being 100% correct doesn't produce that.

If someone watched/listened to FOX for years/decades, and had memorized the talking points….they would eventually be able to anticipate future narratives 100% of the time.

This would produce a limited dopamine experience, even though their biases are completely confirmed.

However, when right wing news consumers then turn on OANN, Newsmax, Alex Jones, etc., and hear new fantastical details that are added to the mainstream right-wing narrative, these people's anticipation-to-reward ratio has now been disrupted.

And as Sapolsky demonstrated,…

…..this disruption will cause dopamine spikes, which are optimized when people are not able to correctly predict or “anticipate” 50% of what they are being told.

This creates an incentive structure where they are “rewarded” by continually seeking out more extreme, more radical, and more delusional information and narratives in order to continually maintain the optimum 50/50 anticipation-to-reward ratio.

This process basically mirrors "tolerance" as seen in other forms of addiction, except that rather than building a tolerance to increased levels of an addictive substance, the individual builds a tolerance to the known (dis)information.

And instead of having to increase the ingestion of an addictive substance to chase the “high”….. they need to continually increase the amount of new, un-anticipatable (dis)information.

This results in people perpetually seeking out more delusional, more fantastical, and more conspiratorial information because, eventually, anything remotely factual has already been heard, and therefore can be “anticipated”.

With this as a backdrop, it's easy to see how dynamic plays into Qanon and conspiracies theories.

As Sapolsky said, “’maybe’, is addictive like nothing else out there”.

“Maybe”, is the essence of conspiracy theories:

“Maybe, X is happening/occurring”

The “anticipation” and the 50/50 optimization of dopamine production may explain why people aren't deterred when predictions, and the expectations created by those predictions, do not come true in cult situations or with Qanon.

Based on this model….

..…the delusional, non-occurring predictions may actually reinforce belief in the conspiracy/cult because it supplies the necessary 50% miss rate needed for optimum dopamine production….

....with the other 50% of perceived “accurately anticipated” events being the result of delusional subjective interpretations of events that create “false positive” confirmations:

Other relevant threads, including whether Qanon is morphing into a religion: 35/
A thread involving dopamine and Toxplasmosis: 36/
A thread analyzing dopamine and Covid denial:
Thread analyzing the manipulation of neuropsychological fear responses: 38/
Article form of the original thread. No paywall: 40/
Thread on the "Fire Hose of Lies" disinformation campaign: 41/
This is a really interesting TedTalk on addiction. Applying it to the political climate, and viewing it through the lens of demonization/tribalism.....The obvious challenge we face as a country?........42/…
...How to re-establish connection & strengthen "bonding"....when the incentive structure for many in the media, especially people like Tucker Carlson, is to create an emotional response that not only sabotages those bonds with fellow Americans, but also with family members? 43/
Follow up thread analyzing a study that found parallels between addiction and white supremacy:
Follow up/related thread addressing dopamine-related illnesses such as Parkinson's/Schizophrenia, and the effect of exposing people with altered states of perception...either due to illness/disorder, or "self-medication"... to Qanon/conspiracy theories:

• • •

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Aug 15
There may be several things going on here with Trump, his obsessive inability to let go of Biden....and the criticism surrounding Biden not running.

First, anyone who’s been in a bad relationship where years of resentment builds up has experienced the phenomenon where the current action/statement the other person is criticizing you for isn’t really about the current action/behavior…..’s just that the current action/behavior presents an opportunity to channel/focus that built up resentment/contempt for you: "I'm frustrated/wounded, and I want to use this opportunity to hurt/wound you".

If you step right (in the non-political sense), you’re criticized for not stepping left….and if you had stepped left, you would have been criticized for not stepping right.

It’s not about which direction you step, it’s about exploiting the opportunity to criticize/attack you.

Similarly, the Right’s criticism was that Biden was too old, was “A Weekend at Bernie’s” puppet, and that it was a disgrace that the Democrats were running him again (stepped right, instead of left).

Then when Biden stepped down, and Kamala became the nominee…..a narrative is created around Biden not being there (stepped left instead of stepping right).

This happens constantly in politics where both parties have extreme contempt/resentment for each other...

Another potential factor:

Trump’s Cluster B personality disorders cause him to create alternate realities when actual reality threatens him, or violates his pathologically distorted concept of “fairness”.

To Trump, it’s “unfair” that he/they were prepared for running against (and beating) Biden....

....but now he "unfairly" has to run against, and potentially lose to Kamala.


For most of Trump’s life, he’s been able to live in his own alternate realities because his resources have protected from experiencing consequences for his pathological behavior...

...and/or because people have enabled his pathological thinking/actions.

This thread analyzes why society's social/legal systems fail to rein in narcissists/sociopaths:

Read 9 tweets
Aug 9
Observations of Trump at his press conference:

He's raging. At the beginning of the speech, Trump’s eyes were squinty/narrowed…his brow/forehead was tight/furrowed….and his mouth was very tight, especially at the beginning of the speech.

When he's feeling it/himself at rally's, he's usually very animated/loose with his mouth. Not today.

The one notable time when he was animated with his mouth was when he was talking about Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, and it indicated contempt (1:04:30).

Trump's rage was channeled into inciting fear:

He repeatedly claimed Americans are not safe, that the economy would collapse into a depression if he's not president, and that there will be a world war.

Trump uses fear to scare people into self-preservationally voting for a “strongman”:

Trump said, "This is the most dangerous period of time for our country".

The fear he is mongering is likely projection because he knows that if he loses the election he goes to prison….so the wave of enthusiasm for Harris means….. "this is the most dangerous period of time for [him]”.

He's scared. He channels fear into anger. He channels anger into retaliation aggression (revenge). This thread analyzes the neuropsychological process of "revenge politics"

Read 17 tweets
Aug 5
Trump literally thinks like child. He sounds like a 3 year old telling a shopping mall Santa Claus what a good boy he has been.....and which neighbor kid has been mean to him.

Deciphered transcript of Trump's random stream of Narcissistic consciousness from the interview:

“One of the most famous/richest/influential people (Zuckerberg) in the world who runs one of the biggest/most important companies in the world……called me multiple times because I’m so important, and because he wanted to talk to me so badly….to tell me how amazing the media/TV event/show that I headlined (RNC convention) was… tell me how amazing I am….and to tell me how brave I am……and to tell me that because I am so brave that this really important influential person (Zuckerberg) cannot fathom supporting anyone but me because he respects me so much….because although this amazing grandiose thing (my amazing reaction to the assassination attempt) is so respected by this important person (Zuckerberg)….but to me it was a normal response because I’m so amazing that it’s normal for me to do amazing things….and because I’m so amazing I’m going to remind everyone again that this really important person (Zuckerberg) called me multiple times on consecutive days to tell me how amazing I am…..and to grovel to me with apologies……..but these bad people who don’t like me enough (Google) didn’t call me to tell me how amazing I am or to grovel to me….I do shows like yours (H)….your show is amazing because you have me on, and grovel to me because I’m amazing….and they (the rest of the country who loves me) show clips of your show when I’m on “all over the place” because I’m amazing….and then “you’re [I’m] all over those little beautiful cell phones” that have pictures/videos of me, because I’m amazing….you have a great product, a great brand because you grovel to me… you [“I”] have to get out….you [“I”] have to do things like your amazing show (because you grovel to me)….and other shows that grovel to me…..Google has been very bad, they’ve been very irresponsible because they don’t grovel to me….and if/when I’m president I’m going to take retaliatory actions [“I will be your retribution”] against them…..I will say this…..this really important person [Zuckerberg] that I used to hate, but am now repeatedly reminding everyone of how much he likes me and that “he called me a lot”…..he likes me….”

Read 7 tweets
Aug 3
When analyzing why some women still support a pathologically immoral, abusive political leader like Trump…’s important to consider the role of fear…...and evolutionary psychology:

"Primal tribalism"

Let’s unpack….

Not all of Trump’s supporter are bad people.

In fact, as people like @TimAlberta have written/analyzed, when separated from political consumption/discourse, most are still good people in just about every other aspect of their life.

But politics, and Trump in particular, cause otherwise good people to become unrecognizable from who they were years ago...

....or in some cases...

...who they were just minutes/hours before the topic of politics/Trump comes up in conversation.


Read 26 tweets
Jul 31
Everything must be viewed through the lens of Trump's extreme narcissism.

Even Trump's sociopathy occurs in the service of his Narcissism.

As explained in my analysis of @gtconway3d's & @duty2warn's conversation of @psychopac24’s ad:

“Trump’s narcissism > his sociopathy”:

In 2019, there was a @JimVandeHei interview of Trump where Trump appeared to get emotional talking about:

“I want to be nice. I don’t want to be this way, but I have to be this way”.

I wrote about how Trump is counterintuitively a "people pleaser".

With regards to racism, there may elements of narcissism (grandiosity, superiority complex) that factor in.....

....which may rise to the level of sociopathy (reckless disregard for the safety of others) when it metastasizes to "White Supremacy".

Read 12 tweets
Jul 30
An important effect of this ad:

It caused Trump to feel betrayed by FOXNews.

When Trump feels betrayed, his pathologically fragile ego causes him to compulsively sabotage his long-term interests/goals in order to vindictively pursue his short term "wins" (revenge).

Remember when Trump was pissed off because @GaSecofState Raffensperger didn’t corruptly hand the 2020 election to Trump?

It resulted in Georgia sending a Democrat to the U.S. Senate for the first time since 2000 (two actually: Ossoff and Warnick).

Relevant to this point, at the 52:30 minute mark of this Shrinking Trump podcast with @gtconway3d...

...they discuss the difference between Trump & Hitler...

...and the tension that exists between Trump’s impulsivity, and his machiavellianism.

Read 20 tweets

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