Uniform edge lengths are a reasonable proxy for mesh quality, since equilateral triangles have good angles. But if you have more specific criteria, you can usually do better. "Hodge-Optimized Triangulations" provides a nice discussion of this perspective: geometry.caltech.edu/pubs/MMdGD11.p…
A popular approach in graphics is something like Botsch & Kobbelt, "Remeshing for Multiresolution Modeling" (Sec. 4): graphics.rwth-aachen.de/media/papers/r…
Basic idea: iteratively move vertices to equalize areas, split long edges, collapse short edges, & flip edges to improve vertex valence.
In this class of algorithms, I really like Chen & Holst, "Efficient mesh optimization schemes based on Optimal Delaunay Triangulations": math.uci.edu/~chenlong/Pape…
Here there's a clear notion of optimality, & an efficient preconditioner. For surfaces: restrict to tangential motions
Here the idea is to parameterize the mesh & nicely sample according to varying density in the plane. I don't sense this idea is used too much these days, due to the need to parameterize.
Though on second thought, there are methods that use sophisticated field-aligned parameterization to get very high-quality almost-regular meshes with few irregular vertices, such as Nieser et al, "Hexagonal Global Parameterization of Arbitrary Surfaces": mi.fu-berlin.de/en/math/groups…
Combines the strengths of field-aligned & local iterative methods to get extreme performance/scalability, albeit with more irregular vertices than, say, Nieser et al
Finally, a fun example where meshes with unit edge lengths show up is in Isenberg et al, "Connectivity Shapes": cs.unc.edu/~isenburg/rese…
The idea: if you have perfect unit edge lengths, you can throw away vertex positions and recover the geometry *purely* from the connectivity!
In simulation, the award-winning "El Topo" package of Brochu & Bridson uses near-unit edge lengths to provide high-quality free surface tracking: github.com/tysonbrochu/el…
(By the way, "award winning" in these posts refers to the SGP software award @GeometryProcess!)
Bruno will be able to give better details about the algorithms used, and interesting applications like optimal transport that I didn't mention yet.
It's also important to mention that uniform edge lengths provide more detail than necessary in large regions with low curvature.
Other methods adapt to local curvature/feature size, like Dunyach et al, "Adaptive Remeshing for Real-Time Mesh Deformation": hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01295339/d…
Likewise, the Holst & Chen paper mentioned earlier allows spatial adaptivity, by providing a density function: math.uci.edu/~chenlong/Pape…
There are sure to be countless references I'm missing both to algorithms & applications—but that should provide a few useful pointers!
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Entropy is one of those formulas that many of us learn, swallow whole, and even use regularly without really understanding.
(E.g., where does that “log” come from? Are there other possible formulas?)
Yet there's an intuitive & almost inevitable way to arrive at this expression.
When I first heard about entropy, there was a lot of stuff about "free states" and "disorder." Or about the number of bits needed to communicate a message.
These are ultimately important connections—but it's not clear it's the best starting point for the formula itself.
A better starting point is the idea of "surprise."
In particular, suppose an event occurs with probability p. E.g., if the bus shows up on time about 15% of the time, p = 0.15.
How *surprising*, then, is an event with probability p? Let's call this quantity S(p).
We often think of an "equilibrium" as something standing still, like a scale in perfect balance.
But many equilibria are dynamic, like a flowing river which is never changing—yet never standing still.
These dynamic equilibria are nicely described by so-called "detailed balance"
In simple terms, detailed balance says that if you have less "stuff" at point x, and more "stuff" at point y, then to maintain a dynamic equilibrium, the fraction of stuff that moves from x to y needs to be bigger than the fraction that moves from y to x.
Detailed balance is also the starting point for algorithms that efficiently generate samples of a given distribution, called "Markov chain Monte Carlo" algorithms.
The idea is to "design" a random procedure that has the target distribution as the equilibrium distribution.
Even though Newton's laws are deterministic, the behavior of many interacting bodies is so chaotic that it looks essentially "random."
Statistical mechanics effectively says: why bother with all those complex trajectories? Just go ahead and replace them with truly random motion.
A good way to think about the difference is to imagine actually simulating the particles.
With Newtonian simulation, you track both positions & velocities. Velocities increase or decrease according to forces (like attraction/repulsion); positions are then updated by velocities.
With (overdamped) Langevin simulation, you track just the positions. Positions follow the same forces (i.e., the potential gradient), plus some random "noise" that models all that chaotic motion.
Near equilibrium, these two simulators yield motions with very similar statistics.
I work on fundamental algorithms for geometric and visual computing. Here's a taste of our group's work, as a list of "explainer" threads posted on Twitter/X over the years. (🧵)
Signed distance functions (SDFs) are an important surface representation, which can be directly visualized via the “sphere tracing” algorithm.
At #SIGGRAPH2024 we showed how to sphere trace a whole new class of surfaces, based on *harmonic functions* rather than SDFs. [1/n]
Harmonic functions are everywhere in geometric & visual computing, as well as in math, engineering, and physics. So, it's pretty powerful to be able to visualize them directly.
We show how they open up a variety of applications beyond what people currently do with SDFs. [2/n]
For instance, want to visualize a point cloud as a smooth surface?
Don't need to run a reconstruction algorithm (or fit a neural net): just trace some rays, and voila! [3/n]