Why is this framed like Bennett is an unknown entity and not the certified fascist and murderer of Palestinians everyone already knows that he is. All such statements do is perpetuate the myth of a reformable Israel.
Even if it wasn't clear what Bennett's politics were, propagating the idea that a single politician, even if prime minister, could change the course & fundamental nature of Israel (violent, expansionist and racist) is in itself a dishonest, ahistorical & soft Zionist position.
It is baffling to me that after everything, and no longer under the immense pressure of being leader, Corbyn still decides to make such misleading and milquetoast statements like this.
Every time I think this awful imperialist feminist genre of books for young girls can’t get any more depraved, they somehow do. This new one on “Immigrant women who changed the world’ includes monsters including Golda “The Palestinians don’t exist” Meir 😳
Some other highlights
Ilhan Omar will presumably be delighted to be included alongside her hero Madeline Albright.
This BBC report, that portrays US occupying soldiers in Iraq as the good guys threatened by the evil Iranians, should be studied as a textbook example of imperialist propaganda - wildly disingenuous framing, omission of crucial context, emotional manipulation, it’s got everything
No mention at all of the US invasion in 2003, no mention either of its killing of Soleimani last year, completely uncritical endorsement of the lie that US troops are in Syria & Iraq altruistically to “fight ISIS”, just pure propaganda from start to finish.
It does contain the interesting fact that the Louisiana National Guard are currently stationed in NE Syria. It’s incredible how little the US invasion & occupation of Syria is actually discussed, it’s just mentioned in passing in reports like this & is always justified of course.
The very forces being denigrated in that tweet have provided the Palestinian resistance with arms,intel.,training & other *material* support for years on end. It’s one of the reasons for its increased military deterrence/capability in recent years.
The reason "Israel is surrounded by enemies" as Zionists like to say, implying it's the victim, is because in addition to the Palestinians themselves, the populations of *every* single country it borders, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt & Jordan, have all suffered repeatedly at its hands.
Countless thousands have been massacred, displaced & wounded by Israel in all of those countries (and beyond) in manifold forms of violence including aerial bombardments, invasions, occupations and assassinations. The damage that Israel has inflicted on West Asia is incalculable.
Of course, those countries all host millions of Palestinian refugees and their descendants, so many of whom Israel has destroyed the lives and homes of again and again and again.
I’m out of words for how vile the BBC is. This is sickening.
I’ve noticed a couple of BBC journalists have followed me in the last few days. I hope you see this and feel ashamed.
Israel is (again) bombarding a mass concentration camp full of refugees living in literally “unliveable conditions” with no way out and the BBC portrays Palestinian resistance as the aggressor. It’s evident there’s nothing Israel can do that the BBC won’t justify or support.
If you've recently found out about Palestine & are outraged by injustice Palestinians suffer. Don't let anyone chip away at that with ideas of 'complexity' or 'intractable, age-old conflicts'. It is a simple case of oppressor/oppressed, & there's only one just side to be on.
Education often instils within us an aversion to taking resolute & definitive positions - as though the truth *always* lies somewhere between 2 ostensibly extreme points. This prism pushes us away from our humanity & ability to see clear injustice & oppose it without reservation.
The Palestinian cause reveals the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of that prism: