335k ballots with no chain of custody in Ga. @GovKemp certified the election. LOOK AT THIS. It is unraveling on the good ole boys in Georgia.
And LOOK AT THIS. Saturday morning Gabe Sterling lied to me. Remember how he defended Riby Freeman? He lied about that too. See what we are dealing with?
Did you know the Biden admin wants to add 80,000 employees to the IRS?
Did you know Biden wants all bank transactions over $600 reported to the IRS by your bank?
It is your Government. Do you want bigger government. After all, they are so efficient. California's unemployment fraud, at $31 Billion, is staggering. politico.com/news/2021/05/2…
What is happening in Maricopa is significant, let's ask some questions.
4/12/21 - County deleted election data bases
4/21-22 - County election equipment delivered to audit
Why did security seals arrive cut and placed at the bottom of the boxes?
Why weren't security bags used?
What is Maricopa county hiding? Sheriff Penzone is keeping the routers hidden. The AZ Attorney Gen needs to get involved now (Mark Brnovich).
Why are boxes that were marked with 200 ballots only containing 175?
It's clear why Lawfare and the Dems will stop at nothing to stop it.
One would think there are some good people @mcsoaz that would uphold their constitutional oath and detain Penzone, turn over the routers so the truth can be seen. If Hamr and Scorecard were used, it would be found in the router.
There seems to be an issue with Sheriff Penzone @MaricopaSheriff. The Maricopa board had Penzone release a statement about the routers they don't want the auditers to see. Penzone said no private company is ever permitted to gain access to routers and sensitive information (1)
Keep in mind, Penzone and Sec of State Hobbs, big donors are George Soros and Hillary Clinton. The county has already admitted they never had the administration password for Dominion. Only Dominion has the password. Former county Recorder @Adrian_Fontes has already admitted (2)
that Dominion had offices inside the county offices. So, Did Dominion, a private company, have access to all law enforcement data as Penzone says would happen if a private company has access to the router?