🧵One of the most remarkable aspects of science advice in the COVID-19 pandemic was how utterly unprepared the US government was ... I look back at how this happened from Bush to Obama to Trump in this post ... here is a short thread as well ...
The US government paid little attention to pandemic planning before Pres GHW Bush, who read a book on summer vacation in 2005 that sparked his interest
In fact, during his presidency in his public remarks Ronald Reagan only mentioned the word "pandemic" 1 time and GHWB not at all. Climate mentioned "pandemic" 16x, then GWB at 214
GWB proposed a new national pandemic strategy in Nov 2005, and this got Congress interested
That is often how presidential leadership works
But Congressional attention flagged
It ticked up during/after 2009/10 H1N1 epidemic and then dropped
Incredibly, science advice for pandemic planning is a gaping hole in US pandemic planning, the attention of GWB to pandemic and H1N1 lead to an increased focus, but that dropped to almost nil by 2012
Mentions in FACA documents shown below
Similarly the US NAS followed political interest up and then down after H1N1
We can compare NAS attention to pandemic to that of climate change, an undeniably important topic, and see that pandemic was viewed as much less important (even during H1N1)
I conclude that we still have work to do to institutionalize expert advisory mechanisms for pandemic planning and response
Your comments welcomed!
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The percentage of a percentage trick is increasingly common & leads to massive confusion
Here a undetectable difference of 0.01 events per year per decade is presented as the difference between a 31% and 66.4% increase (in the *likelihood* of the event, not the event itself)
The resulting confusion is perfectly predictable
Here is a reporter (NPR) explaining completely incorrectly:
"The phenomenon has grown up to 66% since the mid-20th century"
Also, the numbers in the text and figure do not appear to match up
I asked Swain about this over at BlooSkeye
A Frankenstein dataset results from splicing together two time series found online
Below is an example for US hurricane damage 1900-2017
Data for 1980-2017 was replaced with a different time series in the green box
Upwards trend results (red ---)
Claim: Due to climate change!
The errors here are so obvious and consequential that it is baffling that the community does not quickly correct course
The IPCC AR6 cited a paper misusing the Frankenstein hurricane loss dataset to suggest that NOAA's gold standard hurricane "best track" dataset may be flawed
JFC - Using flawed economic loss data to suggest that direct measurements of hurricanes are in error!
We’ve reached the point where an IPCC author is openly rejecting the conclusions of the IPCC out of concern over how their political opposition is correctly interpreting the AR6
The integrity of the IPCC on extreme events is now under attack
The IPCC explains that a trend in a particular variable is DETECTED if it is outside internal variability and judged with >90% likelihood
For most (not all) metrics of extreme weather detection has not been achieved
That’s not me saying that, but IPCC AR6
The IPCC also assesses that for most (but not all) metrics of extreme weather the signal of a change in climate will not emerge from internal variability with high confidence (ie, >90%) by 2050 or 2100, even assuming the most extreme changes under RCP8.5
The US National Academy of Sciences has a new study committee on Extreme Event Attribution
Among its sponsors are the Bezos Earth Fund and Robert Litterman
Who are they? . . .
The Bezos Earth Fund sponsors World Weather Attribution, an advocacy group promoting the connection of weather events w/ fossil fuels in support of press coverage & lawsuits
Robert Litterman is on the board of Climate Central which founded WWA & collaborates on climate advocacy
The fact that a NAS committee is funded by political advocates is crazy enough
But that is not all
On the committee itself are individuals from two climate advocacy groups
One . . . the Union of Concerned Scientists which is working to use attribution to support lawsuits . . .