Now Dr Cathy Lines talking about evaluation and general elements. Evidence first and longer evaluations >4yrs showed positive change whereas shorter evaluations <2 yrs showed negative or no change and 4 areas for evaluation #Quadrupleaim
#AnticipatoryCare Now up Therese Lloyd from @HealthFdn quantative evaluation need to consider causal effect and counter factual measures and regression to the mean (like play your cards right) eg effect of MDT in @NEHFCCG rates of emergency admission before and after referral
MDT evaluations @HealthFdn report due in July Therese discussing preliminary findings showing higher rates of hospital use in the short term ? Due to #unmetneed#AnticipatoryCare and looking also at Overall admissions @NEHFCCG vs counter factual gap emerges in year 3-5
Implication - interventions have benefits but reduced hospital use not a given esp in short term. Need a realistic expectation. Implications for evaluation need enough time #AnticipatoryCare we need more data on outcomes that matter to patients
Now a question on measuring #Whatmatterstoyou experience measures a settlement posed by Tom Gentry from @age_uk 'understanding the success of intervention should include measure for capturing and realising patient's goals from care' #anticipatorycare