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Jun 16, 2021 46 tweets 8 min read Read on X
On 20th November 1572 Mughal emperor Akbar & his army arrived at Ahmedabad & camped on Sabarmati river bank.Gujarat Sultan Muzffar was in custody of Akbar.He won Gujarat without any resistance or battle.Akbar's Khutbah as emperor of Gujarat were read out in Masjids of Ahmedabad. Image
In 1572 Mughal emperor won Gujarat from Gujarat Sultan Muzffarshah 3rd. Gujarat Sultnat ended.14 Sultans of Gujarat Sultnat ruled Gujarat for 168 years (1404-1572).Among them Ahmedshah,Mahmud Begda,Muzffar & Bahadurshah were famous.Their ancestor was a Punjabi Hindu Tank Rajput.
Mughal emperor Akbar stayed on Sabarmati river bank at Ahmedabad. Gujarat Sultnat Wazir Itimadkhan with senior Amirs presented key of Ahmedabad to Akbar.Citizens of Ahmedabad welcomed Akbar & weighed him with valuables.Sorath administrator Aminkhan Ghori paid tributes to Akbar.
In 1572 Mughal emperor Akbar stayed for 2 weeks in Ahmedabad.He set up administration of new province Gujarat of Mughal empire.Akbar appointed his foster brother Khan-i-Azam Mirza Aziz Kokaltash/Kokah as Chief Administrator of Gujarat & Sultnat ex-Wazir Itimadkhan as his advisor.
Akbar stayed in camp on Sabarmati river bank at Ahmedabad.He visited city daily & met groups of people & visited places of interest.Akbar refused to accept gifts & tributes from Mughal rebels Mirzas chief Ibrahim Husen Mirza of south Gujarat who wished to be a subordinate ruler.
Emperor Akbar decided to punish Mughal rebels Mirzas who fled from Delhi & were living in south Gujarat under protection of previous Gujarat Sultans. Akbar's intention behind Gujarat invasion was to punish Mirza rebels.They murdered Akbar's advisor & army chief Bairmkhan in 1561.
On 2nd December 1572 Akbar left Ahmedabad & marched to south Gujarat. He reached major port Khambhat on 12th December. Citizens & traders including foreign traders of Turkey,Syria & Arabia of port city welcomed Akbar.Portuguese traders gifted dress to Akbar & kissed Akbar's hand.
Mughal emperor Akbar first time in his life saw sea at Khambhat port in 1572.He cruised in a ship in bay of Khambhat.Gujarat Sultnat Amirs & ex-wazir Itimadkhan were making conspiracy with rebel Mirza against Akbar rule. So they were produced before Akbar who sent them in custody
In 1572 Akbar appointed Hasankhan Khajanchi as the administrator of major port Khambhat which had high custom revenue.Akbar went to Vadodara & made it temporary HQ for his south Gujarat military operations against Mughal rebel Mirzas who decided to fight against Akbar from Surat.
Akbar sent Aziz Kokah Mirza to Ahmedabad to rule Gujarat & sent Shahbazkhan and Bazbahadur to take possession of Champaner. Mughal rebel Mirza chief Ibrahim Husen was in Bharuch at that time.He took Bharuch from Sultnat administrator by killing him. On arrival of Akbar, he fled.
A Brahmin brought news to Mughal at Vadodara that Mughal rebel chief Ibrahim Husen crossed Mahi river & was in Sarnal fort near Thasara. Akbar had sent his army to other parts of Gujarat & he had only 200 inexperienced soldiers at that time.He decided to fight with Mirza himself.
Akbar went immediately to Thasara with Raja Mansingh & his father Raja Bhagvandas and 200 soldiers. Sarnal town was in canyons of Mahi river surrounded by cactus forest. It was difficult to fight on such ground. Some brave Mughal soldiers climbed on the fort & opened fort gate.
On 23-12-1572 Akbar's small army entered Sarnal fort. A fierce battle was fought on streets & roads of Sarnal. Raja Mansingh & his father Raja Bhagwandas fought very bravely.His brother Bhupatsingh was killed in battle.Mughal rebel Chief Ibrahim Husen Mirza fled from Sarnal fort.
Akbar & Raja Bhagwandas with some soldiers chased fleeing Ibrahim Husen Mirza. The area was covered with dense cactus forest in the sandy canyon of Mahi river bank. It was difficult to ride horses side by side. So Akbar & Raja Bhagwandas went ahead behind rebel Ibrahim Mirza.
Suddenly 3 soldiers returned back & attacked Akbar & Bhagwandas.1 soldier attacked Bhagwandas with spear but Bhagvandas cut off his hand with sword. 2 soldiers attacked Akbar who fought bravely with attacking 2 soldiers & both fled.Mughal rebel Ibrahim Husen Mirza fled to Surat.
Battle of Sarnal fort in Gujarat is a historical battle in annals of Mughal history.Akbar won battle against enemy whose army was 3 times than his army.Akbar had narrow escape when he was attacked by 2 soldiers.If Akbar had been killed,course of Indian history would have changed.
In 1572 after victory in battle of Sarnal,Akbar honoured Raja Bhagwandas for bravery by giving him royal emblem & flag. Akbar returned to his base camp at Vadodara where his queens & princes stayed. They celebrated Sarnal victory.Rebel Ibrahim Husen Mirza went to Idar then Agra.
Akbar decided to attack Mughal rebel Mirza's stronghold port city Surat. Rebel chief Ibrahim Husen's wife Mubrukhbanu Begum was living at Surat at that time. She was the daughter of Akbar's uncle Kamran. Thus rebel Ibrahim Husen Mirza was brother-in-law of emperor Akbar.
In 1572 another group of Mughal rebel Mirzas under Muhammad Husen Mirza & Shah Mirza attacked Patan city with help of Gujarat Sultnat ex-Amir Sherkhan Fauladi & Juzarkhan Habasi. Patan Mughal administrator Saiyad Ahmedkhan informed Gujarat governor Mirza Aziz Kokah at Ahmedabad.
Mughal armies from Ahmedabad & Malwa under command of governor Mirza Aziz Kokah reached Patan.Mughal army defeated rebel Mirzas & Gujarat Sulnat Amirs in fierce battle.Rebel Mirza Muhammad Husen fled to Nandurbar & Amir Sherkhan Fauladi fled to Sorath.His son fled to Idar hills.
On 31-12-1572 Aakbar departed from Vadodara to capture Surat fort from rebel Mirzas. He sent Raja Todarmal to Surat in advance to inspect Surat fort.He reported that fort was not difficult to conquer & no need to come Akbar personally. But Akbar was firm to take part in invasion.
On 11-1-1573 Mughal emperor Akbar arrived at Surat. He camped on bank of famous Gopi Talav. Naval officer & dynamite expert Kasamkhan was called from Champaner to Surat. Rebel Mirza chief Ibrahim Husen's wife & son Muzffar fled from Surat fort to south before arrival of Akbar.
The land between Gopi Talav & Surat fort was rough & covered with dense bush. Fort commander was Hamazkhan on behalf of rebels. He was in service of Humayun & Akbar before joining with rebel Mirza. Mughal army besieged Surat fort. Day by day siege was tightened around the fort.
Siege of Surat fort was tight from all sides including Tapi riverside. Mirza began cannon firing from fort at Mughal camp & troops. Mughal army also started firing cannon shells on fort from their heavy artillery. Rebel Mirza tried to send their valuables & elephants from fort.
Mughal soldiers caught valuables & elephants sent by rebel Mirzas out of Surat & they were produced before Akbar. Stock of food & ammunition in Surat exhausted due to siege. Fort commander Hamazkha decided to surrender. He sent his father-in-law Maulana Nizamuddin Lari to Akbar.
Nizamuddin met Akbar & proposed offer of surrender.He was a good orator & diplomat.He persuaded Akbar to accept surrender of rebel Mirzas of Surat.Akbr accepted surrender offer from Mirza against advice of his advisers.On 26-2-1573 Akbar won Surat after siege of 1 month & 17 days
On 26-2-1573 emperor Akbar won Surat.He pardoned Mughal rebel Mirzas. He also pardoned Surat fort rebel commander Hamazkhan but his tongue was cut off as he once spoke bad words for Akbar.He entered Surat & deputed Kasamali and Daulat Nasir to take inventory of arms & valuables.
16th-century miniature painting of Akbar's triumphal entry in Surat on 26-2-1573.This miniature painting is from 'Akbarnama', a Persian manuscript biography book of Akbar written by his historian Abul-Fazl ibn Mubarak. Image
After victory of Surat,Akbar visited Surat fort. It was damaged during siege. Akbar ordered to repair fort.He appointed Kalijkhan as Surat Mughal administrator.Baglan king caught rebel Mirza Sarfuddin & sent him to Akbar.Akbar was amazed at colossal Turkish cannons of Surat fort.
Akbar ordered to send huge Turkish cannons to Agra fort. In 1538 Turkish naval fleet left Diu. They left behind heavy warship cannons at seacoast near Veraval.Gujarat Amir Khwaja Safar Salmani took some cannons to Surat.When he built Surat fort, he equipped it with these cannons.
In 1573 Portuguese Viceroy sent an envoy with delegation from Daman to the court of Akbar at Surat.They presented valuable gifts to Akbar.Portuguese were given some trade facilities at Surat by Akbar.After war of Diu,outgoing ships of Gujarat had to take permission of Portuguese.
Akbar wished to maintain good terms with the Portuguese for safe passage of Hajj & trade ships from Gujarat ports. Akbar's mother Hamidabanu Begum & his aunt Gulbadanbanu Begum with leading ladies of Zenana went Hajj pilgrimage from Surat port.
During Akbar stay at Surat, his life was saved in an incident. There was a discussion among courtiers about bravery of Rajputs & their very risky dangerous sword game.Akbar under influence of liquor tried to play sword game but Raja Mansingh snatched his sword & saved Akbar life.
In 1573 during stay at Surat, Akbar came into contact with Parsi community. He was curious & wished to know about their religion Zoroastrianism. As there was no Parsi scholar in Surat,Dastur Maherji Rana was called from Navsari. He explained Akbar ancient religion Zoroastrianism.
On 23-2-1573 Gujarat governor Mirza Aziz Kokah came to Surat from Ahmedabad. He discussed Gujarat situation with Akbar. On 8-3-1573 Akbar & Mirza Aziz Kokah departed from Surat for Ahmedabad.They reached Bharuch & stayed there.Akbar issued order granting facilities to Portuguese.
In Akbar stay at Bharuch, mother of ex-Bharuch Amir Changizkhan complained to Akbar about the murder of her son Changizkhan by Amir Juzarkhan Habasi. After inquiry Juzarkhan was awarded death punishment of crushing by elephant leg in public.
On 3-4-1573 Akbar arrived Ahmedabad from Surat.He camped outside city.Citizens of Ahmedabad welcomed Akbar.He stayed for 10 days in Ahmedabad & managed administration of Gujarat.He declared his foster brother Khan-i-Azam Mirza Aziz Kokaltash as the 1st Mughal governor of Gujarat.
In April1573 Akbar appointed administrators of Patan, Bharuch & Vadodara & gave them Jagir. Saiyad Hamid Bukhari was given Dholaka-Dhandhuka Jagir (estate). Gujarat became Subah (province)-i-Gujarat of the Indian Mughal Empire. On 13-4-1573 Akbar departed from Ahmedabad for Agra.
Akbar selected return route for Agra via Patan & Jalore.All senior Amir of Gujarat accompanied Akbar to Siddhpur to see off him.Akbar ordered Raja Mansimgh to reach Agra with army via Idar,Dungarpur & Udaipur.He was instructed to pusuade Rajput rulers to be loyal to Akbar.
When Akbar reached Sirohi,he received news of killing of his enemy rebel Mirza Ibrahim Husen in Punjab. Mughal rebel Mirza Ibrahim fled out of Gujarat when Akbar invaded Gujarat. Akbar's chief queen Mariam-uz-Zamani's nephew Raja Bhupatsingh was killed in Sarnal (Gujarat) battle.
Akbar's chief queen Mariam-uz-Zamani (Hindu name Jodhabai/Hirakunvari/Harkhabai) to her paternal home at Amber Fort to attend death rituals of her nephew Raja Bhupatsingh who was killed at Sarnal battle during Akbar's Gujarat invasion.
On 13-5-1573 Akbar reached Ajmer. He visited tomb of Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti & prayed. Akbar stayed at Ajmer for a week. After rest, he left Ajmer & reached his capital Fatehpur Sikri on 3-6-1573.
In the absence of Akbar in Gujarat rebel Mirza, Gujarat Sultnat Amir & Habasi Amir became active & joined against newly founded Mughal rule in Gujarat. Mirza Muhammad Husen who fled to South India during Akbar invasion, returned back in Gujarat. Amir Sherkhan Fauladi joined him.
In 1573 rebel Mirza Muhammad Husen first attacked Surat but he did not succeed in taking Surat as Mughal soldiers defended well. Mirza Husen attacked Bharuch in absence of Mughal administrator & won Bharuch. Mirza Husen took Khambhat.Rebel leaders concentrated in north Gujarat.
Gujarat Mughal governor Mirza Aziz Koka went Siddhapur & then Ahmednagar (Himatnagar) to fight with rebels. Rebel leaders planned to attack Ahmedabad in absence of governor Aziz Koka. When Aziz Koka received news of rebels plan,he returned Ahmedabad to defend city against rebels.
In the operations of 1573 against rebels in Gujarat, the author of the famous history book 'Mirat-i-Sikandari' Sikandar Manju was in the Mughal army. He wrote in detail about these battles in his book. Rebel leaders raised an army of 20000 soldiers to fight with Mughal power.

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