THREAD 🧵: As a Reformed Baptist Chaplain and “outsider” watching the world’s largest Protestant denomination at their own meeting (#SBC21). I have a few things I’d like to say for those of you who actually care:
First, it is entirely disheartening to see one of the last large, strong, Christian groups succumb to the abhorrent liberalism that is creeping its way into seemingly every sphere of life.
Second, the sanctity of life was disparaged when it was not made a priority in the agenda YET AGAIN. Then even weakened the abolitionist wording of the text to the point of being incremental. Abortion at all stages, and for all reasons, is murder.
The historical measure for the decline of a society is its treatment of the unborn, orphans, and the elderly.
Third, you made it abundantly clear that you care more about numbers, money, and politics than you do for doctrinally sound teaching, worship, and discipline.
Fourth, the meeting seemed to the rest of the world to be more of an entertainment venue than a convention of churches meeting to address the biggest issues in our society.
Fifth, you allowed Heathen/Pagan political tactics when you allowed some members to make brazen accusations without merit. This is expressly forbidden in both the Old and New Covenants of the Bible that you claim to hold dear.
Sixth, you have placed sin higher than righteousness in your hearts by catering to unbiblical doctrines (female pastors, homosexuality, abortion, etc) and false teachers that tickle your ears.
Lastly, but certainly not least, you have misrepresented and insulted all TRUE Christians of the World, shied many away from your denomination (myself included), and have harmed the faith of many.
I highly recommend that the doctrinally sound pastors, theologians, and apologists in your denomination disfellowship before you, yourselves, fall prey to the Satanic agenda creeping into the SBC.
I know many valiantly tried to stave off the evil, I salute each and every one of you. I follow many of you on Twitter and have learned much from you.
NOTE: The blatantly antithetical false teacher, Beth Moore applauded #SBC21. That alone should tell you that you were in the wrong.