I'm extremely happy to share some of the main findings of our new paper: "The effect of industrialization & globalization on domestic land-use: A global resource footprint perspective" doi.org/10.1016/j.gloe… @SustainableDean @KlausHubacek@MartinBruckner 👇 (1/6)
Industrial intensification &unbalanced trade relations enable countries seemingly unconstrained consumption of biomass goods while being able to spare land for #conservation &recreation. However, superficially efficient #landuse systems have the highest #resourcefootprints (2/6)
While wealthier countries have reduced their reliance and pressure on domestic land ecosystems, they consume more biomass goods produced in other countries and require higher energy and material inputs for intensification. There is no #decoupling observable (3/6)
A sole focus on national land-use optimization will not guarantee a global optimum nor a globally satisfactory solution. Global trade policies need to address these issues, but are unlikely to do so as long as embodied resource flows are not included in national accounts (4/6)
We need to rethink notions of #resourceefficiency and sustainability by acknowledging the structure of national land-use as a complex nexus of domestic ecological productivity, national harvest, inputs of labour, energy, and materials, and of international trade relations (5/6)