But Tucker told us the FBI were the bad guys...
Tucker's show is an act, an act to get ratings.
It is nothing more than #FearPorn & #ComfortableLies
while he gives anti-Trump stories to the other 'journalists' to cover.
That's right, one NYT's reporter admits Tucker is his go to source for unflattering Trump stories.And he has had 16 journalists at other MSM outlets admit to him that Tucker is their source for stories to hurt Trump too!
Then he blames the liberal media for the stories!
The accepted wisdom Dmes believe about Trump, it's from Tucker Carlson. Michael Wolff: "“I know this because I know what he [Tucker] has told me, and I can track his exquisite, too-good-not-to-be-true gossip through unsourced reports and as it often emerges into accepted wisdom.”
Tucker leaking conversations between him & President Trump to a WSJ Reporter. Even bragging he let President Trump go to voice mail several times to show he's the really important guy...
And who is Brain Stelter's Reliable Source for all of his negative stories about Trump? Tucker Carlson...
Looks like Tucker is a media legacy connected to all the big players in the Swamp's poltical media world...
Talk about an agent provocateur...
A member of the media elite going on FoxNews & making a lot of money making conservatives look like racists, sexists, & conspriacy theorists.
Including trying to implicate Trump along with his FBI, DOJ, & DOD in the storming of the Capitol.
So while Tucker tells you he hates the media & loves you & Trump. He's partying with the media & providing their anti-Trump stories as a source & giving them an excuse to call MAGA a racists divisive movement...
Seems duplicitous, or worse...
Oh, how will NYT's readers respond to knowing that their best anti-Trump stories come from Tucker Carlson?
And of course, Tucker's friends in the left-wing media protect him from consequences of his fake news stories & #FearPorn antics. The MSM want him on FoxNews saying dumb stuff while providing them a 'source' to print anti-Trump stories.
But the Swampy media take it easy on poor ole Tucker, he's one of them...
Of course Tucker keeps his FoxNews viewers gullible by not telling them what he tells the Washington media. That "...Trump is terrified, weak, politically doomed, in deep denial and surrounded by toadies and mediocrities.”
So that's the guy you want to believe...
So while Carlson is the anonymous source behind years of negative stories about Trump & his administration while he pretends to defend Trump on air.
He saves his defensive efforts to protect his own reputation so he can continue to attack Trump's reputation...
Of course Tucker also fought to defend advertising revenue from Purdue Pharma, the company that was a major factor in creating the Opioid Epidemic that has killed so many over the past 20 years.
I wonder if Tucker had to pay Fusion GPS to plant positive stories about him in the news? More likely his work as a source against Trump probably bought him the good will from the MSM...
His anti-Trump leaks are legendary in the media! To the point that whenever a journalist discusses one with their colleagues they automatically assume the fake story about Trump came from Tucker.
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Let's look at how President Trump tricked Putin into a far greater Russian defeat in Ukraine!
Trump learned the Rope-A-Dope from his friend Mohammed Ali!
Please excuse my poor 'artwork' replacing Ali & Fraser with Trump & Putin!
Rope-a-dope is a boxing technique in which one contender leans against the ropes of the ring & draws non-injuring offensive punches, letting the opponent tire themself out. This gives the former the opportunity then to execute devastating offensive punches to help them win.
So while Putin & his fake news brag about Russia having Ukraine on the ropes, he is wasting what little is left of Russia's military, economy, & manpower to make ineffective attacks on wheat fields in the middle of nowhere.
While Ukraine's counterpunches are crushing Russia.
Edwin Pagan III was indicted in November based upon the OIG investigation.
Now David Macey has been indicted too & the charges agains Pagan have been expanded.
It started as 'tell me who is getting indicted so I can get them to hire me as their lawyer."
Became warn the cartels...
The unsealed indictment is available here:
I don't know why they don't name the 2 DEA agents as they have also been indicted in early cases based on the DOJ OIG investigation. justice.gov/d9/2025-02/u.s…
If you follow the fake news, you won't understand what
this means.
China is controlling rare earth minerals markets by buying Swamp creatures around the world to get mining rights & then not mine the minerals in places like Greenland & Ukraine.
Why? Because the Clinton Admin through the Gore–Chernomyrdin Commission sold those mining rights 30 years ago to oligarchs.
For Ukraine to resell the rights to the US, they must first prove that the sales to Clinton & Putin's oligarchs were corrupt!
The term Narco-terrorism has been in use for decades.
Trump's new EO is based on western hemisphere drug cartels converging with hostile governments & other terrorists. Including efforts to control Swamps in countries vital to us.
#ButNothingsHappening whitehouse.gov/presidential-a…
Trump also includes TdA & MS-13 within the scope of this order. If you're not aware, El Chapo reportedly hired MS-13 to assassinate Donald Trump before he ran for President the 1st time.
Likely in retaliation for Trump helping FBI identify El Chapo's money laundering networks.
Trump has not designated these cartels terrorist organizations, but is ordering the Secretary of State in consultation with Treasury, AG, DHS, & DNI to draw up the list with all cartels that meet the definition within 14 days.
So either he was batshit crazy or the person who fake this email wanted to make him look batshit crazy.
It is possible that they want to use this incident to trick people into thinking their batshit crazy ideas were shared by Livelsberger.
This press conference is discussing a completely different email. But it has been used to convince people, including myself that it was referring to the email in these threads.