@CDCgov just posted its myocarditis/pericarditis update. They are now admitting that post-second dose risk in people under 25 could be over 200x the background rate (and that’s not accounting for underreporting).
But the real news is even worse...
2/ Here’s stratification by year of patient. As you can see, the post-second dose cases double from age 25 to 21, then double again in the 16-18 range.
The younger you are, the higher the risk.
There aren't just longitudinal studies, there are longitudinal studies examining both causation and reverse causation (looking at use and psychosis over multiple periods to see if psychosis in N is causative for cannabis in N+1. It's not)...
2/ The associational data is incredibly strong, with unadjusted ratios on the order of 10x.
There is clear biological/cellular level data showing that THC use dysregulates the cannabinoid system and that heavy users have changes in brain morphology...
3/ Many cannabis users (and practically all heavy users) have some experience with cannabis paranoia - which looks a lot like prodromal psychosis, why is everyone laughing at me? This is so common users joke about it - and have strategies to deal with it...
How to lie under oath, a masterclass from Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the voice of Science itself
Part 1: Ralph Baric? Who dat? I barely even ever done heard of Ralph Baric, suh...
Part 2: Ralph Baric? Know Ralph Baric? Why never, detective, our paths may done crossed at sometime or other, at one of the many revivals I have the pleasure of attending -
But I don't know him, detective, most certainly not...
Part 3: A meetin', officuh? You're telling me me and Ralph Baric had a meetin'? At my own offices?
At the verrrah start of the tragic Covid epidemia?
As I live and breathe, it does so look like that. I cannot argue with you, for you represent the law in its majesty...
1/ And @maiasz continues her heroic quest (with @nytimes help) to get US opioid prescriptions back to 2009 levels. In Maia’s fantasy land, deserving patients are being deprived of painkillers. Back in reality, the US is STILL a world leader in opioid dosing…
2/ Note that decades ago, all countries had the same and very low levels of prescription opioid use. Some still do. The pain “crisis” is fiction; aside from palliative, post-surgical care, and VERY short-term acute pain use, all opioids do is get people addicted to opioids…
3/ Further, opioid prescriptions correlate VERY highly with all opioid deaths; this is both because once people get addicted, some inevitably migrate to more dangerous drugs, fentanyl, and because normalizing medical opioid use normalizes ALL opioid use…
1/ Am I the only one who thinks that Hamas has grossly, horrendously outplayed Israel? Hamas can dribble out hostages for a month, keeping the ceasefire going as it rearms - and publicizes civilian casualties, raising international pressure on Israel not to restart the attack...
2/ But the pressure won't only be international. Time will slowly corrode Israel's fury over the Oct. 7 attacks (impossible but true) and certainty that it must destroy Hamas completely; it will tell itself that slowly chasing down Hamas's leaders is an acceptable compromise.
3/ Further, the pause all by itself lets Israeli critics question the invasion's casualties - if the attack was so necessary, why was Israel so willing to stop it without having achieved any of its goals? Not one top commander has been killed, and Hamas still rules Gaza...