It bought @TheJusticeDept's argument contending that the NWS was necessary to preserve the UST funding commitment,as the 10% div made(losses)FnF request draws from UST to pay it,depleting the funding commitment.#Fanniegate
The Justice mixed up the Authority of UST to Purchase Obligations (SPS) that HERA required the emergency determination(ii)to prevent disruptions in the availability of mortgage finance, with the rehabilitation of FnF, which is exclusively the FHFA-C's power: "Put FnF in a sound
and solvent condition".I.e.,Recap and reduce the SPS,resp,what the Restriction on Capital Distributions and exception B,are about.
He mentioned the deadline to purchase obligations under this provision(g):Dec 2009,related to the purchase,not future purchase w/ funding commitment.
The current UST funding commtmt is illegal,as the authorization to purchase high yield obligations under this provision(g)expired in Dec 2009.The exception(3)FUNDING,is related to how the UST funds the draws of FnF,i.e.,the issuance of Public Debt.Unrelated to the funding commtmt
This is why the UST is doing the trick of not purchasing even one security,as either it gets SPS for free(also the Warrant), the SPS LP increases for free or the LP increases after a draw.
Instead,there's an original(prior HERA)low cost UST funding commitment mentioned by the
Scotus-amicus, Prof.Nielson,that the court disregarded, despite that this provision(c), has the same name as the one the Justice talks about(g)with high-yield obligations.
This original UST backstop(c) is the only exception to the Charter's Fee Limitation, that bars the UST from
making profits using the securities or assets of FnF.
Obsolete backstop limited to $2.25b,irrelevant. Congress should've updated it. Anyway,the PA is deemed to have tacitly updated it.
The Charter's purpose is to make FnF get cheap funds on the mkt.A high yield backstop is crazy.
Cash div on the Income Stmnt?👇Fraud. Neither a div nor cash.
GOAL:$0 EPS. It can't appear as OCI either.
A pure Equity transaction(Bce Sheet): SPS debited from RE in the absence of APIC. Both operations missing.#Fanniegate
The Income Stmnt would be correct if:
-A NWS div like before.
-FHFA-C activates the Cumulative feature of the SPS div, as Net Income attributable to Cs captures this div debited (payable) from Retained Earnings in the future.
It wasn't this case,but a payment TODAY of SPS,debited
TODAY (both operations missing on the bce sheet),regardless of the SPS redeemed for cash in the future, which is a different operation.
Bove provided the alibi of this, adding"a unique type of loan." It's SPS and it wasn't a div. Even if it were a stock dividend, same accounting.
C.covers unexpected losses.
Actual C.shortfall posted=$304B,but an offset for $95B gifted SPS reduces Retained Earnings(C.C.).FnF evade it with fraud(SPS missing).Someone has to pay for it,like the initial $1B SPS👇
A joke is authorized in the FHFA-C's Incidental Power(FHFA's best interests) if the Common Equity is held in escrow, pursuant to the exceptions 1,2,3,4 in the CFR1237.12. I.e.,at some point, it'd be reversed(SPS cancelled)
Just like the 10%/NWS divs for SPS reduction(HERA)/Recap.
Finally,Capital Reserve/Surplus (bce sheet: the portion of Equity/NW above the Capital Stock)=$0
FnF pass $94B NW off as Capital Reserve(Retained Earnings)
In truth,that NW is the $94.7B SPS missing on their bce sheets(NWS 2.0)to evade the offset and sell the "build Capital" lie.
A $301B div (Core Capital) was used to repay the SPS and Recap, under the exceptions to the Restr on Capital Distr. SPS for free, a joke.
-SPS canceled
-$178B UST net refund
Both tax-exempt profit (C.C.)
-Warrant canceled.#Fanniegate@TheJusticeDept
Once FnF meet the threshold to resume the div payment,the cumulative div on the SPS repaid in 2013/2014, for FMCC/FNMA, resp.,is assessed 0%. Each "purchase" carried its own IRR. 0% due to the illegal collateral W (barred in Fee Limitation),security to (iii) protect the taxpayer.
UST hasn't purchased 1 security of FnF. It got the initial $1B SPS and Warrant for free and then,everything is INCREASED(fraud)
The initial gifts were illegal in the Charter +barred in the FHFA-C's power (C.C. reduction)
The W additionally credited to Additional Paid-In C.(fraud)
The atty also requested "writing down the LP of the SPS to 0". Not only he didn't add that there must be a tax-exempt profit (Core Capital),but also he uses write down, used for an asset price reduction, but when it's reduced to...#Fanniegate@TheJusticeDept
zero, it's called "write-off",since there are no more incremental write-downs and it involves a credit to a profit acct.
Even a write down involves a profit, because SPS are obligations of FnF(debentures)
In this world,if you are pardoned debt,it's a profit for you.
The same they
are illegally increased (unique=ISSUED separately each time), he wants to simply reduce the price to zero and evade to record any profit (Core Capital)
The more Capital needs, the more stock offerings for the hedge funds and assault on the ownership. @WhiteHouse@SEC_Enforcement
FnF arent't liquidity providers.That's the #Fed.FnF buy mortgages for a guaranty mortgage securitization biz.
Cross-subsidy:even the authors claim that it's a common feature among insurers."Now,considerably less".This is...#Fanniegate
because they realized that all the borrowers authorized in the Charter pose similar risk at origination, since the Charter's requirement is just LTV<80%.
They claim that the UST backup in the Charter,to "ensure their solvency", is a taxpayer subsidy, ignoring that the true backup
of FnF is their Capital Reserve ($252b as of Dec 2021 w/ the secret plan),as 4th layer of protection. The other 3 are:
FnF report Comprehensive Income, not just Net Income.
What FnF do:
Not an expense result of operations
A change in Equity from nonowner sources
Distribution to a Preferred Stockholder.#Fanniegate
This is why FnF don't include it in Other Comprehensive Income for the Total Comprehensive Income,but outside the Comprehensive Income, as a distribution of income, like occurs with a cash dividend to the JPS/SPS holders.
This is misleading because the ending result is Net Income
attributable to shareholders, but it's also known as Net Income distributable to shareholders. By considering it like a cash div, there's no income left for distribution, when that's untrue. SPS increased for free means that there's no cash wire,so the Net Income is available for