A few of us social, ecological & legal researchers have reviewed the #draftLDAR2021 & analysed consequences for Lakshadweep's ecology society & livelihoods
2. The #draftLDAR2021 is blind to customary land tenure & resource governance in Lakshadweep and disregards the importance of Commons (beaches & lagoons) in society
4. The #draftLDAR2021 paves the way for 'tourism development' modelled on Maldives. This is not feasible for Lakshadweep given differences in geography, ecology, socio-politics & economy between the two regions
Are there better development frameworks to emulate?
Read Annexure 5
5. The #draftLDAR2021 violates fundamental rights of the citizens of Lakshadweep, is contrary to important Constitutional principles, other legislations and Supreme Court orders.