Epstein committed suicide
McAfee committed suicide
Biden won the election
COVID came from a wetmarket
Conservatives are all terrorists
Ivermectin doesnt work
HCQ doesnt work
Biden doesnt have dementia
The jab isnt making anyone ill
Fauci was consistent
Masks work
COVID passports
Cuomo didnt kill old people
Dominion systems were secure
Hunter Biden is an artist
Trump colluded with Russia
Jan 06 was an insurrection
Transwoman are real women
BLM is mostly peaceful
Trump had a pee pee tape
Antifa is an idea
George Floyd didnt overdose
Advanced coursework is racist
1619 is real history
Hunter Laptop wasnt real
Trump caused asian hate
White rage is the problem
CRT isnt poisonous
All white people are racist
A pipe in ATL stopped the count
Juicy Smollet was attacked
China travel ban was racist
Words are violence
The military isnt woke
The FBI is apolitical
Shokin was fired for corruption
Obama didnt build cages
Iran never got cash pallets
Churches should be closed
The border is under control
Voter ID is racist
Biden is tough on Putin
Blasey Ford was credible
Swalwell isnt compromised
Kids should get the jab
Teachers had it the worst
China managed COVID well
WHO is an independent body
The Great Reset isnt real
Renting forever is just fine
Bailouts are necessary
Gain of Function wasnt funded
Hunter isnt incestuous
Double masking is best
Own nothing, be happy
Hillary had 98% chance to win
Melania was an escort
A video caused Benghazi
Ban fully semi-automatic guns
Trump camp wasnt spied on
Hunter was hired on merit
Hands up Dont Shoot happened
AR15s are weapons of war
Bubba Wallace noose was real
Covington Catholic kid is racist
Trump will start WW3
If you like your Dr, Keep your Dr
Trump said drink bleach
Assange is a criminal
Putin hacked VT electic grid
Trump threw out MLK, Jr bust
Kushner never got a Peace Deal
Trump banned Muslims
Mueller proved Trump-Cohen lie
Trump jr had wikileaks access
Global warming is #1 threat
Arkancides are a myth
Iraq had WMD'S
Russia hacked DNC
The science is settled
There are no Uyghur camps
Elizabeth Warren is native
The icecaps are melting
Steele Dossier is bulletproof
Seth Rich mugging went wrong
Bernie lost primary fair&square
Coyotes arent carrying humans
Guns cause Chicago violence
Wallstreet isnt rigged
Fast & Furious = conspiracy
Joe never hid in the basement
15 Days to Slow the Spread
MAGA rallies = super spreaders
Late-term abortions are normal
Only vaxxed can enjoy July 4
Theres a War on Women
Gates isnt buying up farmland
Russian bounties were real
Stormy Daniels is credible
Kavanaugh is a drunk rapist
Monsanto has a great product
Wildfires are bc climate change
Gen Flynn is a traitor
Omar didnt marry her brother
Anita Hill story was true
Trump votes were whitelash
Trump called nazis fine people
The media is tough on Biden
Trump tried to nuke a hurricane
Cops kill 1000s unarmed POC
Green New Deal is affordable
Hurricanes are all stronger now
Kamala never witheld evidence
Everything is infrastructure
America is structural racism
IRS never targeted Tea Party
Defund the Police
Austere religious scholar dies
Joe never fingered Tara Reade
17 Intel Agencies agree
Imran Awan did nothing wrong
Greta Thunberg is authoritative
Giuliani warned of FBI raid
Social Workers can stop crime
Joe Scarborough is innocent
No Las Vegas Shooter motive
Brexit was undemocratic
Moderate rebels arent terrorists
GOP baseball shooter apolitical
Dangerous Lockdown protests
Scaramucci had Russian ties
CIA doesnt plant news stories
NSA isnt spying on your calls
Trump preparing Martial Law
Border Walls don't work
You didn't build that
Racism is public health crisis
Walls closing in on Trump
Bitcoins a worthless scam
Gillum did no wrong
Trump said all Mexicans rapists
5 people murdered at Capitol
No immunity via C19 infection
Trump tear gassed Lafayette Sq
Hillary didnt hide any emails
Its illegal to view Wikileaks
Trump had secret Russia server
Clinton-Lynch Tarmac was fine
Katie Hill is the victim
Toobin made a small mistake
Trump pays no taxes
Brazille never leaked questions
Manafort visited Assange
China never paid Hunter
Pelosi's hair salon set her up
W.E.F. is a benign organization
Meat is bad for the environment
Feinsteins staffer wasnt CCP
Podesta emails were doctored
Omar didnt pay husband $2.8M
Amazon = 'Lungs of the Earth'
Clinton foundation helped Haiti
Nothing was on Weiners laptop
Hillary didnt collapse into a van
Nike doesnt use slave labor
Trans Story hour is beautiful
The Asymptomatic spread C-19
Stacey Abrams was cheated
Zuckerberg saved 2020 election
The NBA isnt supporting CCP
Trump failed Puerto Rico
Rittenhouse showed up to kill
AOC staff didnt divert $1M
C.Cuomo didnt break isolation
Baturina never wired Hunter $$
China stopped fentanyl export
Chauvin jury was impartial
Maxine Waters made no threat
Ed Buck was just a fundraiser
Schiff didnt leak classified info
COVID Spring break will kill you
Boulder shooter Alissa is white
Biden attended Delaware State
2-Scoops was a Big deal
Weinstein shocked Hollywood
Guns owners don't stop crime
Brian Williams Heli was shot at
Hillary did land under sniper fire
Lauer's behavior was unknown
Joy Reid's blog was hacked
NY DA will take Trump down
You should report GOP family
Solyndra did nothing wrong
Prince Andrew isnt a Pedo
Kaepernick unsigned bc racism
Avenatti will be great President
Coal miners: learn to code
No, Blackrock isnt to blame
Trump last-ditch war with Iran
Uranium One wasnt a scandal
Carter Page was Russian asset
Burisma did nothing wrong
AR15 used in all mass shooting
Trump stimulus is breadcrumbs 1/6 riots planned assasination
Trump wants to Nuke N.Korea
FISA warrants arent abused
Democrats freed the Slaves
Tucker wasnt spied on
The GOP opposed Civil Rights
Biden never plagiarized
Trump hates the environment
The parties flipped
USMCA is a disaster
Biden didnt kill keystone jobs
Trump destroyed US leadership
Vince Foster committed suicide
CCP wont manipulate currency
TPP is going to be great
Boycott Goya Foods
Classical Music is Racist
Trump wont have magic wand
Paris Climate Accords help US
Trump is AntiSemite
Math is Racist
What difference does it make
Manufacturing isnt returning
Trump will crash stock market
There is no deep state
Abolish gender pay gap
Football is gay
POC have trouble getting an ID
Seattles CHAZ isnt dangerous
CNN townhall wasnt scripted
Trump hid in bunker
Ma'Khia was in schoolyard fight
The NC bathroom bill was evil
Obama's party is scaled back
Delta variant will kill everyone
We'll need to lockdown again
TX Dems arent superspreaders
Gwen Berry is a hero
There is no Cuomo scandal
Pandemic of the Unvaccinated
$1T infrastructure bill too small
We should shame unvaxxed
DeSantis is dangerous
Trump planning another coup
Sturgis is worst superspreader
We'll live in a C19 world forever
Rising Nationalism is a threat
Rogans words are murder
Jan 06 hearing was honest
Printing ballots at home is fair
Need Vaccine mandates
Illegals arent spreading Covid
Need C19 boosters
Biden doesnt sniff & grope kids
Rapinoe is an American Hero
Trump still hiding tax fraud
Vaccine doubt is unpatriotic
GOP threaten 15th amendment
Biden economy Roaring!
DeSantis wants kids to die
MyPillow danger to democracy
Giuliani to flip on Trump
Pelosi saved US on Jan 06
Lindell has no evidence
AOC nearly raped on Jan 06
Lebron isnt owned by China
The Big Guy never got 10%
Cuomo wont resign
Vaccines 99% effective
Vote machines had no internet
CO passwords werent leaked
PCR test detects delta variant
No one will mandate the vaxx
Taliban won't overrun country
Afghan Army is fully capable
Biden is laser focused on Afg.
No intel indicated collapse
Taliban dont have Blackhawks
US unable to airlift thousands
Shelter in place order helped
Joe didnt nap through collapse
People arent left behind in Afg.
Taliban are our partners
Vaccinated cant get Covid
Joe has leverage over Taliban
We don't need Bagram Airbase
Joe's withdrawal under control
Biden will get all Americans out
This won't look like Saigon
Biden can handle ?'s
Evacuees are all vetted
Taliban didnt get U.S. hit list
GOF research wasnt funded
Its just a 1 time vaxx & booster
Rand was wrong about funding
No credible studies on Iverm.
Austin & Milley did a good job
Taliban arent holding hostages
Iverm. is only horsepaste
GSWs untreated bc horsepaste
70% poison cont. calls bc Iverm
$3.5T = Zero
Per mile tax will save you $$
High gas prices are good sign
Inflation = paycheck increase
Dying unvaxx'd begging for jab
Border Patrol used whips
You're unvaxxed w/out booster
Larry Elder = white supremacist
Glad unvaxx'd RN's/Dr's fired
Govt mandated vaxx is needed
Ashley Bidens diary was fake
Youngkin cant win
Joe is most pop. POTUS ever
Rittenhouse showed up to kill
Joe didnt poo his pants in Rome
Winsome's a white supremacist
Steel Dossier is airtight
Mandates are about health
Businesses like the mandates
Lets Go Brandon is violence
100k kids in ICU & on vents
Mandates prevent cases 100%
COVID deaths at all-time high
Biden created most jobs ever
Hospitals overrun nationwide
Fed govt can mandate vaccines
Omicron is deadlier than Delta
Hospitals only full of unvaxxed
Vaxx stops Covid transmission
There are no Ukrainian Nazis
Russia is about to collapse
Hunters' laptop isn't lost
Inflation isn't out of control
The job market is booming
De-dollarization is a myth
Ketanji isn't soft on Pedos
Sanctions are working
DeSantis hates gay kids
We all need a 4th booster
The Left isn't grooming kids
Disney isn't pushing LGBTQ
Russia has 2 weeks left
The Ruble is collapsing
Biden fixed the baby formula crisis
Gas prices are coming down
Americans are back to work
Stagflation isn't happening
Food processors aren't burning
Gun ban will save kids
Inflation has peaked
We arent in recession
It wasnt a political raid
Biden didnt sign off
Ukraine about to win
Gas prices are great
EV's are affordable
FBI isnt out of control
High energy prices are good
87K IRS Agents are needed
IRS buying ammo is fine
US didn’t blow up NordStream
Russia running out of troops
Biden ran sub 5min mile
Pistol brace ban will save lives
Arming Ukies helps Americans
Ohio isn’t like Chernobyl
Biden shot down alien UFOs
Water in Palestine, OH is safe
Buttigieg is doing great job
Twitter files are propaganda
Ukraine offensive will work
Trump indictment isn't political
Carlson promoted Russia
RESTRICT Act is needed
Biden doesn't need debates
There is no banking crisis
Sudan evacuation handled well
BRICS has no future
US Currency isn't threatened
GA court will imprison Trump
Trump won’t be nominee
Hunter-China texts just fine
KJP is historical figure
Climate hottest it’s ever been
RFK jr. is Anti-Semite
Ukraine not embezzling funds
WH Cocaine source unknown
Russia is near collapse
Biden helped Maui residents
Elon a Nazi for denying Starlink
Biden didn’t take Chinese $$
Trump inflated property value
Canada didn’t celebrate Nazi
Urban Looters are just hungry
Oprah-Rock fund wasn’t fraud
Fetterman dress code just fine
Mar-A-Lago worth $18M
Fauci didn’t pay CIA scientists
Oliver Anthony a racist
Ukraine still beating Russia
Illegal caravan is just refugees
Biden guarantees border secure
Losing F-35 is perfectly normal
Navy drag queen recruiting works
McConnell freezing isn’t big deal
Tucker is Putin apologist
Clinton wasn’t on Epstein Island
Dershowitz didn’t rape kids
Trump flew to Epstein Island
Insurrectionists aren't patriots
J6 was crime against humanity
Ukraine weeks away from victory
Biden has election momentum
MAGA is threat to Democracy
Trump will murder Democrats
Biden won’t resign race
Kamala isn’t border czar
Trump didn’t get shot
SS director isn’t incompetent
Trump faked assassination
Shooter wasn’t Deep State
Sloped roof prevented SS Team
DEI Secret Service was effective
Olympic opening wasnt offensive
• • •
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Matthew Livelsberger Aka Matt Berg changed his Signal safety number just before the explosion. And then his photo and safety number changed AFTER the explosion.
Law enforcement sources said that Livelsberger was on active duty with the Army serving in Germany and was on leave in Colorado at the time of the incident. His wife hadn’t heard from him in several days prior to the incident, the source said.
The unit source, an individual serving in Germany, has made the following claims and provided the linked images in the first post:
#1 He was a Trump and Elon supporter. Not radically so, but a solid supporter.
#2 His Signal safety number changed once before the explosion and then his photo and safety number changed AFTER the explosion (see photo from our Signal group chat).
#3 The first safety # change makes sense because he lives in Europe and he would have flown from EU to US. If he did that around December 29th, then the first safety # change makes sense as US citizens who work in EU and fly back and forth for vacation or work often will use a US sim or a different phone for convenience (different cell company in Europe vs US, different SIM, etc).
#4 If he didn't fly on or about the 29th, then that brings #3 into question.
#5 Elon says that he unlocked the truck after the explosion to help law enforcement. He claims it only locked due to the force of the blast. However, if it can be remotely unlocked then it can be remotely locked. Just a random thought I had and probably unrelated.
#6 The individual stationed in Germany also tried to make a NSFW Reddit community to get to the bottom of this, but within 2 minutes of his first post (this same message) it was banned.
The individual concluded by stating “Something fishy is going on and I can't explain it. I'm deeply concerned about an impending series of red flag attacks in the USA.”
Be Kind To Your Neighbors
His NAME also changed from Matt Berg to Matt in Signal AFTER the explosion. This was discovered by the unit member after their command made them aware of the incident. This is linked in the first photo in the thread.
This is an aerial photo taken over a restricted area at Camp Gruber-Braggs, Oklahoma in early April of 1995. Just days after this photo was taken, the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was destroyed by a Ryder truck full of explosives.
THE WITNESSES: Within minutes of the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, all available on-duty and off-duty police, fire and medical personnel from throughout the metropolitan area responded to the scene. Citizens and rescue crews teamed up to ensure the injured were treated and transported as quickly as possible.
In the first minutes following the blasts that devastated the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, the morning of April 19, 1995, a number of selfless individuals risked life and limb to rescue many of the victims. They were quickly joined by others.
Among the very first to arrive on the scene were Oklahoma City police officers, Terrance Yeakey, Gordon Martin and Ken Griffin, a number of Oklahoma City firefighters, Dr. H. Don Chumley, and General Services Administration planner Michael Lee Loudenslager.
In the aftermath of the bombing, the name Mike Loudenslager holds particular significance in the hearts of many in and around Oklahoma City. And this is so, because of the forewarning he gave to a number of those families who had children in the Murrah Building's day-care center.
In the weeks preceding the bombing, Michael Loudenslager, 48, had become increasingly aware that large amounts of ordnance and explosives were being stored in the building and as a result he, (along with the operator of the day-care center) strongly urged a number of parents to take their children out of the Murrah Building.
This situation arose after other employees became concerned with an increased amount of ordnance (missiles) being brought into the building by the B.A.T.F. and D.E.A. As a result of this concern, a grievance was filed with G.S.A. by the building's security director, whose wife ran the day-care center.
The result was, the security director, the man who who had filed the complaint citing the danger to the Murrah Building's occupants, lost his job there.
Then, after some remodeling work had been done to the day care center, and the operator (the security director's wife) notified Fire Marshals of the work's completion, (as was required by her license) Fire Marshals were denied access by federal agents, and were instructed to leave.
And then... the day-care operator lost her contract.
After hearing rumors about an impending bombing and feeling the risk was too great not to say anthing, Michael Loudenslager and the day-care center operator began speaking with parents, many of whom chose to remove their children. Because of their warnings, far fewer children were in the day-care center on that horrible Wednesday morning than there otherwise would have been. A number of families, in and around Oklahoma City, have these two people to thank for their children's lives today.
At the time of the bombing, Loudenslager was in court. Shortly after the bombing, Loudenslager was among those who were actively helping in the rescue and recovery effort. A large number of those at the bomb-site either saw or talked with him.
During the course of the early rescue efforts, however, Mike Loudenslager was seen and heard engaging in a loud, angry exchange with someone there.
Much of his anger stemmed from the fact he felt the B.A.T.F. was in large part responsible, not only for the bombing, but for the death and injury to those inside, particularly the nineteen children who died as a result of the blast.
Her name was Baylee. She died
To the utter astonishment of a large number of police officers and rescue workers therefore, it was later reported that G.S.A. employee Mike Loudenslager's body had been found inside the Murrah Building the following Sunday, at his desk on the first floor, supposedly a victim of the 9:02 A.M. bombing.
The problem with the "official" story then, is that Loudenslager already been seen alive and well by numerous rescue workers at the bomb-site after the bombing, where he was actively engaged in the urgent task of rescuing critically injured victims.
Yes he is officially listed as one of the 168 bombing fatalities.
But Mike Loudenslager was murdered at the site, sometime after the bombing.
The question now becomes: Was he murdered and placed at his desk? Or, was he simply murdered and said to have been found at his desk?.
The Federal government had sequestered the area; no one who did not have official approval was allowed in.
This considerably narrows the list of suspects.
Michael Lee Loudenslager was survived by his wife, Betty, and one son.
Loudenslager's murder is unquestionably one of the most important sidelights of the Oklahoma City bombing.
Jack Colvert, Jackie Majors and Buddy Youngblood had also been at the Murrah Building that morning. Each saw Mike Loudenslager alive and well after the bombing.
They'e all dead.
So are Dr. H. Don Chumley and Officer Terry Yeakey.
As are, it is now said, about thirty people who either knew too much, or asked too many questions.
At least two attempts have been made on the life of Officer Gordon Martin.
Others who were there that morning have also felt threatened.
Many police officers and emergency services personnel still fear for their personal safety.
And for good reason...
It was a hazy spring morning, with the sun beginning to burn through an overcast sky, as Terrance Yeakey climbed out of his patrol car on a routine traffic stop in the downtown area shortly before 9:00 am. It had rained the night before, and rain was again in the forecast for later in the day, but the time being, the weather was pleasant.
Well liked, and well respected, Terry Yeakey was a bright, dedicated, well spoken and serious young law officer whose goal was to join the FBI. After earning an associate's degree in Psychology from Redlands Community College in El Reno in 1986, Terry Yeakey had enlisted in the Army and become a military policeman. He joined the Oklahoma City police in 1990 and was called up for service in the Persian Gulf in December. Back home in 1991, Yeakey married Tonia Rivera, his college sweetheart. Although the marriage didn't last, a reconciliation was already in the works. Terry Yeakey was the father of two girls and two boys.
In most respects, Officer Yeakey's morning shift up until now had been relatively uneventful. Unbeknownst to him at the time, however, was the fact that some very unusual activity by federal agents was currently taking place nearby.
A few minutes later, a woman and her passengers stopped at the intersection of 5th and Broadway just blocks from Officer Yeakey's traffic stop. Off to her left, she saw a helicopter circling above the courthouse, and also the Federal building a block and a half away. After turning left onto 5th St., and starting to head west, she continued to watch the helicopter circle. The time was 9:02 a.m.
Suddenly her attention was drawn to a tremendously bright spherical-shaped light, near the street, in front of the Federal building. It gave off a strange momentary electrical impulse: A humming or crackling sound [similar to a transformer or high-voltage electrical lines.] Then the light seemed to explode. She next heard popping sounds, and saw flashes coming from inside the building, as window panels began blowing outward from some of the floors. It now felt as if her eardrums were being sucked out of her head.
Then she saw it. A gigantic blue-flash came out of the center of the building and leaped skyward through the roof, immediately followed by a tremendous explosion. Shocked, she saw the roof of the nearby Journal Records building raise up in the air and come back down, with a portion of it crashing to the ground in the parking lot. Pulling to the curb she saw the Federal building a block or so in front of her, where the explosions came from, being blown apart and starting to crumble, and she people dying.
Next, what appeared to be a missile, shot out of the building. She watched the trajectory as it went some distance up in the air, then came back down, hitting she thought, somewhere over near the river.
Nearby, Officer Yeakey [still at his traffic stop] saw, heard and felt some of the same things that the woman, her passengers, and others in the area had. Quickly he headed to the scene. Incredibly, a number of people (in different places) had just witnessed the explosion of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, the morning of April 19, 1995.
Jane Graham worked for HUD on the seventh floor of the Federal building. While viewing a video tape of the original television coverage of the bombing, she noticed men who she had seen in the building the day before and again on the morning of the bombing. They had been dressed like the building's maintenance workers, but she had never seen them before.
On the morning of the bombing at approximately 8:00 a.m. "these two men were coming out of the stairwell on the first floor. Both were dressed in blue pants and shirts like our maintenance workers. They walked by me and I thought at the time they looked so different from our normal people that are employed in our building."
Jane saw three different men in the parking garage beneath the Murrah building who had what she thought was telephone wiring and a block of solid putty-colored substance. They had plans of the building they were discussing or arguing. Apparently, there was a disagreement because one of the men was pointing to various areas in the garage. They were talking about the plans of the building. "I assumed they were telephone workers. When they saw me watching them, they took this wiring and whatever else was in their hands and put it into a paper sack, behind the passenger's seat in a...faded green station wagon."
Jane Graham's office was on the seventh floor, but she had just gone to the ninth when the blast occurred. "In reflecting on this I want to specify that the first bomb, the first impact was a waving effect, like an earthquake, which lasted several seconds. About six or seven seconds later a bomb exploded; there was an entirely different sound and thrust. It was like it came right from the center up, we could feel the floor move. The last thing I remember was looking up and seeing the roof being blown off."
These were two distinct events that occurred. The second blast was not only very very loud, it was also very powerful.
Jane gave this testimony as an affidavit. She also talked with the FBI about these incidents, but they showed little interest, only asking if she could positively identify either McVeigh or Nichols.
Rep. Charles Key has been the individual down in Oklahoma responsible for the grand jury sitting in session on the investigation of the bombing. Charles lost his business and suffered great personal hardships trying to get to the truth. He put out a video on the bombing shortly after this sickening act of terrorism. One thing you see on his film is part of the arsenal of weapons being removed that were kept on the ninth floor occupied by the ATF.
One thing uncovered during this grand jury and subsequent investigations is that the ATF had not only kept C-4 plastic explosives on the ninth floor, but also a TOW missile - seven floors above a day care center full of children and infants.
Charles Key, a five-term Republican in the Oklahoma State Legislature was defeated in the primary in Oklahoma City in September 1998 by a former IRS agent who continually called Key a conspiracy nut throughout the campaign.
One of the first doctors at the scene of the bombing was Don Chumley who operated the Broadway Medical Clinic located about half a mile from the Murrah Federal Building. Shaun Jones, Chumley's stepson, was assisting him. Jones recalled the scene:
"Chumley, who was working with Dr. Ross Harris, was one of the few doctors who actually went into the Federal Building while the others waited outside. He had helped [get] many people [out], including seven babies, whom he later pronounced dead."
According to Michelle Moore, who has investigated the bombing, Chumley was asked to bandage two federal agents who falsely claimed to have been trapped in the building that morning.
Since the pair was obviously not hurt, Chumley, offended, refused to participate in the charade.
When the agents petitioned another doctor at the scene, Chumley intervened, threatening to report them.
Dr. Chumley, like many others, was strongly impacted by the tragic experience. He was a man of integrity and character and, when asked to participate in a questionable and outright deceptive act, he had adamantly refused.
Chumley had not only worked side by side with Officer Terry Yeakey during those first hours and days of rescue, but also had defied the federal officers at the scene who reportedly attempted to have him falsify reports.
Something was terribly wrong. Both men realized it, and over the next months, both began to assemble evidence.
"It was rumored about town that Chumley was about to go public with some damning information. He never got the chance."
An experienced private pilot with an instrument rating and over 600 hours flying time, Dr. Chumley's skills were never in question. Yet he was killed five months later on September 24, 1995
The plane he was piloting, his Cessna 210, was on its way from Amarillo, Texas to Guthrie. Chumley's plane was in a climb, when it suddenly, and without explanation, went into a nosedive from an altitude of 6,900 feet, plunging into a field near Amarillo, under what are called "mysterious circumstances."
Chumley was killed instantly.
FAA investigators found nothing mechanically wrong to cause such a bizarre accident and the accident remains unsolved.
"The thing that's odd to me is that Don was perfectly healthy," said Shaun Jones, Chumley's step-son. "He was talking to the tower, and from one minute to the next he just went straight smack down into the ground." Investigators said they could find no evidence of an explosion at the macabre scene. Chumley's throttle was still set at cruise, and his gear and flaps were up. The FAA inspector stated there were "no anomalies with the engine or the airframe," and "pathological examination of the pilot did not show any pre-existing condition that could have contributed to the accident." "Everything was fine, he was in the air for 15 minutes, he was climbing, he had just asked permission to go from six to seven thousand feet. They tracked him on the screen at 6,900 feet, and the radar technician said he saw him on the radar, then he looked back and he was gone, and the plane came straight, straight down. I mean, no attempt to land... nothing, just straight down."
After the death of his friend, Dr. Don Chumley, in an airplane "accident" that he himself had helped investigate, Terrance Yeakey had a strong feeling that his own days might now be numbered. All this was being done to keep key people in Oklahoma City from talking and to send a clear message to others who might consider it; and to ultimately bury the truth along with all of the victims.
Many more good people lost their lives in, and as a result of the events surrounding the bombing of the Murrah Building. Terry Yeakey was one of them.
Remember that time the President of the UN General Assembly got crushed to death by a barbell right before he was going to testify against Hillary Clinton?
Or how the phrase “fake news” took off on the exact same day as “pizzagate”.
Or when BBC Reporter Jill Dando got murdered while trying to expose a vast British P*do Ring ring run out of the very corporate offices she worked for.
Thread 🧵
If this statement by Governor Abbott interests you, and a better understanding of your Rights and the Rights held by States are of interest to you then the following links provide in-depth, thoughtful commentary on the genesis of government, the natural rights of man, and the duality of State vs General government.
‘A Mother’s Wit’
This is 40-50 pages long and provides a succinct and accurate explanation on the genesis of Republican government as the founders knew it.
‘A Primer on the Nucleus of Government’ is an extended supplemental piece to ‘A Mother’s Wit’ and begins at the moment of established government. What does government look like and what are its legal functions once formed? Those questions and more are answered here.
Q1 2024: Liquidity crisis due to reverse repo and BTFP
Q2-Q3 2024: Fed lowers interest rates, turns on money printers yet again
Q4-Q2 2024-2025: After divisive election and exceedingly high inflation due to said money printing, US government needs a manufactured crisis to take pressure off of growing civil discontent; enter minor pandemic, frequent various scale cyberattacks on critical infrastructure & industry, supposed pervasive right wing terror threat, major peer war, or some combination thereof. Reintroduction of a revised Bush-era color code terror alert system that introduces local-regional threat lockdowns based upon one or a combination of all of the above threats.
2025-2026ish: Increased fervor for entry into war with China over Taiwan. European allies split on entry into war. Full scale war with China averted, appeasement occurs. Nearly 30million illegal immigrants reside within US.
Mid-Late 2026: China exerts defacto control over Taiwan. Minor insurgency occurs. US presence patrols increase in air and at sea as attempts to exert severely waning influence in South China Sea. US military presence in Japan and Australia heavily bolstered.
By 2030 US ceases to exist as the preeminent global political entity due to appeasement, war, instability, inflationary monetary policy, demographic collapse, domestic fractures, poor & corrupt leadership, global lack of trust in US gov ability to exert its will on global stage, etc. American median income remains ~$35,000/yr. Americans are poorer and more disconnected with their government than ever. The Last Exit arrives.