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28 Jun, 81 tweets, 25 min read
‼️Please read this whole thread‼️

I am scared to post this on my main because people have sent threats to me in the past, but it still needs to be said.

Here is a thread with receipts of Jared Padelecki exhibiting a pattern of harmful behavior and immaturity.
If you are not familiar with what happened a few days ago, Jensen Ackles announced that his company, Chaos Machine, would be creating a prequel series for Supernatural called The Winchesters. Robbie Thomson, a former SPN writer, was announced as the writer for the new series.
Jared's response to Jensen's post was this: ImageImage
Let's pause for a second and address the rebuttal I am undoubtedly receiving from his fans: "but he was betrayed! Jensen should have told him!"

I mean, maybe. But the show isn't about Sam. It's about John and Mary. Dean will be in it only as a narrator.
Should Jared have been told? Maybe. He was a main character on the show for 15 years. But he doesn't *need* to know about a project he's not going to be involved in. We also have NO IDEA what is going on behind the scenes with contracts, NDAs, etc. etc.
The truth is that these two tweets were utterly ridiculous, immature, and obviously criticized Jensen on a very public platform.

Jared's feelings of betrayal are real, but that doesn't give him the right to post these things and place a target on his best friend's back.
And to those who don't think it's a target, you are lying to yourself. People are already calling Jensen a sociopath and attacking him for what he did to Jared. Jared was not entitled to this information. Would giving him the info be considered common courtesy? Maybe.
But again. Nobody knew about this project except execs. This is a ridiculous response to say that he is "gutted" that he wasn't told about a show he would not be in.
Sorry for that essay. I wanted to address the rebuttal. I promise the rest of this thread is majority receipts and less of my commentary.
Moving on to the deleted tweet..... Jared then tweeted this at the writer Robbie. He deleted three minutes later, but we all know that means nothing on the internet. Words cannot be taken back or deleted, especially not hateful ones like these. Image
The deed was done and following his example, Robbie and Jensen were flooded with hate. Jared is not responsible for other people's actions, but he proved he was no better than those sending hate. He started this. He has to take some portion of responsibility now.
He then tweeted this. Note how he asks his followers not to send hate, but he was the one to send hate in the first place. Image
Then there's this. Jared does not apologize in this tweet for what he said to Robbie. Insults made publicly must be apologized for publicly. @jarpad needs to apologize to Robbie. He also fails to acknowledge that this bump was one created by him. Image
As I've already said, Jensen did not have any responsibility to tell Jared. You could certainly claim that passing on the information would be considered common courtesy, something which I happen to agree with, but Jared was not entitled to it.
He was the one who created the bump by bringing it onto Twitter. Period. He now needs to publicly, on Twitter, because it was the platform he used in the first place, to apologize to Robbie and likely Jensen.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time Jared has done this. Not even close to the first. In fact, this exact situation happened almost play by play when Jared doxxed a restaurant owner. The original post included the woman's face. Image
I'll let this screenshot speak for itself about the result of Jared Padalecki's Facebook doxxing post. Image
When a fan called Jared out for doxxing someone, he replied with this. Yikes. ImageImage
I don't have time to break down everything said by Jared, but I think most rational people with critical thinking skills will be able to recognize the manipulative tactics Jared uses here.
Let's be clear:

Celebrities can have bad experiences.

Celebrities can be the victims in situations.

Celebrities can have depression, anxiety, and mental health issues.w
What celebrities cannot do, point blank, is doxx people.

This. Was. Doxxing.

A celebrity can go to their fan base for support, though I would argue that support would be better found by irl friend groups and family.
BUT, and this is the big BUT, going to a large, public group for support would look like this.

"So, here's this situation explained in vague details to prevent doxxing, I just needed to vent and maybe relieve some support."
It does not include calling someone out by name, giving the location they work at, and including their face. Jared had to write this incredibly long post, hit send, and then defend his post in an even longer comment!
No. This post was not seeking support, or simply seeking the resolution for the bad customer service. That would be handled in private. This post was targeted at the person.
Later, and far too late, he posted this. Seem familar? Image
Jared somehow turns the situation around to people trying to silence him or forcing him to repress his feelings. No. That's not what anyone is saying. You just can't DOXX PEOPLE because you had a bad experience! Also notice how he didn't actually apologize.
He simply told people not to send hate, as if he was not the person to do it in the first place!

Okay. Whew. Take a breath. Anyone else getting red flags?

Strap in, because he's doxxed people before.
(Note that the last one is commentary about additional actions and doxxing that Jared did during the aforementioned incident) ImageImageImageImage
So. Jared Padalecki knows better. Plain and simple. This isn't a case of "🥺 oh it was one mistake." No. Him sending hate and doxxing people on the internet is simply a pattern. And to my knowledge of being in this God awful fandom for many, many years and doing extensive +
research for this thread, Jared has not apologized for any of these. He's simply said not to send hate after he was the one to send hate in the first place.

Are you still with me? Good.
Not gonna comment much on these. Just gonna say all of these tweets give major "yikes!" vibes. ImageImageImageImage
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Here's Jared responding to a hater by calling her poison, thus resulting in his fans targeting her. I'm not excusing what she said, but the person was 14 and had a celebrity direct hate at her. Maybe there's a reason most celebrities ignore rather than respond to hate. Image
Similarly, and very recently, this happened.... Image
Again, I'm not excusing what the person said.... But come on! He's doxxed people before! He knows what happens when he calls people out! He knows the power he has.

And, like clockwork, the person he responded to had to go private because they received hate and threats.
Now, here's the kicker.... After Jared tweeted that, resulting in a person receiving threats and hate, his fans ran to his aide by trending # WeLoveYouJaredPadalecki.

Yup. They saw a grown man with a massive platform put a target on a random internet troll and thought,
"Hey! Let's send him a bunch of love like he's a toddler!"

Stop babying this man! Yes. He is a person with feelings.... but this was ridiculous! They watched him "clap back" at a hater, resulting in them being overwhelmed by hate and THIS was the response.
Oh, and of course crummy, click-seeking entertainment websites wrote articles babying Jared and calling him brave for setting his fans on a random internet person.

The bar was low, but really @TVweb @HITCculture and @Operanewsus? Really. ImageImageImage
Moving on, Jared Padalecki was arrested a few years ago for beating up a bartender at a club he owned. ImageImageImageImage
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And what was the response to this serious arrest with evidense of alleged assault? Overwhelming love and support from his brainwashed fans! Just look up his tweet "addressing" the situation (which he doesn't apologize for anything. seems to be a theme) and peek at the replies. Image
While we're on the topic of Jared Padalecki hurting people, let's talk about his irresponsible and dangerous pranks during the filming of supernatural.

This thread is running long, so I'm going to speak from personal memories rather than linking a bunch of sources + videos,
but anyone familiar with Supernatural and convention videos will probably recall the things I'm about to mention.

Jared has assaulted Misha Collins, his coworker on set. In the blooper reels, you can watch one blooper where Misha breaks because "there's a hand on my balls."
At conventions, Misha has told many stories about Jared pinching his inner thighs to the point where he developed massive bruising and hematomas. These stories are told by Misha in a joking manner, but this behavior is not okay in a professional environment. Never.
Jared also filled Misha's car with $2000 worth of coins for a prank. When pointed out that the car was Misha's main mode of transportation for him and his family, and that the coins had jammed the seatbelts and could cause many other mechanical issues, Jared was unconcerned.
Misha has also recalled that Jared had to be talked out of using his car to crash into Misha's car in the parking lot (when Misha wouldn't be in it, but seriously???).

Some pranks on set and general goofing off can be fun, but this is not okay.
There's a lot of commentary about this out there..... but to put it in simple words:

Cracker is not a racial slur nor is it racist. White people cannot experience racism. They can experience prejudice, but there is no system of oppression against white people. This is stupid. Image
Let's now look at his # BlackLivesMatter post. Firstly, he was silent for quite a while. But he did eventually post this. Image
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Is this the worst BLM statement we saw in 2020? No. But is it good? Also no. I'm gonna let screenshots of this wonderfully written blog post do most of the explaining.
google.com/amp/s/supernat… ImageImageImageImage
Jared's BLM statement turned all the attention to HIM. It was an 8-part statement about him and how much he has to learn..... not about the actual problems, discrimination, racism, and danger Black people in America face every day.
Jared showed with his "Cracker" post (which is still up, by the way!), that he believes in reverse-racism. Could he have learned since then? Maybe. But I doubt it based on his rhetoric surrounding his new CW show, Walker.
Jared's BLM post told the world how much he has to learn, but interviews about the reboot of Walker Texas Ranger show that he has not learned. He has not educated himself on systemic racism and continues to parrot classic "I'm not racist, but" conservative talking points.
The idea to reboot Walker came from Padalecki, who plays the main character and is the executive producer, after watching news stories of children being separated by their parents at the southern border. ImageImage
If reading this didn't give you "yikes" vibes, let me explain why it should.

Cordell Walker, played by Jared Padalecki, is the main character and a white main. The real world pain of People of Color should not be turned into plotlines which fall into white savior stereotypes.
I have not, nor do I plan on watching Walker; but here is a review written about the racist undertones of the show.

google.com/amp/s/screen-q… ImageImage
Here's another article. I actually disagree with this. Including LGBTQ themes and addressing racism is not something to be applauded.... rather, the mishandling of these themes leading to a white savior narrative should be shameful.

highlandernews.org/81718/cws-walk… Image
Walker is very much a flawed main character, and he is made out to be sympathetic to the audience. They are supposed to sympathize with him. Even though he commits acts of police brutality in the first episode after a character brings up his dead wife!
(note that this clip is from the preview, but the full scene is in the first episode.)
Yeah. So, we have a white savior story set up so that we sympathize with the white, police officer main character who commits acts of police brutality. And the show was inspired by child separation... who's profiting off this show? A bunch of white executives, of course.
Do not be fooled. This is a show to show that police officers aren't all that bad.... just listen to the audio file in this article where Jared says it's not a Police problem but a politics problem.....

No, Jared. This is a police problem. Yes, it is also a politics problem, but it is also very much a police problem. It's a police problem because they are the ones murdering People of Color in our country. It's a police problem because of the blue wall of silence.
Yes, it goes beyond the police, systemic issues are always widespread and have many deep rooted causes; but one of those causes are DEFINATLY THE POLICE.

For a man who made an 8-part statement about how much he had to learn, he sure seems to have not learned anything at all.
Then there's also the fact that Chuck Norris still co-owns Walker and is therefore profiting off of the reboot....

(The second screenshot has NOTHING to do with the reboot! It's a different case. It just proves Norris owns the rights.)

deadline.com/2018/02/chuck-… ImageImage
In case you aren't familiar with Norris, here are some of his greatest hits:

Heres an article written by him comparing the Boston Tea Party to the Capital Insurection: wnd.com/2021/01/dissen…

Here's him arguing against the removal of racist statues: wnd.com/2020/06/removi…
Here's him being anti-LGBTQ pinknews.co.uk/2017/08/08/chu…

This is really self explanatory: amp.theguardian.com/world/us-news-…
And there's more about Chuck Norris that I will not include because this thread is already novel length. Essentially, Chuck Norris is a bad person and he is likely making money off the Walker Reboot because he owns the rights.
There are also additional concerns that the reboot of Walker effectively white washed their main character, as the original Walker was half native American.

Overall, this reboot is just confusing. Of all the options, why reboot Walker? Why make a police show in the first place?
It's unoriginal. It's LITERALLY been done before. Make a new show about social workers, or EMTs. There are so many stories that ARENT about the police. Why choose this show to reboot when BLM activists have called for the cancelation of police shows?
Here's a quote that stood out to me. As we have discussed, Walker is not a change in the police drama. He still commits acts of Police Brutality and falls into a white savior narrative that glorifies police officers.

google.com/amp/s/www.merc… Image
Plain and simple: Walker doesn't need to be a thing. There are a million and one other shows Padalecki could have produced after Supernatural, yet he chose to pursue, create, and act in this story.
It also doesn't help that there are videos of him saying things like this:
(a side note: I think we should get an apology from @jarpad for this joke, but also from @mishacollins. He may not have been the one making it, but laughing along is harmful too.)
Anyway, we have reached the end of my thread. I would like to surmise with some parting thoughts.

Is Jared Padalecki evil? No. Can some of these be excused as mistakes? Maybe. But overall, Jared Padalecki has a pattern of harmful behavior.
Do I think he's a raving racist? No. Do I think that he is ignorant despite claims of wanting to educate himself? Hell. Yes.

Do I think Walker is the worst TV show that is flagrantly racist? No. Do I think it can perpetuate white saviorism and police glorification? Yes.
What @jarpad needs to do is apologize. For this most recent drama, yes, but also things he's done in the past! One thing you will see his fans constantly whining about is Jared's past being used against him. The only reasons the past keeps getting brought up is because +
he keeps repeating the same behaviors today! And most of these things weren't from 20 years ago The bartender doxxing incident? That was 2017. His alleged aggravated assault? 2019. People makes mistakes, but Kared Padalecki sure seems to make the same mistakes a lot,
even though he promises to learn and educate himself.

Look, he's done good things! That's something else his fans will bring up. But good and bad is not a scale. You fan do a million and one amazing things for charity, for mental health, etc, and it won't mean +
you haven't caused harm!

Jared doesn't need to be canceled. He doesn't need to loose his fans. But he does need to stop making the same mistakes and apologize for the ones he keeps making. He needs to change, because obviously he hasn't.
And most importantly, his fans need to stop treating him like a baby and acknowledge he's a grown man who needs to act like one.

I hope this thread informed some people. That's all I have to say for now.

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