The public health system of Mexico and the children with cancer under president López Obrador
To begin with the public health system of Mexico was never perfect, it had some flaws. However if you were covered by IMSS, ISSSTE or even the Popular Insurance (Seguro Popular).
You had 100% of propability of having medical attention, even if you got cancer, AIDS or diabetes. Meaning that you were going to be an expensive patient for those medical institutions.
Why? These institutions are a huge public insurance and they work all around the country.
At IMSS and ISSSTE a monthly amount is discounted from you pay check to pay the insurance. If you are in need of something you go to your family doctor and he sends you to a specialist, a cardiologist, a neurosurgeon, etc.
Your meds and hospitalization are also covered.
All your family is also covered. Your sons are covered until 18 years old and if they continue with their university studies they are even covered until they were 25 years old.
When López government started and the Popular Insurance was dissapered by presidencial order.
López Obrador promised that México was going to have a "danish" health system. He lied, even worst than Trump.
Nowadays in México a children with cancer dies around every 4 hours during López administration, six children per day.
The reason is infamous the Mexican government is not buying chemotherapy and radiotherapy to threat them.
Under Lopez the government prefers to burn money in Pemex (the bankrupted oil state company), the Maya train (an ecocidal proyect) and an unviable airport.
"Officially" the narrative was that there was corruption in the licitation processes involving the bidding of medications. No single case of corruption has been proved so far.
We have around 1,600 children who have passed away, in less than three years of López government.
Something similar occurred in Venezuela and continues to happen.
The speed of demolition of Mexico is totally impressive and can only be compared with a country at war, like Syria or Afghanistan.
The lack of medications for children is not the only one. Diabetes and AIDS
patients are passing through the same lack of treatment and they are dying. The reason is the same the Mexican government is not buying the required prescriptions.
People are dying, here in Mexico because the government let them on their own.
As for the Covid19 vaccines were
used to get votes for López party. After the elections have passed the vaccination speed has decreased substantially.
Other vaccines are non existent because the government did not bought them. Newborns do not get their full scheduled vaccines and diseases like Rubella,
tuberculosis and measles are back when just three years ago they were just non existent among anyone in Mexico.
López Government has certainly been the most destructive since the Mexican Revolution. Both in human lifes and in the demolition of institutions and the economy.
@TwitterSafety all the information is public and has been covered by Mexican media previously.
Intereses no esclarecidos son los que usted tuvo para no dar mantenimiento a la línea 12, o los de @mario_delgado para comprar trenes más pesados y mucho más caros.
El New York Times, sólo muestra su total y absoluta estupidez y corrupción. 1/6
En este "gobierno" perdí el privilegio de hablar, ver y abrazar a mí padre. Las cosas materiales van y vienen, las personas no vuelven.
#MexicoNoEsMorena, nosotros honramos la memoria de los que se fueron. Porque somos testimonio vivo de su vida.
La muerte no es pesada en si. Lo insoportable e inolvidable es no poder dar el último adiós. Por motivos de sanidad muchos recibimos a nuestros seres queridos en doble bolsa de plástico negra.
El fundador de #Morenaranja fue encarcelado por los delitos de: abuso de autoridad, incumplimiento de su deber legal, tráfico de influencias y peculado por casi 500 millones de pesos de 1996. #NoSeasCompliceDeMorena #VotarPorMorenaEsTraicion
Cuando lo arrestaron (17/12/1996) el dólar estaba en 7.8723, hoy serían 67,5 millones de dólares de aquel entonces. Delgado lloró como Magdalena persecución política, #Morenaranja nacIó en 1999, como Convergencia. #NoSeasCompliceDeMorena #VotarPorMorenaEsTraicion