#AFG Taliban fighters blew up this ANDSF post in Guzra district, Herat province.
Over the last 24 hours the districts Ghoryan, Farsi, Zinda Jaaan, Kohsaan, Pakhtoon Zarghoon, Chasht , Oabay,Kashkay Kohnaaa, Parts of Shindad district fell to the Taliban - other parts contested and Gulraaan district under siege.
Fighting reported between ANDSF and Taliban.
“Herat Custom and border battalion closer to the Iranian border attacked by the Taliban. On going fighting with some buildings captured by the Taliban. Some soldiers and custom officials fled to Iran.”, Traders and local officials in Herat province tells me.
Fighting in Islam Qala - important center of trade between Afghanistan and Iran. Soldiers and government officials have fled to Iran.
Chaotic moments at the Afghan- Iranian border in Islam Qala. After Taliban attacks some soldiers and costume officials fleeing to Iran.
Taliban seize control of a border crossing between Herat province and Iran 🇮🇷 Iranian border guard watches chaotic site around him.
Herat city remains on a high state of security alert. ANDSF is alert after the fall of a border crossing and important trade point. Fighters loyal to the powerful former Mujahideen commander Ismail Khan also deployed to parts of Herat city.
Acting Director Herat customs Nisar Ahmad Nasiri says Taliban have taken control of Islam Qala customs on the border with Iran 🇮🇷 , Toar Ghoanday port on the border with Turkmenistan 🇹🇲 - trade is shut and customs offices closed. Loss for traders and Afghanistan is huge.
Fall of districts in Herat, including Shindad, at a rapid pace and the spill over effect of fighting in Badghis, Farah and Ghor have made Herat one of the most insecure provinces. Threat to Herat city is now palpable.
Ismail Khan former governor of Herat, former Mujahideen commander during Russian invasion also anti Taliban commander in 1990s and their one time prisoner announces a resistance against Taliban in Herat and Western region. Time will tell how effective he is!
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#AFG A child in Aryub Zazi district in Paktia province was tortured and beaten over a PUBGI game by members of Taliban’s vice and virtue. During the interrogations, the Taliban asked the child what his father did? Child replied, he was a former member of ANDSF, and got martyred.
At this moment , the Taliban beat the kid, ordering him to say, “ No, your father died as a dog.” Afterwards, the kid's uncles were summoned, one uncle urged Taliban to let go, and they will make sure he doesn’t play PUBG. Then, Taliban opened fire, killing his uncle, wounding
two uncles, and 4 other people, some in critical condition. Despite denials by Taliban officials, privately Taliban’s notorious intelligence GDI has banned local media from reporting the story, and promised the elders the perpetrators will be brought to justice.
The mastermind of Abbey Gate attack was Salahudin aka Rajab. Salahudin was trained by AQ In Waziristan and joined the HQN in 2009. He worked for several years under Tajmir Jawad, the GDI Deputy with links to AQ. Salahudin later became in-charge for Kabul Katiba of the ISKP
with direct link to the ISIS Core. There is no report that he was either targeted or killed by the Taliban. Instead, many reports suggest his close ties with the HQN and GDI. Salahudin also led and organized the attack on Muzamel, the Taliban’s governor for Balkh.
Tajmir Jawad flew from Kabul to Mazar-e-Sharif to provide Salahudin a safe exit to Faryab and then to Herat. To conclude, there is no single report about Salahudin’s death.
#AFG There are reports of an explosion inside Taliban’s governor office in Balkh in the city of Mazari sharif.
Explosion took place as powerful governor of Balkh for Taliban Muzamil was inside a meeting. A Taliban delegation was in Balkh for meetings. According to Taliban security sources, “a number of Taliban including governor among casualties.”
According to a Taliban security official “ Taliban governor for Balk Muzamil killed in the explosion inside governors office.”
Qari Fateh Bajauri is the in-charge of military and operational affairs for ISKP. Formerly, he led the Fatah (Victory) Katiba for ISKP during Sayeed Orakzai. Later, Aslam Farooqi appointed him as in-charge of the ISKP intelligence. He recently established multiple training
centers for the ISKP fighters in tribal areas. His movement to Kabul was not reported, but if he went to Kabul then it was a trap by SAM ( shahab al-Mahajer) because QFB ( Qari Fateh Bajauri) was supporting Aslam Farooqi against SAM.
The recent activities of the Taliban against ISKP have been operationally supported by the QF ( Quds force ) The QF signed an MOU with the Taliban in Kandahar almost a month ago.
#AFG Brutal attack against one of Afghanistan’s most oppressed communities. Dashte Barche in West Kabul have been constantly the target of deadly ISKP attacks. Hazaras and Shias murdered inside their classrooms. #NOTJUSTNUMBERSLIVES
A doctor in Watan hospital confirms, a number of dead bodies inside the hospital.
Kaaj higher educational center is located less than 200 meters from Police station 13.
#AFG “The Taliban have started house to house search in Kandahar city and Spinboldak targeting people who worked with the ANDSF and former government. During search, they are asking women to leave these houses in the absence of female police and check all sorts of personal
belongings. If they find IDs or find military shoes, they beat and imprison them. People are scared and cannot object. Yesterday, they killed two persons while searching the house of a former ANDSF commander.” Residents in Kandahar city and Spin Boldak tells me.
“Taliban opened fire inside our home killing wife of General Mahmood Alizai, former brigade commander in Zheray. Shooting took place in Sanzaray village at 12PM, two nephews Mirwais and Younas were killed. General Mahmood’s SIX year old daughter and his NINE year old son wounded.