Remember the IT experts that worked for @DWStweets Wasserman-Shultz? Did you know this? Pelosi and Congress paid them $850,000 back in Nov. I missed it.…
Wasserman-Shultz brother hid Seth Rich's laptop. Small world with all of these evil people. Rosenstein and his sister at the CDC too.
Remember the DNC emails being hacked by RUSSIA. Never happened. Why would former FBI and CEO, Shawn Henry of Crowdstrike say one thing publicly but under oath say differently.…
GEORGIA: Did you know @GaSecofState was sued for electronic voting problems all the way back in 2019? Would you believe that Raffensperger, @JordyFuchs and @GabrielSterling ignored the courts and plaintiffs warnings prior to Nov 3, 2020?
Care to comment on this Gabe?
Not only did they know about the vulnerabilities of the electronic machines, but went ahead and did a $100 million deal with them. What would be their motivation to purchase unsecure voting machines? Why did Sterling leave govt job to take $200k election supervisor contract?
And why does Raffensperger have 3 different businesses all sharing the same office suite in Albany, GA? 145k ballots will be forensically audited, ordered by a judge, but there seems to be a lot more to this story. The machines could be accessed by the internet, they knew it.
Italy is a key to a lot. The China Virus was spread to the world through Italy. The Russian Collusion hoax was propelled through Joseph Mifsud from Italy. Leonardo SpA is partially owned (33%) by Italy.
It's always Italy, why is that?
From the Presidential election in '16 to the election in 2020 there is one common thread, Italy. Who was the last person Obama had to White House for dinner?
(1)To Vietnam Vets: I have many friends on Twitter that fought in Vietnam. I have thought how to put this in words for a while. I believe July 4th is a good day to try. Younger Americans don't know, and some of us older ones have forgotten the turbulence 50 years ago in the USA.
(2) Remember Kent State? Racial strife? I was just a little kid growing up in Nashville, TN in '70. I remember sitting in my dads lap and watching reports of Vietnam with Walter Cronkite on the nightly news. It made a huge impression on me. I got a little Army uniform from Santa
My buddy Neil lived through the neighbors yard and past the woods on the other side of the creek. I proudly put on my US uniform and made the trek multiple times a week. We played Vietnam War for hours in the woods and in the creek. Sometimes with our GI Joe's.
Did you know the Biden admin wants to add 80,000 employees to the IRS?
Did you know Biden wants all bank transactions over $600 reported to the IRS by your bank?
It is your Government. Do you want bigger government. After all, they are so efficient. California's unemployment fraud, at $31 Billion, is staggering.…